I’m on a train, so can’t write much. Just want to say that I agree on your ambivalence over what that man did in public to the cashier. Payback is real and we all relish the thought of doing it. Acting upon those feelings is another thing. I’ve called moral midgets out in real time when they have gotten into my face. But I have never put it on public media or hunted someone down to do it. But I understand the emotions.

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Saw the show last night and commented that I wish it were the '90s, where one simply got fired onsite for poor job performance, from one's manager, after a warning. Why is anyone getting fired for anything other than poor performance on the job, by anyone other than the one they report to?

For example, the DD worker who was so un-civil to Josh and didn't do her job to standard should have been fired. The Home Depot worker (and Josh) who were doing their jobs as required and should not have been fired for off-the-job views.

Your Honor, I rest my case :)

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I just saw a Libs of Tiktok reel on Instagram where people with extreme TDS (is there any other kind?) were screaming at Red Hats holding pro Trump signs on the side of the highway. This is much worse than sh*t-posting on social media. The rage coming out of their eyes and mouths was nothing less than demonic. They truly believe they are always right and righteous. Nothing short of being publicly shamed and let go from their place of employment for conduct unbecoming to "fill in the blank" will break the spell.

I don't want to ruin anyone's life or take away their livelihood, but these nutjobs have no issue with ruining someone's day or getting them fired.

And the bottom line is, these deranged people do not care one bit about "our democracy," only their power, and they'll stop at nothing to derail the election to have it go in their favor. I've been a registered Democrat since I was 18 (time to change that to independent at 51).

The rules of engagement are out the window, so all bets are off.

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I wish I could remember where I read about this poll --- I think it was on the Daily Wire -- where a large percentage of Democrats admitted cheating to win a political race would be something they could get behind. They clearly have the mindset of "the end justifies the means" when you look at what happened to Trump, and the gleeful reaction of many on the left.

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Once I become aware that the person I’m talking to is fully engaged in the mind virus… The demonic communist mind virus. The cult programmed buzzword-triggered thoughts and irrational emotional knee jerk responses. The belief that the person with alternate viewpoints deserves and must be made to suffer and die. The mindless, heartless, inhumane, anti-life, anti-beauty, demonic heart,mind& soul virus… I won’t feel compelled to intervene with sympathy on their behalf when they’re losing their job due to their devotion to their demonically inspired death cult mental insanity.

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I think in theory yes, people have the freedom of speech & views. However, there’s a fine line when truly toxic energy is allowed to metastasize & directly affect others- i.e. the 2020-2023 ridiculousness.. we absolutely need gatekeepers to push back & challenge when evil starts leaking in & begins to take a foothold.

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I watched the show live on Sunday, and remembering now what you were saying. I would definitely agree that being cancelled for not taking an experimental injection or for stating basic biological facts like what is a man or a woman, is NOT equivalent to cancellation for wishing someone dead. The first violates free speech or freedom to control one's own bodily autonomy. The other is hate speech with intention to cause/provoke actual harm.

BTW - as an older person (boomer 1950's) I always wonder about those who say we are losing our rights to free speech. At no point were people permitted to say anything they want in public. There used to be rules about obscenity - remember George Carlin's 7 words you can't say on television. That went away as the music industry changed - I remember the shock I felt in early 90's walking down a street on a sunny weekend afternoon, busy with shoppers and families with children, and hearing blasting loud, loud from a car radio, the N word, the F word, the motherf***ing, and more, this apparently OK because it was "rap "music""

And as I recall, never OK to call for someone's death in public or print. But for sure what is or is not permissible speech has changed dramatically over my life.

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If these people win, from their average normies to the top leaders, they will celebrate and participate in widespread harassment, persecution, imprisonment, rape, torture and death of regular Americans and cheer the literal destruction of America. This is t cancel culture anymore. This is life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness or the full Communist takeover & destruction of America.

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I’m a wee bit feisty about communism today and I may have overshot the mark in response to your cancel culture segment. I apologize for the comment section rant. I meant what I said but… I veered off course and wasn’t answering the question that was asked.

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Just finished watch the show and while I do tend to agree that it's nice to see this shoe on the other foot, I just wish cancelling someone for their personal thoughts would go away. But at the same time, I think people need to keep their personal thoughts personal, and this applies to both sides of the aisle. Not every thought you have in your head should be posted for all to read, regardless of the dopamine hit you get from the likes. Social media is a cancer and it pairs well with the mind viruses of both sides of the fetid aisle. I have to build a wall between my personal life and my work life and I wish I didn't have to, but I fear the Overton window on being able to agree to disagree has all but closed.

The things people say today vs the things people would say 30 years ago is disgustingly different. And 30 years ago the truly perverse thoughts didn't have a worldwide megaphone either. I'm becoming more and more a Luddite I guess.

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I’m not one to go out looking to cancel someone for any political viewpoint. Wishing assassination on a former president crosses a line. I’m still not sure exactly how I feel about what happened to the HD woman. But the abuse handed out to conservatives over the past 10 years is abhorrent and has destroyed MANY lives for things like stating men and women are different and children shouldn’t be given disfiguring surgeries. I don’t like or think appropriate the over-the-top response to this issue seen in the posts of someone I previously subscribed to. Lots of moralizing feels like the virtue signaling of the left and “taking your ball and going home” because you disagree. A subsequent post felt like emotional manipulation to me. Hard to disagree or continue a discussion with someone who recounts a victim story. This is a complicated issue. IMO there is no “one-size-fits-all” answer.

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Sometimes it’s less about the logic, law or social contract being broken and more about the process of distraction being caused in order to normalise dysfunctional societal norms and an unfair amoral status-quo. Why complain about the gays transing themselves when it’s just so difficult to pay for the gas in your car. Why complain when your taxes are increased so the state gets the lion-share of your exploits when you can be guilted into a misplaced responsibility for looking after someone else’s kids, health bills, and social welfare. Put this within the globalist outlook of a college grad who can be talked into supporting foreign states intent on the destruction of the west whilst suggesting their own citizens should be under supported based on skin melanin, gender/sex, religion and various other intersectionalities … my son, you have and are being socialised into sociopathy.

Those pulling the strings dont think people in the west deserve a state to support its very expensive citizens (and if that seems bombastic consider how much tax these trustfunders are paying).. but these nefarious actors are squeezing from the top by devaluing currency. They are managing the debt. You are paying $10 for eggs because you are paying for a massive misspend. We are yet again propping up the banks and associated billionaires protecting their interests, not yours. Every time there is a social implosion you can bet a fiscal one is sitting right beneath it. Good Americans all!

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"Cancel Culture" is not self-limiting. The Left will keep pushing and pushing until it is acceptable to jail someone for wrongthink, or perhaps even to execute them. They have no moral compass. Home Depot Lady et al. are free to sue their ex-employers for wrongful termination if they want.

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Your take on cancel culture was right on. As disgusting as the woman is she should not be approached at work. Although I’d bet money her co workers were probably happy to see her go.

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Josh - the reference / reading starting at the 36:20 mark in this podcast is gold. Cheers to you for finding and sharing this as part of this episode. You continue to impress me with your personal insights...and your writing style...and presentation...and everything else, but that right there is a demonstration of research driven by thought. Well done, sir.

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