Great episode, Josh. The persecution of Jordan Peterson is of a piece with other medieval-minded guilds (as you so correctly characterise them) and professional hierarchies clamping down on free speech and enforcing Wokethink. Among others, this has happened to Dr Francis Christian in Canada whose professional body are now implying he’s lost his mind because he believes kids should be given informed consent before being given Covid vaccines (against their parents’ wishes).

Totally agree also that we must stop humouring those going along with the gender cult, including deluded or Munchhausen mothers. This toxic ideology needs to be attacked root and branch. It’s pure science fiction wedded to a psychopathic billion dollar industry, masquerading as a human rights movement. There is no justification for making concessions to such a devastating attack on reality especially when it’s destroying the bodies and lives of kids and young people. This scourge will not be slayed with politeness.

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Josh, I understand how incredibly hard it is to speak truth in this culture and the heavy price we pay. Thank you for your boldness. We've also live that life with our youngest child who came out almost a year ago. He no longer has any contact with us- his choice - because we refuse to lie to our son. I still text him from time to time to tell him I love him and hope he's doing okay (avoiding all pronouns) but I never receive a reply. It has broken our family in two between those who completely, and shockingly, pivoted immediately and those of us who refuse to live this lie. I have one child who is trying to skirt the middle and encouraged everyone to be kind to those they disagree with (and you know how that is going). I am completely gutted and heartbroken. There are mothers who go full-on with this trans stuff but please remember those of us who are suffering because we have taken a hard and lonely road, and who feel that somewhere we have not protected our children. I live in the land of "what ifs..." There are very few "safe spaces' for us and I'm not as bold as you are, Josh. Thanks for speaking up and speaking the truth.

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I'm so sorry for the state your family life is in. I've always known parents like you exist; I've known them. Some are members of my own family.

May you all get through this.

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Thank you Josh. I discovered your YT channel a little over a year ago thanks to Heather Heying. That was back when I was learning about cluster Bs in relation to covid, never thinking this new problem would arise in my own family. May we all get through this.

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