The overweight will soon all be on ozempic, if they're not already.
Then in a few years when the "entirely unforeseen" health complications of this diet wonder-drug play out, these people will all be in much worse shape mentally and physically. They'll continue to turn away from any semblance of normal human pursuits. They're walking cautionary tales but rather than being rare they're now going to be everywhere. I hope at least some people heed them.
I was once in the men’s department in a store buying a few things for my husband. A 5” woman with a big butt and lesbian hair was screaming at the clerk because sizes were not diverse, ie won’t fit her. The unreasonableness always sticks in my mind. I’ve been known to buy men’s jeans but I am very tall and they fit.
This piece is the perfect use, of that Twilight Zone still.
As you know, from my past rants, I agree that we may not ever get "this back". And if we do, I think it will be 2-3 generations, unless a moral totalitarianism arises (which is quite possible - but would be problematic in different ways).
I honestly think the rapidly developing efforts to rebrand and mainstream the pedo's, might be what gets people off their asses and couches to fight what is already here.
On a scale of 1-10, I would say it's sailing right past 4. It would be much worse had the kackler and tampon tim been installed on Nov 5th.
However, the masses who are now learning to mentally block out and not see the sea of orcs, are dutifully shoving their heads in the warm, comforting sands, as quickly as possible - where the pedo agenda is concerned.
The reaction to grooming gangs in the U.K. or even the flaccid reaction to women and children being raped and killed here in the U.S., gives little hope, that people are taking any of it seriously. I honestly am not sure people would show up, in the millions, to protest this perversion/abuse, if there was a bowl game on or maybe drones showed up over a Disney property and gave a light show.
We've not hit rock bottom yet and while I think recovery can happen devoid of that, I doubt it'll be the case, where this societal apathy and intentional blindness is concerned.
Goblins i.e. lower order demons. That's how I think of them. They exist to blight us, offend us and insult us. I choose, in as much as it is possible, to ignore them as if they do not exist. But sometimes you can't, considering their size and narcissistic compulsion to impose on twice or three times the amount of space a human* would require. Fortunately, I haven't been accosted or impeded by one of their ilk, but if I were I would automatically display an expression of extreme revulsion and move away from it as quickly as possible. Their proximity is poisonous.
*I don't categorize them in the same genus as human
I an tired of the constant pro Trump triumpalism and the " woke is dead" comments. Woke isn't dead, far from it. Much as already been instutionalized in policy and even law.
There is no actual understanding of how we got here and what needs to be changed. Superficial changes seem likely while doctrines remain imbeded.
No political will evident to really make the deep changes required and no recognition that it took 50 years to get here and will take 50 years to get back, if even possible.
Since therapy has been corrupted how can anyone break free? We will be on the verge of revolution if we clamp down as hard as necessary. All we have are sissy politicians who will buckle at the first sign of trouble.
Enjoy the next four years. It may be the best we have before retribution begins if we can't change the couse of history.
It did not take 50 years for liberalism to go berserk. I would say the last 20, by then genuine egalitarianism hit its peak. Woke isnt dead yet but the peak has come and the public can clearly see (being allowed to see) that pretty much nobody else likes it except crybully elites. The DEI rollback is going to commence soon.
I get that. I thought that too. If people think we are entering some MAGA LA LA land after January 20, they are sadly mistaken. The march thru our institutions is almost complete and the enemy is still entrenched even if it is smarting a bit...
All of it disgusts me . I barely have words left to convey my disgust with all that has been socially engineered and fomented .
I’m often afraid of looking too put together or normal when I go out in public . I know I will be seen as a dismissible privileged middle age white woman.
As a long time culture watcher since I was a kid and pattern noticer I am still convinced that this particular social engineering coup has been orchestrated purposefully to steer the masses to tolerating a hard swing to a moral ( on the surface ) totalitarianism . Our legit but manufactured outrage will be used to nudge people to total behavioral technocratic totalitarianism.
It’s all been quite textbook imho. It’s just that it’s so nasty and over the top our outrage has to catch up to perceiving the overt manipulation taking place.
Josh, you know what you’re going to notice in ten years? They’re gone. No, they didn’t get cured of their mental illness and moved on. Instead they died. Between the extreme obesity, mental illness, addiction to Pharma and street drugs and endless “Covid jabs” their lives will be cut short.
Sometimes their bottom surgery goes so poorly, after several revisions, that they realize their situation is hopeless, and being mentally ill anyway... well... they check out.
Others die of sepsis.
And others probably die of T, because female bodies are not built to handle it in those quantities.
God, it's sad. Those kids were fully enveloped in the sickness, and they barely had a chance.
I'm not certain, but I've felt, in the past year or two, that there are fewer tattooed young women. If true, this is a positive sign. I'm old enough to remember when just about the only regular people who had tattoos were guys who had been in the Navy or Marine Corps, and you had to buy a carnival ticket to see a marked-up woman. Now, if only they'd start losing interest in the face hardware.
No one young wants to hear this, but it’s true. Tattooing (outside some exceptions, one of which you mentioned, military) correlates strongly with personality disorder traits. This has been known far back into the early 20th century formally.
It’s obvious to me today, too.
NOTE! If you have a tattoo, reader, I am not saying “that means you have a personality disorder.” I’m not saying that. This is not personal, and I’ve already mentioned exceptions. Please don’t personalize and get angry with me; that’s not legitimate.
I'm 61, and nobody got tattoos in my day unless they were in the military, in prison, or a biker gang.
Tattoos signified "I'm dangerous and anti-social." Visible tats, especially around the neck and face, were considered valid grounds to not hire someone.
There has been some shift in significance, but maybe not. Maybe more people are willing to identify as antisocial or dangerous or "fringe, and don't mess with me because I'm unpredictable."
Goblins tend to concentrate in certain places. This might create an exaggerated impression of how pervasive they are, if you're stuck in one of those places. When you get outside of those enclaves, you don't see them nearly as much, and quiet revulsion is the more common reaction. And the more they impose on others, the more outspoken that revulsion gets.
Not to downplay the problem, just trying to offer a bit of hope. Coming from a lefty bubble town myself, I know it's easy to get demoralized when you're surrounded by it.
I can't believe I am going to type this, and it's topic-adjacent, but here goes: I was doing errands recently, out and about. For reasons unknown, I saw people through new eyes. Maybe because of the holiday and places were busier. Anyway--I saw that almost everyone, especially under 30, was unattractive.
I don't mean not my taste, or didn't age well, or has weird features, or anything like that. I mean totally unattractive--dumpy, plain, and unfit. Slumped shoulders. Shapeless faces. Amorphous bodies. Bad posture. A lumbering walk. Awful formless childish clothing, and I am known to wear flannel house pants to the store.
I said to my husband, it's no wonder teens aren't having sex anymore--they're not physically attracted to each other. I'm not being funny, I'm dead serious. We evolved to seek fitness, and most young people do not give an appearance of fitness in any way.
Our food system is slowly poisoning us, testosterone levels have plummeted since the 1970s, and we are making ourselves physically sick. We know this. But we are making ourselves ugly too, and this has to be a small contributing factor to birth and marriage rates, and feelings of low worth, isolation, frustration, and aggression.
Yes, all the caveats--not all, there are lots of fit and attractive young people left, it's complicated, etc. But I grew up in the 70s and 80s, and the average American young person now would have been the comically fat kid--the single fat kid--in any given classroom. And it used to be low income people who looked that way. Now it's almost everyone.
It’s ironic, isn’t it, to approach old age expecting to lament one’s lost youth, take a look around, and see that at 63 one looks healthier than a 30 year old! I live in NYC, teach at a university, and daily witness what you describe. Homely, slovenly, preternaturally aged, unsexy youth.
My mom is in a retirement park. 82. They have half a dozen ladies in their 90’s. They’re healthier than I am at 58. And they inspire me to keep moving. “ put that phone down and walk with me “ or swim. Or garden. & they all will pray for me if I asked .
Crazy Alex jones, the frogs did turn gay and now our precious children! I know many families who have one child who wants to be the other gender. I’m sorry people my age (58) didn’t know to do a serious detox before trying to have children!
And I have been on disability fat too long, bad booster and Lyme back in 2001. Was working my best job ever, kindergarten age mostly autistic children.
Suddenly I had a laundry list of autoimmune issues and all the doctors wanted to do was shove antidepressants at me. And deny my issues. Especially when I didn’t take their trending medicine
One of my friends from school that I’m still in contact with was “the fat kid”. A size 12. That is smaller than the average American woman’s size now. I graduated in 1980. The average waist size is 38.7 for females. Average jean size is 18-20. I remember 5-7-9 shops in malls, they were popular, and would probably be out of business now due to lack of customers.
Portion sizes have grown exponentially as well - my niece and her family were stationed in UK and AU for some years, and when they returned to the states, were startled to see the amount of food served. (They’re back down under now). It used to be at McDonalds, the kids & mom would get a hamburger or a cheeseburger, a small fry (which was smaller than the current small), and an 8? 12? Ounce drink without refills. Dad might get a larger burger, but his fries and drink were the same size. I went to see the dietitian at the local hospital for a consult, and learned actual portion sizes. A baked potato is the size of a computer mouse, not the monster you get (with chopped beef on top) at the BBQ place. 1/2 cup for cooked veggies, meat the side of a deck of cards, fish the size of a checkbook, pasta 1 cup, cheese 2 dice.
Do Levi’s even sell student sizes any more? With 20” waist and 29” length?
I agree with your comment here. You and I grew up in the same era back when the supermodels were so skinny they made a Lampost look fat. now everyone is fat lazy and apathetic. I’ll be 55 years old this year and I am fit and healthy and active and attractive. I refuse to give in and I refuse to give up. Generation X was the last great generation. It will be up to us to save the planet. I am convinced. These last couple of generations are just sad excuses for humans. And have you noticed they have no sense of humor? No sense of humor whatsoever. so focused on being politically correct and not offending anyone and accepting everyone’s poor choices that you can’t say anything around these kids anymore. That famous line from the movie Ferris Bueller‘s Day off where the kids are eating in the expensive restaurant, and the maitre’d says : “I weep for the future.” Yeah. That
Positive feedback loops can only end in one way: complete collapse.
This is true in physics and it is true with human beings. When a dysfunction is only reinforced by the consequent behaviors, eventually the person will be pushed to a point of either psychological or physiological collapse. Eventually the society normalizing dysfunction will be pushed to the point of societal collapse.
This is the nature of systems. The laws of thermodynamics are as applicable to human systems as they are to physical ones, and those laws require that all things invariably trend towards equilibrium--i.e., a negative feedback loop.
As the negative feedback loop and the trend towards equilibrium is invariably the long term trend for everything, positive feedback loops and their enforced disequilibrium can only be momentary.
I do not know when the moment of correction will come when the bodies, minds, and/or lives of the goblins will collapse. I do know that the moment of correction will come, and the bodies, minds, andor lives the the goblins will collapse.
Pray you are not in the vicinity when it happens. The collapse will not be at all pretty.
Those Twilight Zone goblins in the pic bear a remarkable resemblance to Zendaya.
An even better resemblance to Ariana Grande and Cynthia Erivo on the *Wicked* press tour.
So *sick* of those advertisements!!!!
The overweight will soon all be on ozempic, if they're not already.
Then in a few years when the "entirely unforeseen" health complications of this diet wonder-drug play out, these people will all be in much worse shape mentally and physically. They'll continue to turn away from any semblance of normal human pursuits. They're walking cautionary tales but rather than being rare they're now going to be everywhere. I hope at least some people heed them.
The horror.
The horror.
I was once in the men’s department in a store buying a few things for my husband. A 5” woman with a big butt and lesbian hair was screaming at the clerk because sizes were not diverse, ie won’t fit her. The unreasonableness always sticks in my mind. I’ve been known to buy men’s jeans but I am very tall and they fit.
This piece is the perfect use, of that Twilight Zone still.
As you know, from my past rants, I agree that we may not ever get "this back". And if we do, I think it will be 2-3 generations, unless a moral totalitarianism arises (which is quite possible - but would be problematic in different ways).
I honestly think the rapidly developing efforts to rebrand and mainstream the pedo's, might be what gets people off their asses and couches to fight what is already here.
On a scale of 1-10, I would say it's sailing right past 4. It would be much worse had the kackler and tampon tim been installed on Nov 5th.
However, the masses who are now learning to mentally block out and not see the sea of orcs, are dutifully shoving their heads in the warm, comforting sands, as quickly as possible - where the pedo agenda is concerned.
The reaction to grooming gangs in the U.K. or even the flaccid reaction to women and children being raped and killed here in the U.S., gives little hope, that people are taking any of it seriously. I honestly am not sure people would show up, in the millions, to protest this perversion/abuse, if there was a bowl game on or maybe drones showed up over a Disney property and gave a light show.
We've not hit rock bottom yet and while I think recovery can happen devoid of that, I doubt it'll be the case, where this societal apathy and intentional blindness is concerned.
Goblins i.e. lower order demons. That's how I think of them. They exist to blight us, offend us and insult us. I choose, in as much as it is possible, to ignore them as if they do not exist. But sometimes you can't, considering their size and narcissistic compulsion to impose on twice or three times the amount of space a human* would require. Fortunately, I haven't been accosted or impeded by one of their ilk, but if I were I would automatically display an expression of extreme revulsion and move away from it as quickly as possible. Their proximity is poisonous.
*I don't categorize them in the same genus as human
funyuns lol brilliant
You know those are actually a thing, right?
ik, but thanks for the heads up.
I see those slit eyes everywhere.
"You got them cunt eyes."
-Female Trouble
I an tired of the constant pro Trump triumpalism and the " woke is dead" comments. Woke isn't dead, far from it. Much as already been instutionalized in policy and even law.
There is no actual understanding of how we got here and what needs to be changed. Superficial changes seem likely while doctrines remain imbeded.
No political will evident to really make the deep changes required and no recognition that it took 50 years to get here and will take 50 years to get back, if even possible.
Since therapy has been corrupted how can anyone break free? We will be on the verge of revolution if we clamp down as hard as necessary. All we have are sissy politicians who will buckle at the first sign of trouble.
Enjoy the next four years. It may be the best we have before retribution begins if we can't change the couse of history.
It did not take 50 years for liberalism to go berserk. I would say the last 20, by then genuine egalitarianism hit its peak. Woke isnt dead yet but the peak has come and the public can clearly see (being allowed to see) that pretty much nobody else likes it except crybully elites. The DEI rollback is going to commence soon.
I get that. I thought that too. If people think we are entering some MAGA LA LA land after January 20, they are sadly mistaken. The march thru our institutions is almost complete and the enemy is still entrenched even if it is smarting a bit...
All of it disgusts me . I barely have words left to convey my disgust with all that has been socially engineered and fomented .
I’m often afraid of looking too put together or normal when I go out in public . I know I will be seen as a dismissible privileged middle age white woman.
As a long time culture watcher since I was a kid and pattern noticer I am still convinced that this particular social engineering coup has been orchestrated purposefully to steer the masses to tolerating a hard swing to a moral ( on the surface ) totalitarianism . Our legit but manufactured outrage will be used to nudge people to total behavioral technocratic totalitarianism.
It’s all been quite textbook imho. It’s just that it’s so nasty and over the top our outrage has to catch up to perceiving the overt manipulation taking place.
Josh, you know what you’re going to notice in ten years? They’re gone. No, they didn’t get cured of their mental illness and moved on. Instead they died. Between the extreme obesity, mental illness, addiction to Pharma and street drugs and endless “Covid jabs” their lives will be cut short.
Here's another young trans"man" who has died, cause not revealed:
Farther down in that thread, a list of five female transitioners who have perished in the last 6 months:
Sometimes their bottom surgery goes so poorly, after several revisions, that they realize their situation is hopeless, and being mentally ill anyway... well... they check out.
Others die of sepsis.
And others probably die of T, because female bodies are not built to handle it in those quantities.
God, it's sad. Those kids were fully enveloped in the sickness, and they barely had a chance.
And let’s hope that they didn’t reproduce before they checked out
I'm not certain, but I've felt, in the past year or two, that there are fewer tattooed young women. If true, this is a positive sign. I'm old enough to remember when just about the only regular people who had tattoos were guys who had been in the Navy or Marine Corps, and you had to buy a carnival ticket to see a marked-up woman. Now, if only they'd start losing interest in the face hardware.
No one young wants to hear this, but it’s true. Tattooing (outside some exceptions, one of which you mentioned, military) correlates strongly with personality disorder traits. This has been known far back into the early 20th century formally.
It’s obvious to me today, too.
NOTE! If you have a tattoo, reader, I am not saying “that means you have a personality disorder.” I’m not saying that. This is not personal, and I’ve already mentioned exceptions. Please don’t personalize and get angry with me; that’s not legitimate.
But what I’m saying is true as a general pattern.
I've noticed the correlation.
I'm 61, and nobody got tattoos in my day unless they were in the military, in prison, or a biker gang.
Tattoos signified "I'm dangerous and anti-social." Visible tats, especially around the neck and face, were considered valid grounds to not hire someone.
There has been some shift in significance, but maybe not. Maybe more people are willing to identify as antisocial or dangerous or "fringe, and don't mess with me because I'm unpredictable."
Same with facial metal of any kind.
Goblins tend to concentrate in certain places. This might create an exaggerated impression of how pervasive they are, if you're stuck in one of those places. When you get outside of those enclaves, you don't see them nearly as much, and quiet revulsion is the more common reaction. And the more they impose on others, the more outspoken that revulsion gets.
Not to downplay the problem, just trying to offer a bit of hope. Coming from a lefty bubble town myself, I know it's easy to get demoralized when you're surrounded by it.
I can't believe I am going to type this, and it's topic-adjacent, but here goes: I was doing errands recently, out and about. For reasons unknown, I saw people through new eyes. Maybe because of the holiday and places were busier. Anyway--I saw that almost everyone, especially under 30, was unattractive.
I don't mean not my taste, or didn't age well, or has weird features, or anything like that. I mean totally unattractive--dumpy, plain, and unfit. Slumped shoulders. Shapeless faces. Amorphous bodies. Bad posture. A lumbering walk. Awful formless childish clothing, and I am known to wear flannel house pants to the store.
I said to my husband, it's no wonder teens aren't having sex anymore--they're not physically attracted to each other. I'm not being funny, I'm dead serious. We evolved to seek fitness, and most young people do not give an appearance of fitness in any way.
Our food system is slowly poisoning us, testosterone levels have plummeted since the 1970s, and we are making ourselves physically sick. We know this. But we are making ourselves ugly too, and this has to be a small contributing factor to birth and marriage rates, and feelings of low worth, isolation, frustration, and aggression.
Yes, all the caveats--not all, there are lots of fit and attractive young people left, it's complicated, etc. But I grew up in the 70s and 80s, and the average American young person now would have been the comically fat kid--the single fat kid--in any given classroom. And it used to be low income people who looked that way. Now it's almost everyone.
You're right. Everyone can see it even if they won't admit it. People are ugly to the point of repulsive in huge numbers today.
The young are wasting their peak beauty years with blubber, face metal, non-grooming, etc.
Speak for AmerikkkA. No shortage of beautiful young people in Europe...
I am, because I am an American living in America.
It’s ironic, isn’t it, to approach old age expecting to lament one’s lost youth, take a look around, and see that at 63 one looks healthier than a 30 year old! I live in NYC, teach at a university, and daily witness what you describe. Homely, slovenly, preternaturally aged, unsexy youth.
My mom is in a retirement park. 82. They have half a dozen ladies in their 90’s. They’re healthier than I am at 58. And they inspire me to keep moving. “ put that phone down and walk with me “ or swim. Or garden. & they all will pray for me if I asked .
Crazy Alex jones, the frogs did turn gay and now our precious children! I know many families who have one child who wants to be the other gender. I’m sorry people my age (58) didn’t know to do a serious detox before trying to have children!
And I have been on disability fat too long, bad booster and Lyme back in 2001. Was working my best job ever, kindergarten age mostly autistic children.
Suddenly I had a laundry list of autoimmune issues and all the doctors wanted to do was shove antidepressants at me. And deny my issues. Especially when I didn’t take their trending medicine
* far too long. Not fat.
Just FYI: if you click on those 3 dots in a line at the top right edge of your post, you can edit it.
One of my friends from school that I’m still in contact with was “the fat kid”. A size 12. That is smaller than the average American woman’s size now. I graduated in 1980. The average waist size is 38.7 for females. Average jean size is 18-20. I remember 5-7-9 shops in malls, they were popular, and would probably be out of business now due to lack of customers.
Portion sizes have grown exponentially as well - my niece and her family were stationed in UK and AU for some years, and when they returned to the states, were startled to see the amount of food served. (They’re back down under now). It used to be at McDonalds, the kids & mom would get a hamburger or a cheeseburger, a small fry (which was smaller than the current small), and an 8? 12? Ounce drink without refills. Dad might get a larger burger, but his fries and drink were the same size. I went to see the dietitian at the local hospital for a consult, and learned actual portion sizes. A baked potato is the size of a computer mouse, not the monster you get (with chopped beef on top) at the BBQ place. 1/2 cup for cooked veggies, meat the side of a deck of cards, fish the size of a checkbook, pasta 1 cup, cheese 2 dice.
Do Levi’s even sell student sizes any more? With 20” waist and 29” length?
Brilliant observation , completely agree .
I agree with your comment here. You and I grew up in the same era back when the supermodels were so skinny they made a Lampost look fat. now everyone is fat lazy and apathetic. I’ll be 55 years old this year and I am fit and healthy and active and attractive. I refuse to give in and I refuse to give up. Generation X was the last great generation. It will be up to us to save the planet. I am convinced. These last couple of generations are just sad excuses for humans. And have you noticed they have no sense of humor? No sense of humor whatsoever. so focused on being politically correct and not offending anyone and accepting everyone’s poor choices that you can’t say anything around these kids anymore. That famous line from the movie Ferris Bueller‘s Day off where the kids are eating in the expensive restaurant, and the maitre’d says : “I weep for the future.” Yeah. That
Positive feedback loops can only end in one way: complete collapse.
This is true in physics and it is true with human beings. When a dysfunction is only reinforced by the consequent behaviors, eventually the person will be pushed to a point of either psychological or physiological collapse. Eventually the society normalizing dysfunction will be pushed to the point of societal collapse.
This is the nature of systems. The laws of thermodynamics are as applicable to human systems as they are to physical ones, and those laws require that all things invariably trend towards equilibrium--i.e., a negative feedback loop.
As the negative feedback loop and the trend towards equilibrium is invariably the long term trend for everything, positive feedback loops and their enforced disequilibrium can only be momentary.
I do not know when the moment of correction will come when the bodies, minds, and/or lives of the goblins will collapse. I do know that the moment of correction will come, and the bodies, minds, andor lives the the goblins will collapse.
Pray you are not in the vicinity when it happens. The collapse will not be at all pretty.
Yikes. You're a good writer, but this is really unnecessarily mean-spirited. Get me out of this stinky bathroom.
You know where the door is.
Yep. I just used it.
Actually, the mean people are the loonies inflicting their spite and perversity on the rest of us everyday.