
Great show, Josh. I don’t envy what you, Kevin, Christopher, Brent, and others are confronting on a daily basis. It sounds like attending one of these meetings is about as close as one could get to ripping the lid off of hell and looking inside. And you do it day after day. So much respect for you.

It was to share your enjoyment of Feud today as well (my first time attending). The side of you we see on the show is always the Josh ready to fight. It was very cool to see you relaxing with something you like. Keep it up.

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Thanks for the kind words, and I'm glad you had fun today.

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Burlington...a city in 🤡🌎. You've gotta get out of there if you value your sanity. Oh, I know. They've become inescapable. The smug delusion, the ugliness, the raging narcissistic cluster-b of these beings is hideous to witness.

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We've discussed the topic as nauseous (my phone auto corrected ad nauseum to as nauseous and I'm leaving it 🤣) so this is a topic on structure alone.

Your show gets better all the time. It is such a pleasure to watch good work, work done by people who obviously care about doing a good job, and that aspect of the show is quite apparent and very much appreciated. ❤️

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I agree. When this nefarious"movement" has finally loosened it's grip on Western society, this podcast will be seen as an invaluable resource for and a reference regarding the earlier resistance against the cult of child mutilation and misogyny for Vermonters and those of us from elsewhere alike.

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This episode so reminds me of the liberals where I grew up (outside of Portland, Oregon). The pretentiousness and moral preening, the overt physical dressing (tatoos, blue hair, nose rings, etc), the emptiness of thought and inability to reason or empathize with individuals deemed to be "on the wrong side of history". It all just grates on my nerves. Radical progressives have become what they supposedly despised (radical Christian conservatives), only without any of the positive values espoused by Christianity. "If you look into the abyss long enough, the abyss looks back into you".

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Mar 21, 2023·edited Mar 21, 2023

As you may know, the CIA paid some of the Frankfurt School neo-marxists such as Herbert Marcuse to create "controlled opposition" on the Left, just as they paid conservatives to do the same on the Right.

Here is part of the Marcuse story about creating "intersectionality", a major concept in "woke" ideology.


The First Privilege Walk


NOVEMBER 18, 2021

How Herbert Marcuse’s widow used a Scientology-linked cult’s methodology to gamify Identity Politics and thus helped steer the U.S. Left down the dead-end path of identitarian psychobabble.


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43:50 I genuinely did not feel "comfortable" (or indeed "safe", LOL) leaving a comment about this on YouTube. Literally - but I won't bother anyone with the explanation as to why here.

OMG! What unbelievably disingenuous pieces of shit so many of these people are! What rights do histrionic, disgustingly entitled assholes like "Aspen Creepy Overwraught-Ovary fetishiser" lack? None - and they know that. As if any men (or women for that matter) who adopt the currently bulletproof 'identity' that is Trans Teflon™ are in any danger whatsoever of being "marginalized"!

How do these people keep spewing out these lies, these outright reversals every single day? Have they no shame whatsoever, or do you think that they genuinely believe their own lies?!?

The terrifying thing is that the media still seems to swallow and repeat all of this bullshit like a bunch of credulous Kindergarteners. Over the weekend near my neck of the woods, a visiting women's rights campaigner had her public speaking event crashed by violent men from totalitarian groups from both extremes of the political spectrum - Antifa and literal neo-Nazis while the police did f*ck all to move either sets of menacing fash men on. Worse still, the media here all (and I do mean ALL) just went with the TRAntifa narrative that the Nazis were there to "support the women", despite the uncut footage clearly showing that they were not. The reach of their cult is apparently still virtually absolute here. Everything still seems captured by it.

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horrible. just out of curiosity, can you give any hint of the location so people can avoid it? thanks

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Oh, it was at a Standing For Women free speech event on the steps of Parliament House in Melbourne, Australia. The organiser Kellie-Jay Keen has events planned continuing in New Zealand this week, so we shall see what varieties of charmers within the NZ population are triggered to by the mere idea of women (and men) who've been adversely affected by trans ideology meeting to speak about it publicly.

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Ok, I'm not likely to go to NZ or Australia, thanks.

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I’m in the US and I’ve seen several videos of the event. Absolutely disgusting, and you’re right, the police did fuck all. That’s because they’ve been told not to, by politicians who’ve been paid off. It’s happened internationally, throughout western countries.

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Hey Josh, good job. I had a recent encounter with a pro-trans person that used a lot of the type of crazy (literally) rhetoric you are critiquing. That person had been part of a dissident group of "IDW" heterodox types (integral postmetaphysics), but claims that trying to transcend "woke" postmodern relativism and nihilism wasn't emotionally comfortable, so she (a transwoman) withdrew back into the echo chamber of toxic "wokeism".

Setting aside the biology and science of sex and gender, which is controversial at best, it just seems like toxic "trans" identity culture is so deeply interwoven with mental dysfunction and trauma that it is impossible for the pro-trans people to think rationally, systematically and objectively about the facts and evidence. They are stuck in an echo chamber of anti-rationalism, and can't get out.

Thanks for fighting the insanity.

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Mar 20, 2023·edited Mar 20, 2023

The trans-woman's basic argument (victim/safety narrative) was that the anti-trans conservative laws being discussed or passed, what you call a natural backlash, are "genocide".

The "genocide" rhetoric is the same as the idea discussed in your video when the pro-trans activists lie about the "existence" of people with a trans identity being terminated or whatever they said.

Like you said, the PROJECTION and reversal the pro-trans extremists do with language is appalling. They are the ones most obsessed with groupthink and scapegoating [and histrionics].

And being typical "leftists", neo-marxists, when they stop scapegoating people that dare to criticize them, the first thing they will do is start infighting and stabbing each other in the back (as Freddie Deboer explained in his article years ago about the Tuvel scandal).

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The "woke" hysteria, including the current trans stuff, is part of a historical moral panics, or egregores, which are perceived evil entities that are artifacts of unhealthy collective intelligences. The survival of ancient humans was dependent on intense social cooperation, and collective intelligences are wired into humans by evolution.

Unfortunately the kind of disruption that is going on due to postmodern social conditions now tends to create unhealthy artifacts of CIs, which is what moral panics and egregores are.

When the COVID egregore/panic began to slow down, the egregore jumped to the Ukraine war. And now it is jumping to the trans debate and other aspects of the "woke" stuff, like "racism".

John Mcwhorter wrote a book called WOKE RACISM in which he describes the faux religion (which you call a cult) of wokeism, which is irrational and that the "woke" try to find salvation in.

Woke moral panics (egregores) are intense and driven by emotive-subjective narratives, not rational, evidence-based thinking.

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Dynamite show Josh. Hats off to you, Kevin and Christopher standing up for reality, sanity and decency.

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I am thinking that what you guys need is soomething like the Guardian Angels (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Guardian_Angels). Or bodyguards. At least when going to a protest. Shows that you have a constituency.

As police love to infiltrate such organizations, it would have to be friend of a friend.

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Oh wow, lol. Yeah, that type of woman is one I’m veeery familiar with.

They act so chronically unhappy, sick, and helpless, but it’s all just borderline pd and/or vulnerable narcissism, as you soon find out. And you are 100% correct re: their histrionics and trying to seem so meek and humble, all while they brag about how selfless they are. Puke. They’re so distracted by their own love affair with pathos and tragedy that they inflict harm on their own kids for attention. Good lord what horrible performances. None of the feelings were genuine at all.

This is what passes for liberal women in Vermont? That’s pathetic. I’m embarrassed, Jesus.

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