Aug 3, 2023Liked by Josh Slocum

God I love your vocabulary. The phrase “bespoke soaps” elicited an audible laugh here at work 😊

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Aug 3, 2023Liked by Josh Slocum

Half Dawn and half vinegar in a spray bottle -- only shower cleaner you need. (Turn on the exhaust fan because you don't want to breathe vinegar.) Also, Dawn works better on laundry stains than any Shout-type product. Add some peroxide if it's really bad.

You've inspired me to try homemade laundry detergent!

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I love your "tips" posts. Fun to read and fun to implement. Thank you!

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Vinegar on floors and on a food note make your own Ceasar dressing!!

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Aug 3, 2023Liked by Josh Slocum

Awesome! I have one to add. Make your own cleaning spray using Biokleen concentrate and a few spray bottles (that you can save or buy online).

You will not believe how many bottles of household cleaner you can make from this concentrate. You can add relatively small amounts of your favorite essential oils to make it smell as you like. If you add enough peppermint oil, it will also kill ants. And you'll never have to pay for fancy $9.99 countertop cleaners again.

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Aug 3, 2023Liked by Josh Slocum

"I learned it from the devil." I LOLed.

But seriously, I've used half and half ib my cereal and Lawwwwwwwwwdy.

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My work is complete.

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Aug 3, 2023Liked by Josh Slocum

For those that want to make their own liquid laundry soap. https://blog.lehmans.com/pour-on-clean-liquid-laundry-soap/

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You have a canny way of seeing the scam in all things marketing. You are a born consumer advocate...not just funeral industry. I look forward to more posts helping us see through the advertising and marketing schemes that we don’t realize we are falling prey to.

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I wonder is your half and half is equivalent to “channel island” milk which comes from Jersey cows. It is deliciously creamy. I use semi skimmed in tea but Channel island milk for cereals, milk puddings etc. Can you get that in the US?

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The Suds on Slocum's Claw? ❤😆

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"I've had two years to grow claws, mother---Jungle Red!"

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Thanks so much for tip number 1. Today has not been a great day, but my tea now tastes extra delicious. :)

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