
I love this Josh! You just get better and better!

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To add---thank you also to the feminists who keep watching the show, even though they disagree strongly with me on some things and say so. I appreciate you, too.

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Bravo Josh! You are brave and unapologetic about expressing your thoughts and your feelings. Keep on keepin' on!

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Josh, the message is too important. Keep speaking out!! Children are being irreversibly harmed, the society has twisted all manner and means of ‘care’ into a dystopian abusive cult nightmare of lies, manipulation, and real harm. It’s pure unadulterated insanity. Keep up the excellent work calling out all of this!!

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I would rather watch your flamboyant gay any day over the screaming in your face self righteous bastions of “truth”

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Flamboyant? You? I'm friends with a gay fellow named Kenny who wears nothing but a leather vest over his hairy chest and arms when he goes out.

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Yeah, I’m not really seeing the flamboyance either. Heaven forbid a male human be expressive, rather than stony and grim. Was this guy literally Clint Eastwood?

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A lot of men seem to think the only allowable emotional expression for a male is stoicism or anger.

Time was, and not that long ago, when even straight men were allowed to emote and have romantic feelings. Even write love poetry to a woman with some tenderness.

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I’ve often wondered about that. What happened in our history (or whoever’s history) that resulted in men losing their plumage and passion? Countries that speak Romance languages seem to be a bit better, like I’m thinking of the unapologetic, masculine eroticism of Spanish dancers and matadors. That seems pretty rare, though. When the heck did men lose their options? I might have to actually research that, lol

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I have no idea. I read/listen to a lot of 19th century and early 20th century fiction. Mostly ghost stories, Victoriana, gothic stuff.

Men used to be unashamed romantics. Now, because Rousseau, they went too far.

But now they're just stone. I don't know why.

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My husband became stoic as a child. He lived in Michigan and was bullied relentlessly for being Korean. He's still stoic in some ways, but he's no longer fears being seen as a "lesser man". He knows he's not, so he doesn't care.

For instance, he has a lesbian coworker who invited us of all to a drag brunch for her birthday. He was the only man who showed up. We had a great time and the food was delish. Steph (coworker) was really happy we showed up. All the other men had "sudden plans".

For the record, this drag club and show is strictly 18 and up. And is WAS drag, not stripping disguised as drag.

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Puritanism might explain Americans. Possibly Protestantism? Rejecting the opulence and corruption of Catholicism? You can see some of that reflected in their clothing, I think. Fundamentalist movements tend to result in plain clothing and a minimalist aesthetic, seemingly without conscious intention. One thing that may have contributed was the loss of monarchies. Traditionally the monarch(s) and royal/elite classes set the standards for clothing, with subjects emulating to the best of their ability. Now what do we have? A bunch of suits. Suits and ties. Boring, boring, boring.

Maybe things will swing back towards a more free expression of masculinity. I hope so. You guys deserve to be pretty and silly and slinky if you wanna be. Only if you wanna be, of course.

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God, I fucking love this post! Great way of looking at things!

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Also--if you have a strong and definite personality and manner, you have to accept that you will be irritating to some people. I'm an acquired taste, as someone once said, and not everyone acquires it.

I actually know that I can be very annoying. It doesn't wound my ego to have to acknowledge that some people find me really grating. That's not an actual "wound" to me, it's not a harm, and they're not doing anything wrong. People like what they like.

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Well, I like you, whether you like me or not, lol. You can probably be annoying when you really set your mind to it but you’re apparently the right flavor of annoying for me, so I don’t notice.

At the risk of annoying *you* further, when I asked about “which feminists” were acting out, I really wanted to know. I was frankly shocked by the videos you’ve posted, of the so called feminists showing up to help create laws to punish you and other gay people who don’t believe in gender woo. You weren’t kidding. They are everything you sad they were. I had basically just forgotten people like them exist.

So, I asked, because I am 100% on board with telling these women, and their “pet trans” head cases to stand down. I don’t know whether it’ll ever happen, but I would be willing to be a female presence beside you and whoever else, right there in your courthouse or wherever, speaking truth. Maybe that would help, I dunno, but I’d sure feel better. I had asked previously if there was a way I could help out like that. Again, no pressure. You don’t know me at all so please don’t feel obligated.

I wasn’t sure if I’d get a chance to apologize for my blunt and possibly graceless comments the other day, that obviously didn’t get my point across. Sorry about that. It’s hardly the first time it’s happened.

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Also, I thought you might like this quote, if you haven’t seen it yet. I swiped it from an article from the LGB Distance Substack. They were referring to “trans,” of course:

“Pathetic and very terrible is the long history of cruelty and torture, of degradation and human sacrifice, endured in the hope of placating the jealous gods: surely, the trembling believer thinks, when what is most precious has been freely given, their lust for blood must be appeased, and more will not be required. The religion of Moloch—as such creeds may be generically called—is in essence the cringing submission of the slave, who dare not, even in his heart, allow the thought that his master deserves no adulation. Since the independence of ideals is not yet acknowledged, Power may be freely worshipped, and receive an unlimited respect, despite its wanton infliction of pain.”

- Bertrand Russell, “The Free Man’s Worship,” 1903

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Hi Justine,

Thank you for the further explanation of where you're coming from---it helps. Looks like there's a distance between what I see everyday, and what other people are (and are not) seeing or aware of. That's normal of course.

It's just that I've been seeing this for years, been told it's not real for years, and now I've decided I'm not even going to try to have conversations like that. I've gotten blunt and graceless myself because of it.

I see that you're coming from a genuine place, though, and I appreciate what you said. Thanks for being a reader and supporter, Justine:)

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I get that. I don’t blame you for not trusting easily; people are acting crazy. I’m sorry idiotic people have put you through that. I’ve felt like I’m losing my mind for the past six years or so, when I started to research the trans phenomenon and “queer theory.” Finding other people who can see how wrong all of this is has been the thing that keeps me tenacious and focused. Thank you for providing that.

I’m seeing what you’re seeing. It’s absolutely real, and you’re correct about all of it, as far as I can see. The left has lost the plot, and obviously they can no longer keep charlatans, sadists and otherwise personality disordered people out of positions of power within the party. They’ve become the opposite of everything real liberalism is supposed to be (feminism too, apparently. How stupid). They need to be stopped before we wind up with literal thought police.

It’s very good to know you, Josh. I’m very glad to be fighting alongside you.

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You’ve absolutely got a point. Everyone needs to stop being so hyper reactive. No one is sacred.

Back in the day, everyone expected to be knocked and mocked. No one would have ever thought they could parade around in the public eye--as Dylan Mulvaney does, or the fat girl on the cover of Sports Illustrated that Jordan Peterson dared to deem “not beautiful” did--without being ridiculed to high heaven and scathingly criticised.

We were all a lot more resilient then, we know how to give as good as we got, we didn’t make videos of ourselves crying in the toilet because someone said something we didn’t like, and we knew how to accept others’ differing opinions with a laugh and a shrug. And people were a hell of a lot less neurotic (and more fun!) as a result. Jonathon Haidt and Greg Lukianoff’s book The Coddling of the American Mind has a lot to say on this subject.

Having said that, I think we should all be offended by your long time viewer’s appalling spelling!

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I absolutely hate feminism with every fibre of my being. As an xennial, I was brainwashed by it at school and college, and by every authority figure. Consequently, I live in a big house with a wonderful husband, two adorable cats, and zero kids. Thanks feminism for telling me that your 20s had to be spent traveling, "having fun", and building a career. It turns out that biology doesn't like it when you start trying for kids in your late 30s. Thankfully your comment sections don't tend to have many feminists who tell me that I must really be a feminist deep down.

As for the flamboyant gay thing, well that is what makes you entertaining. :) Also, I have known a lot more flamboyant gays than you anyhow. :)

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I don’t mean to be rude or come across confrontational, but how did that work? How did feminism cause you to be childless? Wasn’t that just your choice, or a series of choices?

Yeah, I’m a feminist, so I apologize for existing and asking questions, lol. I’m not into trying to convert people or be confrontational, but my experience must be so different. I never studied feminist theory or anything. I just advocate for women to be viewed as capable adults who aren’t beholden to a father or husband unless they want to be. Real basic, second wave stuff. Most of the time I don’t think about it. I’m only openly identifying as a feminist now because the gender cult is so misogynistic and women are losing their rights.

Do you mind sharing your experience with me? I’ve been seeing men complaining about feminism online since the aughts, and I’ve never understood wtf their problem was. Of course, I usually found those dudes on Reddit, which at the time was violently anti woman. My experience of discussing feminism online has been, almost without exception, very angry men saying “western women” have been “ruined” by it, without ever hearing any legit complaints. They came across as simply angry that women weren’t doing what they wanted them to do.

I appreciate any time you take replying, but of course don’t feel pressured. Did you study feminism in school?

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I know you're talking to Lynn so I'll make this brief and duck out. What "feminism" means to many of us who have abandoned it is different from what it means to you. Remember, I used to be a male feminist. I believed in it.

No reasonable person thinks women shouldn't have the same legal rights as men.

That's not "feminism" to us. That's just being a decent small-L-Liberal minded person.

Most who call themselves feminists *do not stop at the reasonable place you stop at*. That may be the disjuncture. Your definition is not, or is no longer, what most people mean by "feminism."

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Feel free to comment! I appreciate your perspective. It’s been difficult to get a clear answer on this from anyone. I guess since I basically don’t see a need to focus on “women’s issues” unless there’s a problem I’m out of the loop.

I will just say that I’ve had a difficult time reading feminist theory. I majored in analytic philosophy, so dense prose with specialized language was my “thing” for a while, but I just couldn’t get into most of the feminist theory I attempted. It’s generally just emotive, without much to hold onto, if that makes sense. I don’t want to say “undisciplined “ but that’s the impression it gave me.

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Apr 19, 2023·edited Apr 19, 2023

Like most women, I am a massive fan of first wave feminism. I also think second wave feminism had many excellent aspects in that it gave women more legal and practical protections from rape and domestic violence. However, it also started the descent into "reproductive rights" and "career first" - neither of which aligns with my current morals. I hate current feminism with every fibre of my being.

I live in a left leaning European country. It actually used to be very conservative in my parent's time, but by the time I went to a "Catholic" school they had eliminated Catechism education and I learned absolutely nothing about what Catholicism is and more importantly the rationale behind its views on marriage and contraception. The late Pope John Paul wrote in Humane Vitae that if couples started using artificial contraception, marital bonds would weaken and divorces would increase. He also said there would be more affairs, abortions would increase, and that men would start to see women as sexual objects with no real respect for the possibility of pregnancy. Why? Because with artificial contraception people divorce sex from procreation. His views were prophetic indeed. As a "good girl" I absolutely would have listened if I had been exposed to such messages, but I wasn't.

Throughout my schooling, I was told repeatedly that the worst thing that could ever happen to anyone was an unplanned pregnancy and that having kids would ruin your life. Of course, we now know that people's brains are most suspectable to brainwashing before the age of 25 so I was ripe for the picking. As I grew up, the message changed slightly. I was told by every authority figure (doctors/teachers/parents) and by magazines/the internet that your 20s were for "fun" and that having kids would mean you could never wear nice clothing, see friends, travel, or have a career. Basically, I was sent out into the world where I was educated by feminism and Cosmopolitan magazine. These sources told me that life with kids would be a life of pure drudgery. Consequently, it was best to wait till one's 30s to have kids, given that they would ruin your life and all.

I now sit here in my early 40s and wish I had not been such a "good girl" and listened to the societal messages that had been shaped by feminism. I have met so many "bad girls" who had unplanned pregnancies and then went on to train for careers in their 30s or 40s. They all have houses, husbands, and jobs, but the difference is they also have their children. I know I would have been a very happy woman with three or four kids if my school system and society had not been infiltrated by feminism.

In fact, I know that my personality would have suited the life of a 1950s housewife: having children, looking after my husband, socialising with friends, and volunteering at church. All the things feminism told me were repugnant. Sadly, it was not to be. I was brainwashed until my 30s and now it is too late. The sexual revolution, feminism, and the descent of religion all led to my destruction. Being beholden to a husband/father is IMO better than being childless. Of course, it's not good if he is abusive which is where first wave feminism came in.

Again, my pet hate is when someone assumes that I must be a feminist because I am a woman. Nope. I don't agree with much of their beliefs and I do not think women in western society are victims. The gender pay gap also does not stand up to scrutiny. I also think many women love being mothers and I see that it is *always* possible to re-train once you have had your kids. However, few women can wake up at 42 and pop out three kids before their 50s.

Oh and the kicker is feminism also celebrates abortion, so women in my country don't give up their babies for adoption either. They have abortions instead. Personally, I have seen the dark consequences for women who have had abortions, but feminism gaslights those women too. If I had been born in a different generation when abortion was illegal here, at least I would have been able to adopt. It basically does not exist in my country and we can't afford to move to the US to adopt. So that is that.

What gender cult are you talking about? What do the Reddit crowd say?

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Thank you so much for your detailed response! I’m going to think on this.

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