We should all be past caring what others think. Brave people such as yourself are walking their own paths, using different tactics to combat this soul crushing destruction of our children and our society.

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Yep. High time to champion the Individual again. Collectivism murders every single soul living or not.

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…is this really purely collectivism? I ask because to me, the trans crap is the natural end product of extreme individualism, which the left has been championing like crazy. I mean, the solipsism seems pretty plain behind the argument that a person’s subjective feelings are what’s important, much more important that the health of our society.

I could be wrong, but I don’t think I am. Where are you seeing collectivism being the dominant problem? Is it the bullying?

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Collectivism is in the identity( divide and conquer) politics I believe . I don’t think this tranny agenda is about individualism at all. It’s about group/class victimization which is a key component in fostering collectivism. If every special victimized class has a complaint then the solution for “ fairness and rights” is equality for all via state dependency and deference to authority for everyone.

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Okay, I think I get that. I’ll think more on this, thanks.

Whatever it is, it manages to combine all the worst elements of what it’s pulling from. The individualism is how they *sell* it to the left, but there’s certainly no respect for anyone who doesn’t agree to their totalitarian beliefs.

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Absolutely. No one wins here.

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You should write a handbook on how to set the opposition straight(no pun intended😉)

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Apr 4, 2023·edited Apr 4, 2023

I have always appreciated an individual who has achieved immunity to all the modern day crate-training phenomena… & your profound confidence & courage in this dog eat dog world. The “don’t judge “ doctrine is also slowly crumbling because discernment in the face of insanity is absolutely essential. I see more & more of a similar attitude emerging here in Calif as well.

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Tone policing sucks!

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Caring about what abusers think is what got us into this mess.

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Oh, fuck it! My considered comment disappeared into the ether. Here we go anyway - I refuse to be tone-trolled by the kinds of people who claim that we should always always be 100% nicey-nice and above board when dealing with the most bad faith, sociopathic, crybully "movement" of criminal miscreants to ever descend upon the West. No. No more - and neither should you!

PS I assume that you refer to the kind of "Vichy" feminists who go around using terms such as "empowering" and absolutely delight in piling on bitterly about women and children's rights activists who are actually doing something effective and world's more courageous than they could ever hope to be, but I'm open to being horrified by still more of them. Sadly.

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Criticize away. Shitty people are shitty. Your enemies are my enemies.

Point taken. I know you’re angry, and I am too. Angry and terrified. I appreciate your outrage. It’s a normal response to a highly abnormal situation and it helps keep me from feeling like I’m losing my fucking mind, lol.

I guess if we want to really fight this and win, we need to abandon all our superfluous labels and just react like normal, conscientious, socially mature human beings. The labels are pretty lazy, anyway. We’re not cartoon characters and this isn’t a video game; using a hero’s label doesn’t make you a hero.

Excellent job pointing out the narcissistic reversals, btw. That’s something that is so important to recognize.

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