You won me over with this episode two years ago. I thought at the time: HOLY S--t! Finally someone who gets it and can articulate it astutely. So thanks for that.

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Just incredible, what a revelation this must have been. I found you a few months ago and I'm so glad! Not just for the societal commentary which I wholly agree with, but for the narcissistic mother understanding and validation. I've been on my own journey in the last few years on this too. I turned 40 this year... You are right, it's a lifetime of pain and absolutely amazing when you move into this sphere of understanding. Thank you for resharing this first episode... I really really enjoyed it. Much love to you Josh 🙌🏻💜👏🏻

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Wow. I’m binging these early casts today. I REALLY need to go get today’s two assignments completed. But...at LEAST I finished my homekeeping first!

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I just saw this video again, and I noticed that you seem to be aging in reverse.

In all honesty, I hope circumstances are getting better and better for you. You deserve all the good in the world, Josh.

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I recognize the person you described --I grew up with them as a friend. Like you and your sister, her children are successful and lovely people, despite the dysfunction and drama to which they were subjected for their entire childhoods. It never ceases to amaze me.

I no longer have contact with that person, which is healthier for me. When a lion is trying to devour you, it’s perfectly okay to run in the opposite direction, even if the lion is your mother. Never feel badly for choosing yourself; those who haven’t seen these types of people can never understand.

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I thought I was the only one seeing these things publicly, I thought I was just paranoid and then I found you Josh. <3 I was not alone, I had every reason to feel freaked out about abusive behavior that had gone mainstream. Thank you Josh.

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