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Sep 3
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🔥🚒🔥 comment! (Literally).

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I can't wait! I love her

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Brilliant interview with Stephanie Winn. Her work is incredible

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Just say “no” to s-=t holes!

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Become an affiliate to sell this and link it all the time. Brilliant

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I had to LOL the first time I heard you say you were sponsored by Anton's Biltong. Anton also sponsors Styxhexenhammer666, who is a fellow Vermont resident. Styx also moved politically from Left to Right. You might enjoy some of his takes. He's on YouTube and Rumble.

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Also, regarding these politicians and immigration, relying on data is fake BS. It’s what’s happening in reality that matters.

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Excellent Josh!!

You explained very well, something we all noticed and tried to explain (poorly) about the "nut jobs" we experienced all around us.

The scamdemic (opportunity) and then the regime (deputizing entity) gave the lowly everyday citizen, who was a natural but closeted authoritarian, controller, narcissist, tyrant and abuser the expressed and extended regime "authority" to berate, coerce, abuse, and even assault other free citizens, for their own health choices. Note to crazy quasi authoritarian self - as you yell at the dirty "anti's" - push pause on the tapes running the abortion my body my choice "truth".

This is why I keep saying that people need to have made note of the people around them, that morphed into these covidiots. My personal opinion is, you cannot trust these people going forward.

No matter the apology or back peddle, especially as more and more evidence comes out about the jabs. They, probably through no fault of their own in some cases, carry the mental or emotion "gene" to panic, follow, panic, overreact, panic, control others in an attempt to control their panic, panic, abuse others to try and control their panic, panic, recognize the "crisis" has passed and credit their panic for solving the issue, take their panic and fashion a blazer out of it and then hang it in the front closet of their minds for quick and easy access - for the next time it's needed, when they are told there is a crisis.

All that to say, they may have always had the emotional/personality types to be these crisis misanthropes, but now they are primed, which for me, takes it 10 levels above just being "that nosey neighbor".

Stephanie Winn was amazing. I'm sharing this episode/post to get her to those who need her.

Illegal invasion: Great coverage here Josh. How stupid do people have to be to listen to white liberals (politicians, "elites" and gated community types) who are disaffected (no pun intended) by everything they tell you is not happening to you, as it's happening to you.

Steve Bannon has long told people to "See what you see".

Citizens dealing with this orchestrated invasion need to apply this saying liberally.

Last thing. I've been suggesting that aside form these south of the border types and CCP operatives, we are seeing and experiencing a soft jihad, in the western countries. This model is the inverse of the old, siege on. They infiltrated societies, sewing sympathy and apologists as they went. They then took governing seats of power and academia. They then positioned their sympathetic and opportunistic allies (corporations, bureaucrats, NGO's Non-profits) to facilitate the open borders of many countries and bastardization of asylum laws. They flood the country or region with islamists/muslims overwhelming the government, services and law enforcement. The islamists in authority mobilize law enforcement against the indigenous population who react to the invasion. The last step is when the invaders are activated by one or more mullahs, to start the hot jihad against the infidels.

That's how I'd do it.

Great work Josh.

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The Denver Health system is massively in debt because of requirements to treat all the illegals dumped here. It used to be reported plainly as such. But now with a ballot measure coming up in November to ask for a tax raise to save the hospital system, suddenly the reason for the debt has disappeared from the news and certainly is not mentioned in the ballot wording. Just pay more taxes to save the hospital, pretend we don't know why...

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You are so right about the COVIDIANS. May I add one more type. The lonely, bitter person with no life, no friends, bored, crummy or no job/purpose, hateful of others with productive lives. When the lockdowns came suddenly those who they hated so much were now living as they do and they just LOVED it. Finally, "the they" knew what life was like sitting at home alone, nothing to do but look at a screen and nowhere to go.

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Or those, not embittered because purpose-driven, but ostracized or "cancelled."

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I was struck by what you said about the medicalization of society and how much *they* love control. One of my children had her first child about year ago and I was shocked when she told me that the pediatrician told her that if baby gets a fever in the first 3 months she must *immediately* take the baby to the hospital. What??!! Not call the on-call drs, not take baby to the peds. office - no, straight to the ER. I gently questioned this since, it was not the protocol when I was having kids and seemed way, way overboard. I didn't want to step on toes because our relationship is bumpy since we're opposites on so many things. This is a baby that was born full-term and was nursing exclusively. I also questioned it because said daughter is captured by TPTB and has "medical anxiety" (her words)... covid was fun. :( Anyway, another mother recently told me the same thing so it must be something drs. are now telling patients. Seems to me that it's creating more fear for new mothers as well as giving them the message "You need to obey the authorities or bad things will happen to your baby." Just what new mothers need. Sheesh. I was also encouraged to watch your interview with Stephanie Winn. I've been considering therapy for this issue in our own family. We've been completely cut off from another of our children because we don't affirm.

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