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May 21, 2023Liked by Josh Slocum

Dying 🤣

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Like me on that plane!

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May 21, 2023Liked by Josh Slocum

I saw this in my mind’s eye as an animated cartoon. Thank you for the Sunday morning chuckle 😊

If you like plane crash shows as much as I do, I recommend the YouTube channels TheFlightChannel and Mentour Pilot. The former is just text overlaid on a Flight Simulator-style reenactment, but it often features the actual cockpit voice recorder! The latter is much more slickly produced, and it’s intended to be instructional rather than entertainment, but it really dives into the sequence of events that causes crashes.

By the way, when I saw the title “The Last Show,” I had a sinking feeling in my stomach. I’m glad it’s just a fun diversion!

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I'm already all over those channels, oh yes:)

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I was like "NOOOOOOoooo! --oh wait, just kidding Whew!"

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I went through a phase where I watched both of those shows religiously. Mentour Pilot is especially good at explaining the details behind the crash, why it happened, what steps were taken, etc. Really interesting stuff!

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😂🤣🤣🤣🤣 National Lampoon will be calling...a 🌟is born😃

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Have you read the book “The Last Passenger”?

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No. What's it about? One of those lone survivors?

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May 21, 2023Liked by Josh Slocum

United Airlines Flight 232, a DC-10 that lost all hydraulic systems and couldn’t steer, finally crashing at the Sioux City airport. Written by the last standby passenger to get a seat, and one of the survivors. The videos even today are heartbreaking.

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UA232 was a heartbreaking case, and a DC-10 no less. Good reference 👌

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May 21, 2023Liked by Josh Slocum

If you want another great book, but with a happy ending, there’s Freefall by William Hoffer, about the Gimli Glider, a 767 that ran out of gas at 39,000 ft over the middle of Canada due to a pounds/kilograms conversion error and a faulty fuel gauge, and how the pilots found an airfield that they could just glide to, but when they got in sight of the field found that the runway was in use as a race track/fair.

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Were the two veal cutlets served with aluminum foil covers? Real silverware? BTW - which airline was this TWA (they had a fleet of L-1011's)?

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Roger that!

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DC-10. I hate to be so crass but that dates you 😁

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How about this idea for a story pitch? I stowed away on Amelia Earhart's Last Flight.

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If you want to learn about a truly horrifying plane crash, look up Nigerian Airways Flight 2120. All plane crashes are the stuff of nightmares, but this one is especially horrific.

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Another absolutely amazing aviation incident (this one was a failed hijacking, not a crash), was FedEx cargo flight 705, which happened in 1994. I highly recommend looking it up on FlightChannel. Two pilots and a first officer fought off a hammer, knife and spear-gun wielding (black) crew member who tried to take the plane down to cash in on insurance money for his family. It's just an unbelievable story of courage, fortitude, and airmanship (no one has ever turned a DC-10 upside down and pitched it into a deep dive like this guy does, much less with a skull fracture). Everybody lived although the three airmen sustained massive injuries that ended their flight careers. And, over 25 years later, this plane still flies today for FedEx!

The attacker, Calloway, had so much going for him. He was a graduate of Stanford University, married with a kid, a former Navy pilot, and a martial-arts expert. But clearly stopped making good choices. The douche had the audacity to write President Obama in 2017 to try and get clemency for "veterans who have suffered under the criminal justice system". Mind you, the guy tried to bash in the heads of 3 airmen with hammers in an attempt to take down a FedEx cargo plane so he could cash in on FedEx' 2.5 million dollar insurance policy for his family. You can find it all online. He also has a website and it's as DARVO as you can imagine.

But what a story. If you haven't read about it, I highly recommend you do.

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May 22, 2023Liked by Josh Slocum

This is hilarious and is totally not a metaphor on social media responding to societal and political realignment. Anyway, any passenger willing to board a DC-10 deserves whatever comes next.

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