I think I've said this before, but if you want to do a class in Housewifery I'll attend it. I feel like I'm always battling a hydra of general chaos without a battle plan.

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My housewifery is middling at best. I want a live in chef.

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I’d love it.

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I really enjoyed your previous post about how to make your own cleaning products. I’ve taken it to heart and have eliminated “specialty” cleaning products. I aspire to your level of housewifery!

-Signed, A Stay at Home Mom

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I'm not a domestic goddess, just more into the home than most bachelors.

If you want someone who *really* has a spotless house (I don't) and has it all down like a system, that's my friend Holly who writes here on Substack. The woman's home is always hotel-clean, and she has backup supplies of everything in triplicate. A true domestic savant.

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Is she one of those women who have a rotating schedule of what to clean (and deep clean!) and when? It's my goal to be one of those housewives someday.

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Home Comforts, Cheryl Mendelson. I just loved reading this book. It both relaxed and inspired me. Think you might enjoy it. For serious housies like you - probably you'll make notes in the margins. For lazies like me - I enjoyed imagining living in that beautiful orderly functioning world, and would flip through it and just randomly go over a page or two. Truly. Would you prefer Kindle or paper?

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That book was fantastic!

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There was a recipe for hot cocoa in that book that we used for years.

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She’s obsessed with fabric, right? Am I hallucinating or is it that book?

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She likes muslin sheets. That’s what I remember.

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You know, I think I have that book and remember reading it! Is it heavy on the fabric section? I seem to recall she likes fabric most of all.

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I don't recall, it's been so long; just got it on Kindle last night. I am not interested in fabric ;-) at least back then I wasn't so I just would've skipped it. (I have a hardcover copy around here somewhere - that's how much I liked it, after borrowing a friend's copy - but God only knows where it is - probably in a box someplace following an attempt to purge - which in the case of books of course only results in the books being relocated.). Am starting the Kindle this morning (instead of tidying).

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I liked the title of.the book because as I'm not detail oriented and a bit lazy, I got the "comfort" part just from reading it.

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It sounds absolutely perfect Josh except for the pearls. It’s going to take me a while to come back to my pearls after the idiot who wanted to be president ruined them for me. I’m glad you’re not blaming the pearls. Maybe you can drag me back to them.

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This concludes the Houghton-Mifflin Filmstrip Series: “The Homosexual: A Study in Pearls.” 😂😂😂👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻🩷

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Yup, me too. I love maintaining my home❤️ highest praise is when my husband or the kids ask for seconds and thirds of dinner 😄

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Glad you’re getting some peace and the comfort of a team that works well together after the chaos of your last post!

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Josh, in this piece and all the others, it's you, serving up a steaming warm cup of soup on a cold day in a snowstorm, with your words. Even when what you write is hard-hitting, or disturbing, or sad, I can smell the fragrant aroma of your craft and envision you in your "mind kitchen" experimenting with phrase ingredients, spicing up with extra punctuation, and occasionally dishing up a song as a sweet sauce on the side.

Your passion for planning - whipping up and serving up delicious meals - and then cleaning up, leaving a sparkling kitchen for next time around - is so much the way I see/feel/touch/smell your work, Josh. I always sit down to an original recipe, and I always always leave satisfied! Thank you!!! You know I just love you so much!❤️💕🥰

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Turn on the wireless, Kevin: "Ozzie & Harriet" starts in five minutes. ❤


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Yes! All my life I aspired to be a housewife. Unfortunately I was too mentally unstable and dating/marrying gangsters who either didn't appreciate my house wifery or they were in jail, unable to see my housekeeping skills. Ah well, I can still dream .

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I was just thinking of you yesterday Jane and wondering how you were since I hadn't seen you. It's nice to see your name.

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Brought a smile to my fact Josh, thank you.

I love cooking for those I love, but can admit I’m terrible at the cleaning part of housewifery.

I tell myself it’s because I’m too busy being a great farm wife but that doesn’t quite ring true; in the depth of me, I know it isn’t!

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This brought me such joy to read, describing yourself 'hobbit-ing'- I feel this. I can do the construction myself in basic ways, have done it helping build my own house once-upon-a-time. Which I knew enough to design. I still do most of the 'muscle-work' around the yard- I'm a gardener in the 'homesteading' sense; I prune, saw, rake, haul, shovel, pile- to make berms, clear fallen trees, create swales, direct runoff, clear ditches, trim borders and lawns, pull invasives(please if privet had never gone wild...I'll take bamboo to manage any day), make leaf piles, and I just have a very modest less than two acres. Mostly for wildlife, with a 'tidy garden' for myself. Very Shire-meets-Japan-via-India. lol. But then there's the 'hostessing' part of me. Getting out both grandmothers' crystal serving dishes or hand-stitched doilies when the now-rare guest comes to tea or for when no one comes over for every holiday that I decorate for. I love holidays, and I have 'unconventional' ones, like Imbolc and Obon. Lunar New Year is a big deal for me. I make paper decorations myself, make special treats. My daughter used to enjoy being part of that, we shared those interests. Then 'woke' happened. If she ever is interested in speaking to me again(I'm a holistic health practitioner and will not mask or obey compelled speech for a cult), I'm hoping each of us can have sessions with you. It's a hope, at least. Happy Hobbit-ing~! <3

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That last paragraph killed me. 😂

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‘Domestic goddess’ is under-rated

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