Feb 19, 2023·edited Feb 19, 2023Liked by Josh Slocum

There is one important difference between you & Matt Walsh.

You are funny. You can say "Dylan Mulvaney took a holiday in the Uncanny Valley and decided to move there" and everyone snort-laughs. Including me. That's a gift.

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Feb 19, 2023·edited Feb 19, 2023Author

Thank you. Taste in humor is subjective.

In this case it is not humor that I am concerned with. It is telling the unvarnished truth and being confrontational about it in a world that needs confrontation tactically in this moment.

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Josh is funny, and Josh also is unambiguous. Matt Walsh has a tendency towards a type of "trolling but also telling the truth but also still kind of trolling" performance, at least part of the time, that lets him weasel out of full responsibility for everything he says when he's performing in that particular manner. Josh never does that, and is thus both less ambiguous and more admirable of a man than Walsh.

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Stop it or you'll give me a big head and I'll have to buy five times more makeup. Why are you trying to impoverish me holly?

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That humor. That's what we love and keep coming back for.

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This brings to mind the topic of lying. I've noticed an interesting dichotomy in the reaction to that video. People seem to tackle two sides of it at once -- that it's making Walsh ineffective (so the side of overall culture war strategizing) because it's being mean/nasty/cruel to Dylan Mulvaney, an individual human (so the side of Walsh as a role model of how to be human/Catholic/a man/whatever). I don't have a term for it, but it's some weird type of predictably faulty analysis. I can envision some scenarios where "you're hurting your overall effectiveness in the culture war by being mean to this individual person" would be at least a reasonable (not necessarily valid) critique, but this isn't one.

Mulvaney is being lied to, constantly. The "OMG slay queen you're such a beautiful woman" bullshit is why so many transwomen honestly believe they pass who do not. I saw this repeatedly in undergrad. Women classmates who thought they were being kind were complimenting the transwomen to boost them emotionally in exactly the same way they would to me if I was feeling about having cut my bangs crooked or lamenting that the frames on my reading glasses look weird on my face. That kind of untruth that's meant to be kind *arguably* has some kind of place in a one-on-one relationship at least sometimes (like pretending you don't notice that someone has farted, say). But the consequences of accepting lying in public, even a little bit, are so magnified and exaggerated now that it's helping cause this societal contagion. Transwomen on magazine covers who are airbrushed into appearing more feminine and make confused 14 year old boys have hope that they too can become a woman--it's sick and wrong and horrifying.

Millions of people are lying to Mulvaney. One man told him the truth, and did so publicly in a way that will be heard by confused young people in the gray area where they may yet be saved from committing themselves to this path of self-destruction.

That's not just okay, it's laudable. Good for Matt Walsh.

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Honestly, I think this is done to people like lizzo also bc of body positivity. Seems like everyone who raved about lizzo was a super skinny liberal white woman. It's condescending and it in a way makes me feel bad for people on the receiving end of this over the top praising. No wonder they're deluded. I think Walsh doing this was a good thing I didn't watch his video of it, but we do need honestly in some form about this.

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The fact that so many females engage in this behavior is one of many reasons why I have had so few friends of my own sex. Never been comfortable with even so-called “white lies.”

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Feb 19, 2023·edited Feb 19, 2023Liked by Josh Slocum

Just the fact that every (white mostly) woman who celebrates lizzo and ugly trans women doesn't live a 'body positive' lifestyle themselves says it all to me. It's obvious only a fake virtue signal, and not anything they themselves believe. Actions show what people believe. Straight men don't date trans women, that shows this is all fake.

Straight women wouldn't date trans men either. They also don't get lizzo sized. They probably listen to lizzo while running or at the gym and calling themselves fat for eating carbs that day.

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Yes. It is a virtue signal which is a show of vanity of their luxury beliefs, because they know those women are no competition for them. They do not represent a challenge, so they can signal their status far above those plebeians and gain even more status in the reproductive competition amongst their peers. Their luxury beliefs also harm women just beneath them in status which keeps those women from being able to climb the status ladder. And women know (or they find out) if you want to move into a higher class you have to marry into that class, but you better get the approval of the women in that class or you will never make it over the finish line.

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Luxury beliefs, I forgot about that description it fits so well. Lol I love lizzoooo (bc she's fat and black) that's great for her but not me

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Feb 20, 2023Liked by Josh Slocum

People just don't care enough.

You need to love somebody to tell them the truth.

Or, frankly, you need to hate them, on some level. (What Walsh hates is the ideology more than the person, but hate is there)

What you can't be, is indifferent. Most people don't care about the person or the ideology, but will use the situation for personal clout, like a tool. You don't love or hate shovels, you just dig the hole.

That of course leads us on to why doesn't someone like Dylans family tell him the truth, softly, privately , with love. That's where the societal gaslighting comes in, closely entwined with society's valorisation of youth.

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We used to call it hate the sin and love the sinner, but we don't believe in sin anymore since we are all our own gods.

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Feb 19, 2023Liked by Josh Slocum

There is nothing wrong with 'being mean' when critiquing a deceptive predator whose grift threatens the long-term health of kids and by extension, society.

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Feb 19, 2023Liked by Josh Slocum

Humor provides a bit of a soft touch which allows the recipient to respond in kind-sometimes blunting the seriousness of the situation. There comes a time when tough love is necessary. A line in the sand must be drawn now, today, to protect our children. Normalizing the psychotic delusions of narcissistic actors is not only unhealthy but tragically dangerous to our society, especially for the easily influenced young. Sometimes a metaphorical slap in the face is the only way to stop the hysteria.

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Feb 19, 2023Liked by Josh Slocum

I confess I sometimes like being mean to those that are projecting into mutual space as insufferable fools. It feels like a duty that I may fail to perform if the fool is 6’-6” 250 pounds, solid muscle. Actually, this reminds me of a story--many years ago I found myself in jail in a foreign country, accused of a crime I had had nothing to do with, looking at a 30 year sentence. In this jail, if you did not have money you slept on the floor. If you could afford it you purchased some real estate. A bed was the minimum ante for some private property. So, one day a new prisoner arrived who actually WAS 6’-6” 250, solid muscle, athlete-surfer guy. He came in and lay down on someone’s bed, wherever he felt like, and no one dared to challenge him, even though we had a nominal president and his “commission” who were supposed to keep order, as the guards did not mix among us. So, over the next three days this guy dominated the scene at will. Having risen to the top AlphaPosition, he casually announced, “ What I actually want is for somebody to F*** me in the A**

That said,I also feel pity for the, to me, horrible predicament of being born with a feeling of not being “at home” in “one’s own body.” “Quotes” because “Identification” is a slippery slope. Buddhists say it is an illusion, an error to be corrected because it is suffering. On the basis of Identification, one proceeds to Differentiation (“This is pleasure” chase it and repeat it--“This is painful” run away from it, try to prevent it. This is Desire, and it is always frustrated-- hence suffering.

So I heard about some people in some American Indian culture that had a slot for some people who found they did not fit easily into the men’s deal or the women’s deal. ( to be continued- gotta go trim goat’s hooves and don’t want to lose this effort so far)

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So, now that the goat is handled...

These Indians had a slot for people who did not want to chose the “normal path” and it involved doing everything backwards. Apparently such people were valued because it was felt they, because of the way they lived, were able to contribute some unique and valuable kind of energy to the common life. This was the understanding that the culture had arrived at, apparently. I don’t know. But this is apparently what that culture had arrived at. One thing that is interesting is that there is a “cost” involved. You had to do things backwards. A considerable hassle to take on, I would think, not a choice to make “casually,” I would think. But sex and embodiment are profoundly mysterious things that are a great riddle for most. There is, of course, no dearth of fools who assert they have “the answer” but when called to show their evidence they tend to have bupkuss.

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Of course, you can try pitching such people off of high buildings, and cutting their heads off if they don’t believe the dogmas that you are buying into (mostly out of unexamined fear or laziness and lack of imagination and psychic scope, and real spiritual experience/wisdom, I would say, and thus, coming back full circle engaging in the world as a (maybe well-intentioned) fool. I think it is better to be skilled in compartmentalization, as extermination, I have a feeling , is futile. How to protect the children is key, but paradoxical. Innocence should be preserved, perverts need to be stymied by the adults to create “safe space” for children to find out about their world at a child’s pace, not a pervert’s pace. This is the art of parenting. How to prepare your child to defend itself and become capable of free and sophisticated choices informed by real wisdom.

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Feb 19, 2023Liked by Josh Slocum

Exactly! GO Josh! Truth is best told unvarnished. Plus, I loved your conversation with Benjamin Boyce, especially when you guys talked about the "phobic" words and misogyny. I am so sick of those words. Just like nazi, racism, and others, they mean nothing anymore.

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I watch a lot of Matt Walsh's stuff, but I'm so sick and tired of Mulvaney, who is a master troll attention whore, I avoid most stories about him, including the one that has brought the hoard of freak worshiping Leftoids out to attack Walsh. Is this something new?

I'm disgusted that this duplicitous and narcissistic man has made millions of dollars with his act, but I'm not surprised. He is a freak show, and obviously tens of millions of people love a freak show. There's a plethora of freaks on TikTok to prove it. Whatever Walsh said that put him in the crosshairs is feeding Mulvaney's attention-seeking addiction. While Mulvaney is winning the jackpot now, he will eventually lose it all, unless he does a 180 turn-about on the cusp of becoming a hideous caricature a la Michael Jackson, rejects that persona, and proclaims he's come to Jesus and transmogrifies into a Holy-Roller Troll. He's got it all figured out.

In a perfect world, after Mulvaney's first 15 min. of fame, everyone, or at least the majority, would cease to give him any attention, thereby banishing him to the void where all fads ultimately go to die. Maybe he could sit on top of a flagpole eating goldfish while he slowly fades from memory.

I find Matt's use of deadpan humor amusing. His schtick is being viciously blunt in order to trigger the snowflakes who have appointed themselves the arbiters of what defines free speech. He has my approval, as does Josh’s unabridged truth when exposing the cultural rot that’s harming/killing our children. Being nice and diplomatic isn't going to save the kids.

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Feb 19, 2023Liked by Josh Slocum

We are at the point where name, shame, and ridicule are probably only going to stop this…narcissists will stop at nothing…NOTHING…to get more of what they want, which in this case is self validation at the expense of children’s psychological and physical health, as well as a functional society even at legal and administrative levels. Look at what has happened to Scotland and Nicola Sturgeon…she blundered all over the place when directly questioned about why a rapist was in a woman’s prison and has so catered to the gender supremacists that she had to resign. Thank you Josh for speaking up for the truth and being direct, and for doing so not only with humor, but also in a way that conveys a sincere heartbrokenness for the abuses committed against vulnerable children.

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Feb 20, 2023Liked by Josh Slocum

I hope and pray that Sturgeons downfall will be taken on board by other petty politicians

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Feb 20, 2023Liked by Josh Slocum

Indeed... MANY people will be watching what happens now with this issue of 'gender' self ID etc. Spain already passed it, which is very concerning...we'll see

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Feb 19, 2023Liked by Josh Slocum

You can say Matt Walsh has been "mean," and you can even say that his methods are ineffective on certain people, but to say that he hasn't been wildly effective OVERALL just seems wildly out of touch with reality.

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See Konstantin Kisin’s Twitter thread today documenting his body of work relative to gender ideology. It’s impressive. The key point he makes is about persuasion. And it’s that key point that is missing regarding Matt Walsh’s piece. Who did Matt persuade? He confirmed, affirmed, and solidified some opinions. But, did he persuade anyone? I don’t think he did. THAT is what people are reacting to. That was my thought as I listened to him. Mean doesn’t persuade. And if you’re already persuaded, mean is unnecessary. Matt wasted air time.

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Feb 19, 2023Liked by Josh Slocum

I don’t think his intent was to persuade. I think he was talking to Mulvaney directly. He was calling him out on his delusional behavior. Anyone that thinks that Mulvaney is sincere and sane may be beyond persuasion, certainly by Matt.

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I saw him using Dylan as a device. Fair point that I could be wrong.

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It would be fair to say it could be both.

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Feb 19, 2023·edited Feb 19, 2023Author

Konstantin and many others are making a basic mistake.

They (and you, I say gently) are assuming they know Matt's goals.

You are assuming his goal is "persuade people that I think need persuading."

How do you know that?

You don't know that. It's an assumption.

Same applies to me. I'm going to tell everyone my goal so there is no mistaking it. And there had better not be any mistaking it after I state it clearly.

1. I am NOT trying to "persuade" leftists.

2. I am NOT trying to gently bring cult members over to my side.

3. I do NOT care whether my words are persuasive to those people.

I mean what I wrote above. None of those are my goals.

What are my goals?

1. Stopping and controlling the abusers on the left. By legal force and through cultural outrage.

2. I do not care about them. I care only about stopping them and taking away their weapons.

3. Rousing previously timid people to stand up like Matt, like many others, and like me, to do something about this.

Please understand that I'm not trying to convey hostility to you, or to anyone else here, in what I'm about to write. It's blunt, but it's not meant as an insult. I appreciate you. All of you.

You need to stop and get outside your own heads. It doesn't even occur to you to ask "hey, is that Matt's goal or Josh's goal?"

This is basic. It's step one. You have to be willing to do this or the conversation's already over.

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Feb 19, 2023Liked by Josh Slocum

Your #3 is what I’m getting at. We differ on an effective method, but agree on what needs to be done. You haven’t insulted me by disagreeing. Go for it. 😊 I like reading your thoughts. I appreciate your directness. I don’t want to pander to Dylan and I would never suggest shutting Matt up. It’s going to take many voices, but I don’t have to rubber stamp them either.

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Feb 19, 2023Liked by Josh Slocum

Oh, you mean the good ole "let's be kind and persuade schtick" - be kind to the rapists and pedos (oops, I mean minor attracted people - don't want to stigmatize anyone) so we don't hurt anyone's feel feels, or cause upset or discomfort....an approach that appeals to virtue-signalling cowards, and is the reason we've fallen so far down the slippery slope we're in the gutter!

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Feb 19, 2023Liked by Josh Slocum

Bravo for pointing this out! One of my favorite Twitter follows - usually a very reasonable person - joined in yesterday’s pile-on, much to my disappointment. I watched the Walsh video and it was spot on. I could maybe see the point against Walsh if Mulvaney was some poor pathetic soul who was truly confused. But anyone who knows anything about Mulvaney knows he’s not poor, pathetic, or confused. He’s a con artist and likely a narcissist as well. He doesn’t deserve pity, and Walsh was right to call him out where others were afraid to.

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Matt's style isn't for everyone. I like his style a lot, but his sardonic sense of humor and bluntness are off-putting to some. It's the nature of being a public figure. That aside, I am frustrated by appeals to "politeness" and "persuasion". I suspect Matt knows that there is no persuading people who have bought into this ideology. Minds will change only after harm is widespread and undeniable, and even then a few will rationalize it. The way to put a stop to the wrongness of this is to attract the attention of the people who don't pay attention, and to call out the bad actors publicly. The tentative 'don't be mean about it' crowd will turn this issue into an argument as boring as debating taxes. Even those in opposition have grown accustomed to this issue. The boundary line has already moved. Being polite will not protect kids from being seduced by the false glamour of Dylan Mulvaney. How many young gay men see him giggle and skip and wonder if they can be as happy as he is if they follow his lead?

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Feb 19, 2023Liked by Josh Slocum

I never said “be kind”. I said I didn’t think being “mean” was persuasive. I don’t want to pander to Dylan, or Jeffrey, or Wiilowby, etc. I refuse to say MAP. I’m not worried about Dylan’s feelings; he’s a big boy. I’m interested in gaining more people to oppose gender ideology and gender affirmation for children. We have a different approach.

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Feb 20, 2023Liked by Josh Slocum

I don't think anything Matt Walsh said was mean or out of line. In fact, I think any true friend of Dylan's would express what Matt did. Matt's mesage is an example of what we all would have said just a few years ago and what we should all be saying now. And Dylan needs to hear it.

I was wrong with respect to my comment on another platform regarding Dylan being the dominate one in Matt's post. It bears no relevance to the purpose of his message. It was a stupid comment and I apologize. Thanks to those who kept me honest.

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I appreciate your clarifying your thinking. I wish everyone did that. Thank you, and thanks for being a part of Disaffected JR. :)

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