Cowardice has killed many American cities.

The Antidote: Just say “no” to the plethora of bought and paid for bullies. They are, in most cases, PAID TO BULLY YOU. Stop. Complying. Grow TF up, and stop scraping and bowing to their dog whistles like a bunch of cowardly Pavlovian dogs. It. Is. Sickening.

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With Covid and related contagions on the rise, it is suggested that the Burlington City Council hold Zoom only meetings. It may not reduce Covid cases, but sure would prevent the spread of the other kind.

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VT or NC?

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Thought so. Sad.

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#BlackPrivilege in action. It's real. It's ugly. And it needs to be acknowledged and addressed. This freakshow of narcissism on display in the Burlington, VT city council meeting is beyond belief, but it's the reality in too many places in America today. This state of affairs is not tenable. A backlash is inevitable. These black supremacist demagogues and their white cuck allies are going to be to blame for all of it. I just hope and pray that the good black people with the integrity to oppose this nonsense don't get hurt in the aftermath, because the racial animosity and grievances being stoked by the narcissistic black supremacists for personal gain are more dangerous than many people realize.

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Sep 4, 2023
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Well, not all of them did. Hopefully the Clarence Thomas's, Thomas Sowell's, Larry Elder's, etc. of America don't get caught in the crossfire. Once racial/ethnic violence escalates (think Syria/Iraq/Libya/etc.) it gets ugly fast, and people lash out indiscriminately at those they perceive as their enemies, which means innocent people do get hurt and killed. That's why I had such little patience for the folks in 2020 (BLM supporters) celebrating the racial violence and calling for more of it: these retards are too short-sighted to see that this is a losing strategy for black people long term (you are 13% of the population yet you're calling for a race war against the majority population???), and the real tragedy will be the good black people who detest BLM but who get hit with the backlash when it comes. Because it is coming.

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This type of behaviour gets learned (and rewarded) at our lefty sheep-dip universities:

"At Evergreen State College, a biology professor had his class invaded by a frenzied mob hurling ‘Fuck you, you piece of shit’ type abuse. The professor, ironically a lifelong progressive, “had refused to obey an edict from Evergreen’s Director of First Peoples Multicultural Advising Services that all white faculty cancel their courses for a day and…white students were also ordered to absent themselves from the school to show ‘solidarity’.” Evergreen’s president expressed his “gratitude” for the mob’s “passion and courage”. In 2015 an orgy of foul-mouthed student self-engrossment took place at Yale: “Who the fuck hired you?!...You should not sleep at night!’ screams a black student at her college master Nicholas Christakis. “You are disgusting!” screams another. (His wife had recently suggested that the Yale multiculturalism bureaucracy did not need to oversee Halloween costumes.)"


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Borderline personality disorder is treatable using psychoeducation methods like Dialectical Behavioural Therapy, but watching this meeting is like bearing witness to a disorder-enhancing strategy. The reason it was called “borderline” in the first place is because sufferers can hover on the edge of psychosis at times, which is what we’re almost seeing here.

The big problem with legitimising and indulging this kind of self-righteous hysteria and infantile belligerence is that it’s going to be very hard to put it all back in the box, should the useful idiots in power one day realise it’s potentially toxic even to those who’ve encouraged it. And the next step for people who’ve been able to not just get away with, but who’ve been applauded for extreme behaviour like this is clearly going to be grievance-fuelled violence.

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The ones screaming the loudest are useful idiots. Authoritarians use violent thugs to intimidate normal people into following the party line. Once the thugs are no longer useful, they’re off to the camps.

Diary of an Outlaw by Cecile Tormay outlines this in regard to the communist revolution in Hungary, and the parallels to BLM and Antifa are unmistakable. They send the criminals out into the streets to destroy the businesses of anyone not displaying the revolutionary flag, so no one knows who is really on which side. This makes dissent more difficult because the society is fragmented and no one trusts anyone else.

Same as it ever was. Same as it ever was.


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They were certainly right about the terrorism and the atrocities, just not the ones they were referring to. That entire session was an atrocity.

In a sense this is a positive development. To those of us concerned about the number of mentally disturbed people who seem to be running our lives it is useful this is becoming more public.

In an important way the culture war is not ours to win but theirs to lose. When given center stage these deranged, inarticulate clown show displays of narcissism, solipsism and strained performances betray their inner world. A bleak mental wasteland that can only find meaning in their fictional victimhood and need for external reassurance, also known as fishing for brownie points. These are not the successful in society and we can see why.

That was difficult to watch. But how many condemnations of systemic racism without a whit of evidence are we going to see before the majority realize it never ends because it is invented inside people's heads? They'll see racism, hate, misogyny and all the rest forever because they need to as it defines their identity.

I suspect we will become exhausted with all the claims and then start laughing at them.

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Sep 4, 2023
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I'm not convinced. There are too few of them. I do think the overwhelming majority are nothing like this.

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Sep 4, 2023
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Yes, very true.

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"Beware the career politician!" This is a non-partisan warning that applies to all political animals. A person elected to the state or national legislatures historically was considered a volunteer and a public servant who was willing to sacrifice their personal time - they still had to earn a living - to serve their country. Much like military service, they gave a great deal more than they received. Nobody ever got wealthy from it. And nobody ever stayed in office more than a couple of terms because they had to get back to their real jobs. Example, Alexander Hamilton was the first Secretary of the Treasury but stepped down after a few years to return to his law practice in New York City. Why? Because he had a family to support. The career politician has a warped viewpoint that affects every issue he or she encounters. The first question they ask themselves is not, "How will this affect my constituents?" No, the first thought that crosses their mind is "How will this affect my re-election?" Understand this and you will understand everything else that follows from it.

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I knew the impetus for this outrageous performance sounded familiar. I recall a slightly less unhinged response when Green was accused of the same mismanagement here. This has nothing to do with justice, fairness, equality, or whatever buzzword you want to toss at it. It’s all about posturing and power. https://www.wcax.com/2023/08/10/new-report-reveals-alleged-money-mismanagement-burlington-juneteenth-celebration/?outputType=amp

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I’m absolutely stunned and also not. The absolute entitlement...the belief that one is beyond reproach, beyond criticism, beyond the rules/regulations/policies/expectations because of a particular identity is insanity. And the number of people speaking who projected their own experiences onto this situation with Green is pure, unadulterated narcissism. They have no clue who this person is, who they are defending...only the color of her skin. What she did or didn’t do does not matter. It never matters once you’re on the stage. We created, fed, nurtured, affirmed, elevated, and celebrated this ideology. It isn’t sustainable. It is rotting all of us from the marrow on out.

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Stop feeding the animals and they’ll go back to work. WTF had time to do all that nonsense if you have to work to eat? This shit isn’t chess, it’s checkers.

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Been listening to Disaffected for a while on Apple. Finally, tonight I put my money to where “your mouth is.” 😉 This podcast sent me over the edge. Are these really the goings on in local government? Fuck me! I thought it was only Twitter!

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Wow- a struggle session indeed

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