Right. This is day four of the flu, and right now is the first time I’ve sat up out of bed for four days. I’m going to spend the rest of the week sorting out what actually happened in the real world versus what I hallucinated during several days of fever. It’s looking promising, though-seems like we’ve had a LOT of WINNING, eh?
We might expect a sort of “return of humor” in culture, soon. Totalitarian politics and culture hates humor except to the degree that it can use it as a weapon to prove how Essentially Innately Wicked You Are. Years of woke have convinced us that laughing at hysterical things makes us Racist, Misogynist, Ableist, Saneist and Every Other Ist.
Laugh at slapstick? You hate people and like to see them slip and get hurt. Laugh at stupidity in public? You hate People With Intellectual Challenges. Laugh at a particularly funny bit of racial inversion, like black face? You’re Teh Klan And You Want All Black People Dead.
Fuck that shit. It’s retarded. And I mean mongoloid moron retarded. And I should know, considering I have genuine factory-certified ‘tards in my family. Somehow they’ve managed to be loved and cared for by the family even though we’re so wicked as to snigger (yes, that is the correct spelling. No, “snicker” is not correct-you think it is because people are afraid of the word ‘nigger’ appearing anywhere) at ‘tard jokes.
‘Do You Think That’s Funny?’
The question is always delivered as a statement, a pronouncement. It’s not a question, it’s a threat.
I don’t respond to threats, but I do respond to questions.
Yes, I think it’s funny. Yes, I think white gay men affecting ghetto black lady voices is funny. Yes, I think Dave Chappelle putting on white face and becoming a white news anchor is funny. Yes, I bust a gut any time I see a Japanese or Korean comic talking like a white American and gittin’ ‘er done.
I think it’s fucking hilarious and that few things can ever be as funny as that.
I give you one of the funniest things I have ever seen in my life. I think this is so fucking funny that it’s worth almost puking from scream-laughter, which is the reaction I had when I first saw this. It’s some Dutch show with a female presenter who costumes herself as a Japanese correspondent and interviews American actor (I Dream of Jeannie, Dallas) Larry Hagman, punking him.
I give you: The Hairy Leg Man.
*If you don’t like it you can go fuck yourself.
-Love-n-light, Josh
You may remember this joke from the ‘80s --
How many feminists does it take to screw in a lightbulb? A: That’s not funny
I remember an expression that was quite popular in the late '60s and '70s: "Fuck 'em if they can't take a joke."