Decriminalization of pedophilia is one of the left’s goals. They don’t even try to hide it. Also I wasn’t familiar with him until a few days ago and after watching a few videos and hearing him speak I can say “he ain’t right.”

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The Declaration of Independence and the Constitution of the United States were written in pure, simple English in 1776. Every law in every state, up to and including Federal laws, should be the same.

If I, a common citizen with a college degree, can't understand it, it can't be passed.

All Laws should say what they mean.

For Example: Rape is felony crime. Rape a woman or a child and you will prosecuted and sent to prison, if you are found guilty. Prison sentences will be not less than 5 years and not more than 50 years.

Child Molestation is a felony crime. Child molestors can not live or work within 500 yards of places where children go to school, play, or shop with their parents.

Pedophelia is a felony Crime. Pedophiles can not live or work within 500 yards of places where children congregate.

If Child Molesters or Pedophiles are found guilty in a court of law, they shall be remanded to state prison for a period of not less than 10 years and not more than 50 years.

Murder is a felony crime. Murderers will be arrested, tried, and if convicted, will be remanded to state prisons for a period of time not to exceed one lifetime. There will be no parole for a murderer.

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Imagine what can be, unburdened by what has been

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Oh, the perverts are, and they are eagerly salivating in the wings waiting to line up to diddle some kids.

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I feel sick...and angry! This has always been the base agenda of queer theory. Thank you for bringing this to my attention. Anyone that supports the Harris/Walz ticket is a supporter of paedophilia. There is a concerted satanic attack taking place against the citizenry of the United States.

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And so the slippery slope keeps on sliding. Twenty years ago I remember the “feverish” claims of those swivel-eyed SoCons. I laughed: “what dopes, this stuff will never happen!”

And yet, who was correct and who wasn’t… I didn’t understand the depths of human depreciate at that time

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Imagine what can be, unburdened by what has been. You didn't fall out of a coconut tree silly!

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That ‘Alec Johnson’ thinks and writes as well as you do. Restacked.

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Right? Going to have to share Alec's piece.

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Thank you for helping your readers get a leg up on Walz’ true being. He is a mega-creep.

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Jokes aside, none of this is an accident. There is no such thing as coincidence. Nobody is paying attention so stop pretending you're gonna convince somebody. This really is what will be, only a taste of what was always the consequence for our nation's sin. Shocked that you deserve it? Prepare yourself for hell cuz yeah, you do.

I appreciate you Josh and you're finally seeing things clearly. You need to repent, homosexuals cannot enter the kingdom of God. Nothing will change or turn this, it is God's will at play here.

Romans 1:24-32 NASB 1995:

"Therefore God gave them over in the lusts of their hearts to impurity, so that their bodies would be dishonored among them. For they exchanged the truth of God for a lie, and worshiped and served the creature rather than the Creator, who is blessed forever. Amen. For this reason God gave them over to degrading passions; for their women exchanged the natural function for that which is unnatural, and in the same way also the men abandoned the natural function of the woman and burned in their desire toward one another, men with men committing indecent acts and receiving in their own persons the due penalty of their error. And just as they did not see fit to acknowledge God any longer, God gave them over to a depraved mind, to do those things which are not proper, being filled with all unrighteousness, wickedness, greed, evil; full of envy, murder, strife, deceit, malice; they are gossips, slanderers, haters of God, insolent, arrogant, boastful, inventors of evil, disobedient to parents, without understanding, untrustworthy, unloving, unmerciful; and although they know the ordinance of God, that those who practice such things are worthy of death, they not only do the same, but also give hearty approval to those who practice them."

Repent, the Kingdom of God is near

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Josh; You are 'on the trail' in exposing those who prey upon our children; our most valuable asset, and quite honestly--our reason for being. Thank-you from the bottom of my heart.

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People think I am crazy when I tell them the goal is to legalize sex with children. Come on, people! Shouldn't the introduction of the term "minor attracted person" have given us a clue? When society is saying that children can determine their sex, is it that far-fetched to go another step and say that soon we will be hearing that they can make decisions about what they do with their bodies, after we listened to them clamor for puberty blockers, cross sex hormones, and/or surgery?

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Hi, Josh, and thanks for the insight, troubling though it is. I'm laboring through the 922-pages of Project 2025, searching for the part where it says Donald Trump will abolish the U.S. Constitution and kill the firstborn in every Democrat family. (Lucky for them, abortion is more important than children.) If I do not die of old age first, I'll complete the reading before attempting a synopsis for a guest commentary in the local newspaper.

Halfway through I have discovered that what the leftists deem authoritarianism is more good sense than anything else. They have selective memories, and have already forgotten that the Biden regime padlocked the public schools along with tens of thousands of private businesses, while simultaneously hunting down pedestrians who were standing on a sidewalk looking at the Capitol. Those things sound like authoritarianism to me, but that's because I am not an idiot.

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"Project 2025" is long, but I've managed to read some of it, including all of the section on education. So far, everything I've seen seems pretty reasonable, and a huge improvement over the way things are now. I suppose the obvious conclusion is that Democrats are lying about it.

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I’m over halfway through the reading. It’s mostly boring, but that is rectified by the horrors the report reveals. We are all fools who believe we have a say in our government. That fact has been repeatedly made clear in the reading.

The recommendations in the Project are, as you say, pretty reasonable; but where the opportunity for acquiring wealth is concerned, reason is poison. There are simply too many people in government who seem to revel in spending other people’s money, and telling them what to do. The lying, the duplicity and the thievery of bureaucrats like Fauci is stomach-turning.

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I wholeheartedly agree, particularly about Fauci and others of his ilk.

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The "machine" wants to equate being gay as pedophilia. The same "attachment" the gay revolution spent 40 years dispelling. And now it's back and with it the predicted backlash. And other than Gays against Groomers, you Josh, and some others like Douglas Murray there's been no pushback among the "community." Makes you want to walk away and just forget about the "southern yearnings."

Interestingly and on purpose, this old guy Walz looks like the stereotypical religion breathing conservative from the 1990s. But in fact he's as dangerous as the "drag queen" that wants four year olds to put dollar bills in their butt. Or old queens that want to shake their wrinkled penis in the face of a five year old boy.

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Hey Josh, thanks for another great post. Especially considering the recent loss of one of your other revenue streams, it’s great to see this new avenue open up for you.

And, with the poignancy of the subject matter set aside, to leverage your honed tradecraft (in written communications) in combination with the decades’ of experience you built in yet another lost revenue stream only sweetens your debut on this platform.

(er...edit: having first heard of Wokespy from another recent post on Disaffected, I didn't realize you've been contributing there for months!)

This contribution spotlights an important issue at the same time as it provides the layperson with a skill set to uncover similar malfeasance. Not only did you reel one in, but also taught us to fish.

The character of political candidates should be weighed substantively by their prospective constituents. All I needed to know was “Hunter” to eliminate my consideration of Joe: a man who raises and then clearly enables an awful human like that has some deep, underlying flaws himself. That’s a major difference between conservatives and leftists, with the latter refusing to prioritize the character of their leaders over the feelzies that drive them to the ballot box.

Thanks again, Josh. I’m headed over to sign up for Wokespy now.

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These days I can’t be so sure if reality has been ‘memory holed’ so please confirm or deny. But I recall years back there being a ‘Man Boy Love Association’ of ‘Chester Molesters’ that gays had to distance themselves from to prevent being associated with pedophiles.

Josh, thank you for your service. My eyes glaze over at unreadable legalese. And I’m from a family of attorneys with a paralegal / regulatory background.

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You are correct. That organization is still around.

It is the North American Man Boy Love Association, NAMBLA.

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When Kamala Harris was Attorney General of California, she wrote the synopses of the pro-criminal measures that went in the voting handbooks that were mailed out. Her misleading prose was at least partially responsible for getting those laws passed, very much to the detriment of the state. These people are masters of spin, distraction, and lies.

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Please excuse the length of this comment, but I in advertently went deep down the rabbit hole on this one.

#1.) Here is a direct link to the first Version of HF447 with the concerning part highlighted: https://www.revisor.mn.gov/bills/text.php?number=HF447&version=1&session=ls93&session_year=2023&session_number=0#:~:text=Sec.%205.%20Minnesota%20Statutes%202022%2C%20section%20363A,sexual%20attachment%20to%20children%20by%20an%20adult.

#2.) In the second Version of HF447, it says:

"Sec. 30. [363A.265] GENERAL EXCLUSIONS.

The physical or sexual attachment to children by an adult is not a protected class under

this chapter."

Direct link to above: https://www.revisor.mn.gov/bills/text.php?number=HF447&version=2&session=ls93&session_year=2023&session_number=0#:~:text=Sec.%2030.,under%0Athis%20chapter.

#3.) In the third (and apparently final) Version of the same bill, it seems to have been gutted and its purpose was changed. See it here: https://www.revisor.mn.gov/bills/text.php?number=HF447&version=3&session=ls93&session_year=2023&session_number=0

#4:) It was this third Version that Walz apparently signed into law on May 26 of 2023. Ref: https://www.house.mn.gov/cco/journals/2023-24/JSupp2023.htm#11117:~:text=H.%C2%A0F.%C2%A0No.%C2%A0447%2C%20relating%20to%20legislative%20enactments%3B%20correcting%20miscellaneous%20oversights%2C%20inconsistencies%2C%20ambiguities%2C%20unintended%20results%2C%20and%20technical%20errors

#5.) On page 6 of the current MN Statutes is the text that was amended in Version 1 above: https://www.revisor.mn.gov/statutes/cite/363A/pdf

(MN apparently calls different versions of their bills "Engrossments". I believe that where I have written "Version", the equivalent term in their Legislature would be "Engrossments.")

#6.) A text search of the Version that was signed into Law has no reference to "sex" or "sexual" or "orientation" AT ALL, but the current Law includes the changes of #1.) on page 6 of #5.) above.

#7.) So, how did the changes discussed in #1.) above become law if a different Version was signed by Walz?

#8.) What happened to the Amendment mentioned in #2.) above?

#9.) What am I missing?

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