Jul 17Liked by Josh Slocum

It’s been my pleasure, Josh. I was worried over the weekend when I didn’t see any X posts from you about the insanity going on. Then when you let us know you’d been given a time out on X I realized why. That really sucked. Missed your takes on all the craziness.

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I saw it on your face on the show that these last days had taken a toll on you, as they have on most of us. I hope you don't consider it inappropriate (you can always delete my comment, right?) that I want to ask friends and supporters of Disaffected to contact businesses who sponsor other truthtellers. I took the liberty to write to one of them, and I hope your audience will do the same.

Dear Blackout Coffee

Thank you so much for sponsoring some of my favorite voices for truth and sanity.

I am writing to you to point out another such voice, that is – like that of so many other Truthtellers, is likely being "shadowbanned" by the Tech-Gov Censorship Trolls (YouTube, Facebook, et al).

Joshua Slocum of @DisaffectedPod is so well known (see f.ex Triggernometry/Konstantin Kisin and Francis Foster interview with Josh) in the world of sane, conservative media consumers, and if the number of our comments is any indication, we suspect that his show – which discusses current affairs and politics through a psychological lense – is being suppressed. Which is what happens when truthtellers gain popularity.

When Josh recently announced a sponsor (a local to him business) on the show, it occurred to me that it was the three-year-old show's first!

I've often thought of trying your coffee – I'm a coffee fiend and buy my coffee beans from a local roaster (Groundwire Coffee Roasters of Nfld, Minnesota) – but you can be sure that you will have a repeat customer in me and many others if you decide to support Josh and his important work through Disaffected. We want to reward businesses, who understand that we're in the fight of our lives, with our money and loyalty.

Thank you kindly for your time and consideration.

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Thank you!

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Jul 17Liked by Josh Slocum

Josh, it is a pleasure to support you. I appreciate how hard you have worked to achieve wisdom.

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Jul 17Liked by Josh Slocum

Josh, we’re living in trying times, with the last week being among the worst. You have delivered a lot of sanity for many of us, and we can certainly forgive a slight lull given unforeseeable circumstances,

We aren’t worried for you or your mission that we all support. Be and go well, my friend. Take a few days to level set and we’ll see you on the flip side.

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I'd miss you if you were gone...I can't hear the word "community" without thinking of you! ;0)

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I think it's spelled "commooniteeeee." LOL

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Josh, you are a breath of fresh air. When I was a high school nurse, I'd have one someone a bit like you every year; someone bombastic, no filter on their questions; crazy funny and predictably unpredictable. When they graduated, another would greet me in the fall. After retirement, they were the ones I'd think of most often. Imagine my astonishment when I came across your posts. It was a feeling of 'I know you!'. ❤️

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Great work!

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Jul 17Liked by Josh Slocum

It feels good to support someone who speaks their mind, and who makes me think and laugh as well.

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Jul 17Liked by Josh Slocum

Thank you, Josh, for being a reliable source of grounded sanity in this increasingly insane world.

(I own a small business and thought of contacting you regarding sponsorship, but we really only work with local (western MA, northern CT, southern VT/NH) businesses and you might actually have too wide a reach!)

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Josh keep up the good fight. In you I see myself. We're about the same age, have some commonality in life experience (I may have tried picking you up in a NYC bar or club back in the day) and have come to this evolution. Lately I'm starting to feel as though the "normies" are finally realizing what has happen to our society taken over by a bunch of evil, narcissistic Cluster B types. But the opposition is fierce and has powerful allies.

Sadly LGB has taken a major step back and they only have themselves to blame. After decades of "we're just like you" we've become the 50 year old men wanting to get naked (and everything that goes with what a 50 year old looks naked) in front of children. And then shocked, shocked I say that society has turned against the "gay community." The gay community had it all and blew it.

And you've been brutally honest in that assessment.

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Jul 17Liked by Josh Slocum

I don’t agree with everything you say, but you’re very articulate and I appreciate hearing your perspective.

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Jul 17Liked by Josh Slocum

It's a privilege to support your show and be a part of the Disaffected "community" (My Boyfriend and I always joke that we can't hear or say that word without hearing it (or saying it) in "Josh tone") This show no doubt helps many people feel less alone and allows people to find each other and maybe even form bonds who otherwise wouldn't. We're in dark times. We're in historic times but we need to keep talking, fighting and maybe most importantly, laughing. Your show gives us all that and more and I'm thrilled to know that in our support, we are able to give something back to you (and Kevin)

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Speaking of "Josh Tone", I wish I could quote woke lunatics in Valley accent as well as Josh can. Cracks me up every time he does it.

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That tickles me--- I love making people laugh this way. I've been doing vocal impressions and mimicry since I was a kid, so I've had lots of practice.

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Thank you Josh and Kevin. Do what you have to do. Take care.

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Your writing is excellent, and I've really enjoyed getting to know (know in an online way) the other people your show attracts.

There ARE a few sane people left, it turns out. Only a few -- and we're all a bit "difficult" -- but I'll take what I can get.

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Bless you, Josh and Kevin.

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Totally understand......I just joined X and I can't keep up with all the news coming at 1000mph. I knew this would be a very interesting election year but, not THIS crazy!

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