I’m armed too, Josh. I stand with you in solidarity, all the way from dystopian NYC.

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No matter what you think of Trump , this just awful!!

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A couple weeks ago, I found myself worried about an attempt on Trump's life, since I sincerely believe that the left will stop at nothing to block Trump from being president. Interestingly, when I tried to do a google search, "will Trump be assassinated?", all I got were hysterical articles from the left on what they believe Trump will do to them if reelected. Rather telling.

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This cannot be end well!

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All my friends (I'm the only one who's left the progressive and D folds, though I'm not an R or a Trump supporter.) are bemoaning that the guy didn't have better aim and betting it was staged to help Trump win. I'm just sick to my stomach.

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I hope they burn in hell.

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The left and the deep state. And agreed.

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I've said over and over get prepped. Get a plan. Get meds. Civil War is here.

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Armed and dangerous and on the right side of the Constitution. I'll defend mine, yours, and all America loving citizens with every ounce of firepower and courage I have. May not be much, but I'll go down fighting, I promise you!

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Scary scary times.

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Breath. Worst thing that could happen to us right now is some backlash or violence. Which is why they’ll do it themselves.

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Jul 14·edited Jul 14Liked by Josh Slocum

Well stated Josh.

The mental illness, that has taken hold in the last 4 years, should have never been underestimated. I've given the same warning, that to turn you back on these liberal idiots, is to invite your own demise.

You trust these people at your own peril.

That being said, we need to focus.

When you're in a battle you constantly reevaluate your situation, even as you're being fired upon. Keep your head, work through the emotions and out think your enemy.

Trump just won this.

It is ours to lose for him now, if we are stupid in our fight.

For anyone on the right, who selfishly and stupidly retaliates, you throw away the sacrifice Trump just made, by facing down an assassination attempt and laying his life on the line for YOU.

Do not be stupid.

Our next fight is the election.

They now have no choice but to steal it.

We MUST put pressure on ALL those feckless scumbags in congress, to secure the election and verify votes with ID.s.

Do not go back to sleep America.

Do not waste this sacrifice - as you have with all the others.

Get your ass up and fight - but fight smart.

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Jul 14Liked by Josh Slocum

Keep your heads, folks. Pay attention. Stay quiet. Know your neighbors. Know who can be trusted in a crisis. Act if it becomes necessary. Blessings.

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Josh, as your nautical namesake might say, don't get a breeze up. I think that picture just assured a Trump win.

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God help us, indeed.

And as James Lindsay warns, one of the main aims of their direct action campaigns is to hope to provoke an over-reaction, or something that they can frame as an over-reaction. Let's stand together and do what we do best.

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Sound advice, Sheryl. You and Dots are correct: we mustn't give them an overeaction. Fire only if fired upon, and then with a withering and deadly counter-fire. It is certainly true that this assasination attempt - likily engineered by our security apparatus, as the ones on the Kennedys were - will result in a near 50-state landslide with coat tails and corrosponding mandate.

NEVER under-estimate Joe Biden's ability to F things up, indeed! He and his party's hysterical vilification of this good man may well result in a 20-year sidelining of the democrat party.

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"...a 20-year sidelining of the democrat party."

That would be a dream come true.

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Re: you comment that: "...NEVER under-estimate Joe Biden's ability to F things up..." haha

Sorry, Tony - but just couldn't resist... I subscribe to the belief that good ole Joe Cornpop is long gone, dead as a door-nail & the man playing him is NOT the real Joe Biden. Proof >

> The Ears Do Not Match The Real Joe Biden! Did They Murder Him? BackToConstitution


8 months ago

And if you go back decades & do more sleuthing, the Joe Biden who was photographed & known way back then is most def NOT today's look-alike play-pretend so-called Biden. :/

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Some very powerful & wealthy ppl are getting desperate…. His security team had better get squared away & ramped up real fast!

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Didn't both Biden and Pelosi basically call for his assassination? Biden said we needed to put Trump in a bulleye... and Pelosi said something similar... plus how many in the MSM and tv/movie stars have been losing their minds over a possible Trump win and spouting off crazy in the last 2 weeks?

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They should all be rounded up & charged with publicly inciting violence. Every single one of them.

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The incident comes days after Joe Biden and top Democrat donor Reid Hoffman make assassination comments.

Joe Biden on 7.8.2024: "We’re done talking about the debate, it’s time to put Trump in a bullseye." pic.twitter.com/K5FeeijDuC

— Steve Guest (@SteveGuest) July 13, 2024

Joe Biden: “It’s time to put Trump in a bullseye.”

That just happened.

— House Judiciary GOP 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸 (@JudiciaryGOP) July 13, 2024

Just yesterday, Joe Biden mega-donor @reidhoffman was making jokes about assassinating Donald Trump. pic.twitter.com/sMXbUq1O8a

— Andrew Surabian (@Surabees) July 13, 2024

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I wonder if the phrase “it’s time to put Trump in a bullseye” was uttered at a very specific time to activate a very specific person who was waiting for a signal

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Well it was said by more than one but...we'll see (maybe) hear HOW he got up there and why people on the ground are saying they told cops and were pointing for minutes before it happened

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EVERYTHING The Left is accusing Trump/Republicans of doing is coming from The Left. I'm sure I'll be losing friends over this but don't care. Time to get rid of the deadwood anyway.

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Jul 14Liked by Josh Slocum

I was at a birthday dinner party when the news popped up on my phone. I made a point if not saying anything because I knew how some would react but did not know the rest of the group well enough so it was best not to bring it up at all.

Now I am being subjected to some very nasty comments. Oh, well. Between this kind of thing and knowing how some people in my city would love to see me and mine dead, I am ready.

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