

OK, I went to see the 72 VW bug. Now I have tonight to worry and cogitate over whether to buy it. Weigh in if you like.

-97,500 miles. Engine has been rebuilt he says.

-I've gone over it visually. No major rust on undercarriage. Paint is good, small chips along joint seams, some wear that you'd expect.

-Drove it, engine sounds good and puts out the power you'd expect from this car.

-Clutch feels brand new

-Biggest problem--there's so much play in the shifter it's absurd. Going from 1st to 2nd I ended up grinding on reverse. Hard to find gears.

-I *think* the shifter just needs bushings put in, but cannot confirm until I get an inspection.

-Horn doesn't work, and the steering wheel needs to go. It's a teeny tiny sport steering wheel, not stock, and with non power steering it's a bitch.

The seller bought it for his wife, but she doesn't like it because it's not pristine. He tried to sell it last year for $7,000, got no bites. Now the price is $4,500.

Seller is willing to get a Uhaul trailer with me and tow it behind his Ram to our local classic VW place for me to have it inspected.

I don't know yet what I"m going to do.

UPDATE TO UPDATE: I told the seller I want to tow it in for an inspection. If it passes and needs work less than $1,000, I will buy it.

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Jun 13Liked by Josh Slocum

My first car was a 1972 yellow beetle that I drove in 1998. I miss the car. It was exactly the right car to be called my own and I still think fondly of how it fogged up during the rain and how there was no radio and I made all passengers sing instead. So much fun.

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Jun 13·edited Jun 13Liked by Josh Slocum

I drove a '68 VW Beetle every day on a 150-mile delivery route job I had in 1971. Fun car. Easy to spin out on wet pavement because of the engine weight in the back. There was one secluded corner where I used to do it on purpose every day just for the thrill.

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My husband's and my first car was a 1955 oval window, and we paid exactly that listing price, coincidentally. Aesthetically, we loved it, but it was less than desirable comfortwise, spacewise, and reliabilitywise. It didn't have A/C or heating, and there was a hole in the console where air whooshed through. On the upside, my husband could work on it himself. In the end, we decided it was more romantic than practical and decided to get a more pragmatic vehicle the next time :-)

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100,000 miles is a lot, and 4500 seems a bit high, though I understand it’s rebuilt -- and cars were made to last in those days still, as you know..

My only wheels were a ‘56 Buick Special, Prussian blue, $1800 in 1982, had it for six years in Santa Cruz and San Fran -- like driving a boat, no seat belts, the sun visor flipped down to display a mirror on which were inscribed the words “Buick is a beauty too”

Maybe I can find a pic..

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Any car I consider I'll take to the VW classic repair guy and have him do a full go through and valuation.

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Oh, that 56 Buick. Pictures, yes, please. Can you paste those into SS comments?

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Wow!! ❤️ good luck 🍀 I just did a quick search and the cheapest one I found was $7500 convertible.

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Jun 13Liked by Josh Slocum

My first car was a 67 Beetle, loved it and of course I wish I’d never sold it.💔

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We bought one of the new beetles when they first came out in the mid 1990s. For the first few months we had all kinds of people come up to us and regale us with stories of what they did in the old one back in the day - some of which, like the drug fueled orgy, was definitely in the TMI space. It was amazing how people were so emotionally tied up with those old cars

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Jun 13·edited Jun 13Liked by Josh Slocum

My first car was a 1974 Ford Pinto of the yes, it might explode if rear-ended, variety; but man, I would have given my right arm for a Datsun 240z. I admit, Herbie, the Lovebug, tweaked my interest in the VW, but it was a 240z that captured my desire.

My brother had a Torino GT that he did some amazing work on. He doted on that car. And when he wrecked it after having a few beers, stupidly leaning over to grope on the floorboard for an 8 track tape and running into a parked car, my dad had it sit in our driveway on blocks in all its front-end mashed glory for about 3 months. My brother about cried every time he left the house.

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We all need a Dad like that!

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Not with any tone of encouragement, keep pursuing that bug. The mileage and the electronic ignition are good starts (esp to avoid the stepdad distributor nightmares of your past). If everything else looks reasonably straight (NE car can = rust) it’s a good investment. If you were closer to Colorado I’d go in on it with you…we would get it up on the lift and have some fun wrenching together. :(

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Thank you for getting the ol’ memory juices flowing, Josh. I had a fire engine red ‘65 Beetle that I loved dearly and then a ‘67 VW camper van that I bought for $500 after I totaled the Beetle in a firey freeway wreck (nobody seriously hurt but 100% my fault). Sold the van for $500 when I went in the Navy (1975) and miss both cars to this day.

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Don’t forget the Ghia, Gremlin, and Pinto too!

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My first car, purchased by me was a pale yellow 1971 Semi-Automatic Bug. Dearly loved. She sadly departed one day 7 years later as I was leaving a parking lot and rammed a much larger car. No one was hurt except my little Sadie. Do we all name our Bugs?

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Was this the kind that had a stick to shift, but didn't require a clutch? Were those transmissions reliable or buggy?

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Jun 13·edited Jun 13Liked by Josh Slocum

Yes. The Autostick, vacuum operated automatic clutch system. I never had any transmission problems or major repairs of any kind. Reliable and adored🥰🚗

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My first car was a VW wannabe, a 1964 Corvair. The first of many.

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You are probably not interested but there is a you tube channel "Syman Says Farm" (goat farmer) that bought a bug and named it Winston. Can't decide whether to restore or sell for parts. Convertible.

On another note we had a Dodge Dart growing up too. I think we all must have sat in the passenger seat and pretended to drive LOL

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