This has been a distressing week for everyone, and it’s been madcap with work and show responsibilities for me and Kevin; I haven’t had time to write any longer essays, but more will be coming.
I just want all of you who subscribe to know how much I appreciate you. It’s a blessing to have people interested enough in what we do, and what I write, to subscribe.
And it’s an even bigger blessing to have some who value it enough to pay for it. You don’t have to do this, yet you do anyway. That feels great, and yes, it also helps pay the bills. Being a freelancer with little bits of income from several different sources is a whole new thing for me in my middle age after losing my steady job and career.
Thank you for making Disaffected possible. I don’t take you for granted.
I saw it on your face on the show that these last days had taken a toll on you, as they have on most of us. I hope you don't consider it inappropriate (you can always delete my comment, right?) that I want to ask friends and supporters of Disaffected to contact businesses who sponsor other truthtellers. I took the liberty to write to one of them, and I hope your audience will do the same.
Dear Blackout Coffee
Thank you so much for sponsoring some of my favorite voices for truth and sanity.
I am writing to you to point out another such voice, that is – like that of so many other Truthtellers, is likely being "shadowbanned" by the Tech-Gov Censorship Trolls (YouTube, Facebook, et al).
Joshua Slocum of @DisaffectedPod is so well known (see f.ex Triggernometry/Konstantin Kisin and Francis Foster interview with Josh) in the world of sane, conservative media consumers, and if the number of our comments is any indication, we suspect that his show – which discusses current affairs and politics through a psychological lense – is being suppressed. Which is what happens when truthtellers gain popularity.
When Josh recently announced a sponsor (a local to him business) on the show, it occurred to me that it was the three-year-old show's first!
I've often thought of trying your coffee – I'm a coffee fiend and buy my coffee beans from a local roaster (Groundwire Coffee Roasters of Nfld, Minnesota) – but you can be sure that you will have a repeat customer in me and many others if you decide to support Josh and his important work through Disaffected. We want to reward businesses, who understand that we're in the fight of our lives, with our money and loyalty.
Thank you kindly for your time and consideration.
Josh, it is a pleasure to support you. I appreciate how hard you have worked to achieve wisdom.