Someone needs to explain to this dingbat that sperm is needed to produce a baby and no matter what the crazies might think only men produce sperm. These are incredibly ignorant, evil people being given a platform for their imbecile thought for the first time since the Salem Witch Trials.

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That woman is a menace to society. She can't see outside race, and can't even face the reality that her kids are MORE THAN FED. Maybe she should stop stuffing them like fois gras with racist bullshit. But what's worse than her? White people saying she's right. Insisting that other white people feel threatened by blacks. I see it all the time on social media, and I staggered through it at a gathering the other night. Why don't many black Americans want to work hard? Because SLAVERY. Get over it. Seriously.

The other day I had to wend my may through an essay by two black scholars at Brown called "Cotton, Whiteness, and Other Poisons." What a piece of work this was.

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Apr 8Liked by Josh Slocum

The world’s few evil people aren’t nearly as dangerous as its hordes of stupid people who do their bidding.

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How can we break this spell? Observe how many of these men - white or otherwise: grow your food; transport your food, clothing, homes, autos (by truck, plane, ship); build and fix your infrastructure (roads, bridges, ports); attend to your plumbing, electricity, carpentry; and give your children a non-female perspective. In other words: open your eyes.

This from a recovering Democrat woman who has lived on both coasts and visited over 30 states.

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"Gated communities". Who the hell is she talking about? Last time I checked the average white American lives paycheck to paycheck and can't afford a $500 emergency. This woman's so-called problem is with an invisible sliver of the population that may or may not actually exist. Her absurd characterization of this racist boogeyman is so obviously meant to stoke hatred and fear. I doubt any white person she has interacted with in the past 10 years has done anything but kiss her ass and extol her moral virtues. Disgraceful.

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I want to know how many of those stats cited are men that were raised primarily by single women and how may are NOT WHITE. Also, many crimes by women are under-reported or not reported due to society favoring women and hating men.

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Wish I knew how to change the minds of misguided people, how to break the spell they’re under. Maybe it requires a personal crisis/breakdown, as you describe -- that’s what happened in my case too. But I wouldn’t wish that experience on others -- it’s too drastic and doesn’t guarantee healthy results or growth for many people.

There has to be a better way, but I haven’t found it..

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One other point about the 2nd lady (I don't even feel like giving the 1st one time cuz it is so idiotic) - Her attitude is part of the reason men are failing & I can't understand how she cannot see that?!

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Apr 8Liked by Josh Slocum

I used to be a white liberal apologist too, and I had a similar awakening gradually over the last few years. Things have gotten so totally insane that if you haven’t started to become disturbed or at least uncomfortable by 2020, let alone since October 7th, I’m not sure you ever will.

The groups that are acceptable to openly despise now are: straight white males, white women, and “Zionists” (read: Jews.) But all 3 are lumped together as “whiteness” in the abstract, which they tie in with “colonialism.” It’s incredibly intellectually embarrassing.

I see how absolutely gleeful ppl are to be able to be antisemitic and racist openly while being praised as virtuous, whereas ppl will be called “racist” and “Nazis” for standing up for the ones everyone loves to “call out” now. I guess for a few years there, it wasn’t cool to openly despise anyone, and apparently ppl were really missing it.

It’s clear that those groups are the social lepers now, and the more minority groups you are in, the more social status you have. But ppl still act like trans, black and LGBT ppl are silenced and “marginalized.” Then they get social justice warrior points for “speaking out” when actually what they’re saying is conformist, the status quo.

I’ve tried to gently and in good faith try to get people to see some of this, but it seems extremely ingrained in them and resistant to any evidence to the contrary. They get weirdly angry, and it must be incredibly important to their values/idea of themselves. I don’t think there’s anything anyone can do; they’re going to have to figure it out for themselves, which will only happen if something happens to them in their lives to affect them personally, or their own children. I’ll still be kind and keep my side of the street clean, but I’m done trying to reason with ppl who don’t share my values.

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There is only one solution: In a world of lies speak the truth. In a world of darkeness, be the light. In a world filled with hatred, love. It’s an attitude we tell each other in 12-step recovery. You can do something to make the world better or you can make it worse. Only one choice leads to being happy, joyous and free. The other is a slippery slope to resentment and misery. Both woman are eating the poison they hope is hurting others.

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I wish I had some helpful answers to your question, but I have none. These people have been given a platform by the very people they despise, white people who out of some misguided and badly educated frame of reference believe they deserve to be maligned and denigrated for their success. And those white people who are successes? Well, as someone else commented, they comprise a minority of the white population at large.

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Yes, personal crises seem to be a key to opening hearts to see another side. Pray for that.

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Apr 8Liked by Josh Slocum

wow. every sentence uttered in that Jennifer Lewis clip is dripping with contempt and hatred, then she ends it with…”because Love is the way”.

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Apr 8Liked by Josh Slocum

I work for a state government agency and attended an online training last year about language access in government communications. There were about 100 attendees from different agencies around the country. I really wish I'd taken screen shots from the chat window. It was shocking to see what was being said about white people, the kinds of things that would NEVER fly if it had been about people of any other race.

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I believe it's called " hitting Rock Bottom "

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Apr 8Liked by Josh Slocum

Things may be changing quickly, Josh, and it's exciting. A man named Santiago Pliego writes a Substack. His latest, "The Vibe Shift," articulates with excellence a sense that I've had for several months: we may have passed Peak Woke. The article is as bolstering of morale as anything I could imagine, and I commend it to you and to your other readers.

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