I’m still furious. I worked in a vet ER at the time. We were only allowing 2 people into the patient rooms with their animals, even for euthanasias. I had to talk doctors into euthanizing outside on blankets spread on the lawn so families could comfort their best friends in their final moments. Made me sick.

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At the time, I likened it to Invasion of the Body Snatchers, but Stepford Wives works, too. Formally normal and intelligent people (or so I thought) completely lost their minds with covid. I haven't unfriended anyone or been unfriended, but I have very little respect for them anymore. It's been very disappointing.

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Invasion of the Body Snatchers was definitely predictive programming!

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I, too, thought of the devout mask-religionists as "pods", as in "Invasion of the Body Snatchers".

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I remember like yesterday how early on I gathered my family like a good patriarch and gave them this speech:

“People around us are going to get frightened. It will make them dangerous. But we, here, in this family are not going to give in to fear. Everyone in this family is going to give everyone else three hugs a day minimum.”

And when the kids got Covid I went on hugging them (against CDC recommendation) and I got it too. And it ended up being no worse than a bad cold. And I that’s when I went from thinking it was a scam to knowing it was.

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It sounds like you have a family that's already sane, or they wouldn't have "let" you have those opinions, let alone give instructions.

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Well, we specialized in certain matters, and when it comes to keeping the family safe they were well aware that it is primarily my responsibility. So the odd Ralph Kramden moment, when appropriate, was not misconstrued.

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I'm glad you're reposting these essays and reminding us not to forget because the NYTs has been publishing articles nonstop week about the 5 year anniversary of the pandemic and recatastrophizing the entire ordeal in an attempt to try to scare people again for what's to come the next time the government pulls a stunt like this. Evil.

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The human race is broken in a way not seen since The Great Depression. What's even more worrying unlike The Great Depression this is all self induced. People want "woke" to go away but woke is nothing more than a manifestation of mental illness, specifically Cluster B.

Adding fuel to the raging fire is the Medical Industrial Complex response. More drugs or jabs, which has created an endless feedback loop. Cluster B gets hooked on pills (legal and illegal), takes more pills (or jabs) and it just reinforces and grows the Cluster B.

There's one sure way out of this. The great die off. That's where we're headed. Look at so many of our youth. Do you think they will make it much past age 40?

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Yes, well, that die-off is going to happen to more than the youth cohort if the issues from the vaccine continue to manifest. Look at the vaccine uptake rates and cohorts currently -


Democrats (91%), older adults >65 (91%), and college graduates (88%) continue to report the highest rates of vaccination.

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Loved the epilogue update!

Just recently relistened to "The Hanging Stranger" by Philip K. Dick - another apt extended metaphor for what some of our so-called neighbors tried to do to us...

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Yes! Philip Dick, author of Blade Runner. Excellent.

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I will never forget. And I get knots in my stomach, reliving the nightmare through your words.

This was my own anguished post from two years ago. https://open.substack.com/pub/joaniehiggs/p/not-forgiveness-or-sympathy-but-pity?

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I make an exercise of going back and reading what I (and others) were writing in 2020 and 2021. The change in cultural assumptions and tone is shocking. We're all frogs in boiling water of cultural change, usually fixated on the latest news 'event' or ginned-up celebrity conflict. Truth matters. Values matter. These things don't really change (at least not quickly). We should try to resist the tsunami of distraction and the constant pull of curated information.

I'll try not to forget.

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One thing is very clear when I look at my own writings at the time: I did not see the Pandemic Panic Narrative coming.

That the media would go to the lengths that it did to promote a false narrative, that people would be actively punished for daring to challenge that narrative....no, in the beginning I did not believe that would be the case.


Virologists, epidemiologists, journalists, government bureaucrats and politicians....all turned their back on decades of work in handling infectious diseases, without so much as a second thought.

The breadth and depth of the corruption defies all easy articulation.

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They were just trying to keep you safe. They were just trying to keep you safe. They were just trying to keep you safe...

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"They" are also sitting on some evidence (many of us have already noticed it in people who have TDS at the same time) of post vaccine lasting personality changes. It reminds me of that chilling scene in the 1978 Invasion of the Body Snatchers when the Asian dry cleaner owner says: "That not her. She change. That not my wife!" After his body and soul are snatched: "She fine. All better now."

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Is it post-vaccine, post-lockdown or both?

Many brains were deliberately broken through the fear, panic and isolation.

I am unjabbed but don't feel the same due to those 3 years in which I lived in constant tension with my environment and felt immense rage at everyone and everything.

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I'll never forget having to face or evade the masked zombies and Karens, or having to wait in long lines to get into stores, or surreal scenes like arriving at my in-laws' for Christmas Eve dinner and finding everyone in the open garage doing covid tests before going into the house (I refused, and was glared at all evening). I'll never forget the lying government, the lying news media, and lying, rodent-faced Fauci. It was all ideologically motivated, pseudoscientific bullshit, just like climate change hysteria.

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I remember a powerful experience I had in the parking lot of a grocery store in 2022. Everyone else in the lot, going in or coming out of the store was masked. We had become so used to hidden faces without expression. As an unmasked woman walked toward me on her way into the store we smiled and nodded to each other. A fresh breeze was blowing. It was a beautiful thing to see each other's full face and I know she was thinking the same thought.

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Small chance I will ever forget.

I've documented too much, looked at the data for too long, to ever forget.


From the beginning, even a cursory examination of the available data showed that we were not being told the truth.

Not about the virus.

Not about it's origins.

Not about lockdowns, or testing, and certainly not about face masks.

Not about the mRNA inoculations.

Across some 200 articles long and short, I've charted how the data never matched the corporate media narrative.

For writing these things I've had twitter accounts revoked, and even had my LinkedIn account revoked for a time. I've been cancelled--and I'm not the only one.

Government lied to us. Corporate media lied to us. Both sought to punish and silence those of us who dared point out the lies.

But I'm still here. And I've still got the receipts. I've still got the facts. And they still point out all the ways government and corporate media lied.

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I knew from the gitgo, the whole point was to get trump out of office any way possible without making him a martyr. Mail in ballots! Yay. So that was enough to say,nah, not ever.

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I am not letting those I know forget.

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I shan't forget.

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Some people refuse to let go of the insanity: https://x.com/boriquagato/status/1898467415312208168

This is her account. https://x.com/AirborneAware

A few days ago it was accessible, but now she's locked it down, probably because of the above tweet.

As I commented on the top tweet:

"If she's not immensely immunocompromized -- if she hasn't just had her bone marrow irradiated away -- then she's afflicted with an extreme form of germophobia, in the same category as an OCD.

"Meaning that her brain is screwing mightily with her.

"Or she's Cluster B and she's found a way to elevate herself morally above the rest of us sick slobs."

The rest of the thread is illustrative.

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I recently heard of a masked person shrieking about someone who was maskless, "just raw dogging the air." It's pathetic and sad, I know, but my older daughter and I were laughing hysterically.

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Isn't that a Taylor Lorenz quote?

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