You may remember this joke from the ‘80s --

How many feminists does it take to screw in a lightbulb? A: That’s not funny

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My take on "retard" is this: there are some people who are unfortunate to have a mental disability of some sort and those people should be loved, respected and cared for.

And some people are retards.

A retard is someone who can't be bothered with the basics of thinking or logic. It indicates complete mental laziness. They could put in some effort and get themselves to an average level of intelligence, we won't ask for more than that. But they just don't want to, and instead everyone around them is expected to carry them through life or take up the slack or put up with utterly stupid statements.

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Never heard of her...yes.. that was funny!!

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Are you...?! Are you calling a spade a spade??

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That video was so funny! I loved it.

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That was hilarious! He starts to actually get his own name wrong!!! 🤣🤣🤣

Thanks for the belly laughs!

Hope you get better quick Josh!

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"So how is it when everybody hates you" 🤣🤣🤣

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"Retarded" when I was growing up was connected to a poor soul that was born with well below average intelligence. Yet the "retards of yesterday" are far, far smarter than the "retards" of today.

How? The "retards" of today live in a world of hysteria, Cluster B, theater, and genuine stupidity.

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BAHAHAHAHA! Hairy Regman! 🤣🤣🤣

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It felt good to laugh, you get funnier when you are sick!

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I didn't care for it, but that's because it drives me crazy when people go back-and-forth because they don't understand each other, so dialog gets repeated and stuff.

But I'm not offended by it. Y'all enjoy the hell out of it.

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I remember an expression that was quite popular in the late '60s and '70s: "Fuck 'em if they can't take a joke."

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Thanks for introducing me to Ushi (Wendy van Dijk). I can't wait to find more of her work.

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It's fucking stupid funny. You're going to love it.

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I have never seen that video clip... hilarious!

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I can see that four days of fever have cleared and reset your mind! 👍🏼

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I guess we're gonna have to slowly work the young 'uns up to Blazing Saddles Movie Night...

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