As always, you stand as a role model in courageous truth-telling, and give the rest of us a visceral understanding that it's possible to do so. Thank you.

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WOW! Agree with you both philosophically and rationally , and glad that you willing to take the inevitable abuse of directly confronting this individuals who passively enable this mistreatment out of either confusion or as you point out misplaced “kindness and respect”.

But two questions -

1) what is your position one the issue with regard to adults ages 25 and above with full mental capacity who want to label ( and perhaps medically treat) themselves as

trans -e.g those we used to call transvestites or cross dressers, and

2) do you believe any of this trans hysteria as I label it could be avoided if as used to happen we actually allowed more degrees of freedom in children’s activity and self perceptions - e.h telling boys who want to play with dolls or bake and cook and girls who act like tomboys ( not sure if that is now a verboten term) that it is ok. I hate file stereotyping in general, and it certainly has become much less common in the professional world and workplace. Two obvious examples- few people are now surprised by a female CEO or a male nurse. So no reason for children to feel that their goals may mean that they are misgendered.

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I'm not a parent but an educator of almost 30 years. Might the children need *less* freedom and more structure, which may prevent anxiety and decrease time on Reddit, or whatever? The mothers Josh reports about actually seem to encourage, rather than discourage, typically cross-sex activities and appearance. I also suspect that there always will be more female nurses and fewer female CEOs. Not all things are cultural constructs.

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Children need actual freedom. They need to be shoved out the door, without a phone, and told to come home at dinner time.

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True. But they also need clear structure and expectations of behaviour. Teenagers particularly find boundaries to push. If the boundaries are too wide apart they do truly dangerous and stupid things.

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But they are less likely to take stupid chances if they were free to roam earlier in their lives.

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Children these days due seem to get plenty of structure. What they don’t get, is unstructured time they are responsible for filling. yes, they are going to screw up. That’s part of growing up. The mistakes they are likely to make at age 11 aren’t nearly as hard to fix as the mistakes they would make at age 18, or 21, or 24. Let alone 35.

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Sure, grandpa, sounds like a plan. If a child wants to get home before sundown to read a book and do chores, is she free to do that? Or would you say a little ass whooping never hurts nobody and builds character?

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This is a response to Bob, not to you. Carry on.

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That’s exactly correct!

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What do you do if a friend (an adult) tells you they are transgender and transitioning? Is it best to bring up your concerns about the health risks etc to them? Do you go along with it or cut off the friendship? Is it better in the long run to refuse to call them by the new name/gender?

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I think you have to treat them like they’ve joined a cult.

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Special thanks to Lois, who joined as a paid subscriber today and left a kind note.

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Thank you for providing a voice of sanity!

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I started a bit of a tiff yesterday on the fb page of a favorite band who are going to hold a benefit for Seattle Children's Hospital. Problem is, that hospital has a 'gender clinic'. At a children's hospital. So I posted that I had a problem with the benefit on those grounds, along with 'stop transing away the gay'. This is a band that in the 90's stood up for gay rights. But like many, they didn't notice(as far as I can tell) that their old sphere became 'woke'. They are not the rebels they once were. Even if I love the music, I will speak up when I see a problem. As one could easily foresee, someone had a problem with my comment. The parent of a patient of said hospital, who at 16 yrs. old went for 'affirmation', at 19 'went on puberty blockers'(??), and is now 21 on cross-sex hormones. I went to this person's profile, and there is a pic which I take to be(I could be mistaken) the mom and their kid- they are dressed in matching glamor-goth. If their commentary didn't give them away- I'd say this is a BPD/narc 'transhausen by proxy' mom. While I didn't plan on making a ruckus on a fan page- if they post a public benefit for something, there might be commentary on the cause. I won't say nothing as if I've lost my way. If a deceased member of the band was still alive, they would have likely had some realizations, too; they had found out what narcissism was.~

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What is the name of the band?

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'Nudedragons', which is an anagram Soundgarden used on special occasions. Without Chris, it's not quite Soundgarden, of course. He was murdered, in my observation, btw- 'depression' is not despair, nor do I follow the media-pushed idea that 'you can never expect suicide'. Right, like you can't spot a Cluster B... I think Chris had realized he'd been played by a malignant narcissist(vicky), and was about to divorce. Too many sus things about how he died. It's not like I wouldn't accept a clear suicide, but this death- His death- was clearly suspect. And his isn't the only one. Just check out some vids of vicky- she's wicked, and Chris was one of the 'sensitives' who are favorite prey. He deserves justice. Back to the point, if Soundgarden was still grounded in their roots, they would have been like they were in the 90's, speaking up. Like many musicians, they have strayed. (this may apply less to Ben, I have an idea he knows something was wrong)

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Thank you. I also heard that Cornell and Chester Bennington were participating in a documentary about stopping child sex trafficking as a potential reason for their respective deaths. Sad either way.

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I don't know enough to comment on that part, but from observation and personal experience, I'd say Chris got entangled with a malignant narc, figured it out after a few years- after giving up way too much personal power- and was about to divorce. But I do think vicky is mixed up in some sketchy, shady dealings. Epstein-level. And that goes higher, too. I think because Chris was trying to get to where he could say things- that was a threat. Plus, just who he is- Chris is very dear.

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Oh poor Chris. He had an iconic unmistakable voice.

I don't know anything about his personal life but that sounds awful.

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I think there are 'transgender children' in the sense that there are children who have been socially, medically or surgically transitioned in gender by adults. That is a category in itself. The error would be to assume that there must be a material or spiritual underlying characteristic of the members of that category. Just as having a kanji tattoo doesn't mean you have a Japanese soul.

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Let's call them kids who have been medically transitioned: "transitioners" in polite language, "victims of medical malpractice" if we're being truthful.

Using their language validates it. There isn't some transgendered soul or essence that these kids possess -- their bodies have been altered to validate a delusion, something they could not consent to.

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Thanks for the reply. The gendered soul is of course outside the scope of modern, secular medicine, and is heretical in Christianity in any case. People who claim gendered souls exist should be asked to explain their theology. Please see the review of The Well of Loneliness on my Substack for a discussion of Radclyffe Hall's religious belief.

There's a theoretical possibility that some children have been affected in the womb by endocrine disruptors, but no clear evidence that I have seen as yet, because no-one's testing for it. Should that be true, gender transitioned children are victims twice over - harmed by pollution, then harmed by quacks.

The transition industry doesn't want empirical evidence that would limit its market to children who have a demonstrable physical difference, and feminists refuse to believe that there could be any such difference because their analysis of transgender people is based on power relations.

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In general, same sex should be examined through a larger lens as well. Trans happens to be the penultimate.

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Disagree respectfully. Trans has nothing to do with homosexuality. Same sex attraction is a private expression of love between two adults that hurts no one else. Whether you come to that attraction by way of being born that way, or trauma (gay friends t shirt from 80s - “my mother made me a gay! Response - “if I give her the wool will she make one too!”) or simply deciding that is who you want to be just as deciding that you will be celibate is a choice. It affects none else and hurts no one else. Heterosexual “lifestyle” choices like wife swapping/swinging or BDSM have more possibility of hurt or harm than homosexuality, imho. Can we please be done and dusted with Gays. It’s part of life just accept it and move on.

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As usual Josh you tell it like it is. There's no such thing as "trans." It's about as real as a Vulcan.

I've thought a lot about adults and this subject. Number one, if we allow adults to undergo what are pretty obvious Dr Frankenstein procedures minimum age should be 21. We of course do that for alcohol consumption.

Furthermore, reasonable people would agree anyone (adults we're talking about) that believes themselves to be the opposite sex is in a state of a mental crisis. We as a society protect the vulnerable, including those in mental health crisis. When I hear so many de-transitioners speak, particularly of the horrors of the outcomes of these Frankenstein like surgeries we are not protecting the vulnerable, we're exploiting them. So it's not a my body/my choice argument.

Those that claim to have become "happier" I suspect are fooling themselves or can't bear the idea that they made a horrible mistake. And of course the blowback if they "de-transition." Time to stop this insanity.

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An honest and objective psychiatric evaluation should happen before surgery even for adults. The coordinates of age move around: 21year-olds might as well be 11 (kinda like 35 is far too young to be President today). I'd move the age up to 30.

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You tell that "brood of vipers" what-for, Josh!

This is a timely post, given how Catholics focus on St. John the Baptist during this part of Advent. This post has St. John the Baptist "I call em how I see em" energy.

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My thoughts exactly.

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Dec 5Edited

If someone thought they were the Easter Bunny, nobody would go along with it. Why? Because it's crazy.

Someone believing that they are something they are obviously not is the result of a dissociative disorder. They don't need affirmation -- because that's validating/confirming their disconnection from reality. Confirming that their mental illness is "normal," and everyone else should just "deal with it."

I mentioned something about this earlier today. The real question that people should be asking is, "How is there a state supported medical racket based on the idea of supporting mental illness -- and profiting from it?"

California and Washington have legislation allowing children to be taken from their parents for NOT allowing those kids to get sex changes.

Somebody lobbied for that legislation. Legislation doesn't write itself, so who was behind it -- and why?

We know that even in California and Washington -- nobody ran for office on the issue of taking children from parents to get sex chances. They would never be elected anywhere.

All of this is being implemented. It's in no way organic. Kids didn't start becoming "gender confused" or whatever it's called, over night. This has come to a point only in recent history.

These are some questions that need to be answered.

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The definitions of words matter!

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I'm not playing along with anyone's delusional game by calling a girl "he" or a boy "she". The psychological, pharmaceutical, and surgical butchering of children in the name of this lunacy must stop.

I don't care if saying that makes some people not like me.

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“The simple step of a courageous individual is not to take part in the lie. One word of truth outweighs the world.”

― Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn

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Amen nice quote !!!

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Matt Walsh's remarks outside SCOTUS were perfect in my opinion.

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Children not put on puberty blockers outgrow so-called gender dysphoria in as much as 90% of cases. Supposedly, they are more often gay, but most are not. My own little sister, at the age of five, was insistent that she *was* a boy. My grandmother sat her down and told her that she was not, and never could be, a boy. Grandmother also told her it was ok to be a girl. (My mother and grandmother also told me that having my first period was a happy milestone, for which I am grateful). My sister cried bitterly but became a tomboy and grew up into a beautiful young woman, happily married, with children and grandchildren. Btw, my grandmother was an early suffragette and was proud of being the first woman in Hardeman County, TN, to vote - and have an electric stove.

Children put on puberty blockers, nearly 100% of the time, do not grow out of their dysphoria. The only explanation for the lie that puberty blockers merely allow the child to "think about it" is that somebody wants more trans kids.

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