Feb 18, 2023·edited Feb 18, 2023Pinned

Big PPS---

Here are the rules in my spaces. They are directions.

They are not "requests."

You do not get to "disagree" with them. You don't get to disagree with your host's rule that you remove your shoes before entering his house. This is the same.

1. Your dislike of my tone, manner, or subject matter will not be entertained. Not even once.

If you do this you are banned from commenting here. I don't care that you paid me. Cancel your subscription. I will not refund you anything you've paid in the past.

2. I do not tolerate maternal or parental tone or critique. Never speak to me as you were my teacher, my counselor, or my parent.

3. My anger is not on the table for your dissection. Ever. Do it once and you'll never speak to me again.

Most importantly, do not do this: "You're just so insecure that you can't handle disagreement."

Disagreement is fine. Maternal monitoring and tone policing are not.

These two things---disagreement/maternal monitoring---are entirely different things.

I know that you know they are different things. So if I catch you doing the "you just don't want disagreement" I am going to judge you to be a covert, passive aggressive manipulator. You will be banned.

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Feb 18, 2023Liked by Josh Slocum

Your anger comes through strong and clear, and makes sense, given what you (and many of us) have been through. I’m not gonna cluck cluck, anyway you’re fully aware of your anger and are making the effort to channel it in a positive way. Blast on bro

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**whistling, fist-pumping, applauding until my hands hurt, then applauding some more**

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One of your best attributes in my opinion is your ability to communicate with direct, unafraid, no-holds barred language. No one hears you with any doubt as to where you stand, and it's exactly what the world needs more of, not pussy-footed mealy-mouthed mumbles riddled with fear of push-back.

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Listening to Josh, and having the privilege of being his friend IRL and learning from him in person, has helped me enormously to find more courage and clarity. It is one of his great gifts to the world.

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Thank you, and thank you Holly, as well.

Most of the time I perceive that more people want to chide me and call me "outrageous" and characterize me as "over the top." Yet I still believe the things I say are usually mostly correct, and that they need to be said. So I do anyway.

But inside my own mind? I'm constantly frustrated and, yes, fearful that I'm going to be mocked, written off, misunderstood, and never given credit for good faith intentions.

It's hard for me to internalize that many people at all actually admire those characteristics in me.

Yep. It's all childhood mom stuff. I'm still chained in some ways and it makes me furious and, on bad days, despairing.

Thank you.

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You are an excellent model of personal responsibility and healthy masculinity. I regard your presence in my life as a gift. ❤️

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I second that emotion 😉

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Multiple times now, I’ve watched (and shared) your line from Give Me the Child: “...you sick fuck. And everybody looking at this sick fuck knows he’s sick fuck.”

The thing everyone knows but no one wants to see absolutely needs be said. As forcefully and bluntly as possible.

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Feb 18, 2023Liked by Josh Slocum

I’ve been listening to Lindsay for awhile. Angry and obnoxious are not words I’d ever think to describe him. He’s always calm and rational. Who is calling him angry and obnoxious?

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Feb 18, 2023Liked by Josh Slocum

I❤️Josh Slocum! I agree 100% with your assessment. I love James Lindsey! He speaks TRUTH. There needs to be more of you two! I sent a 4 hour podcast of James Lindsey’s piece on indoctrination in our schools to our local school board members and superintendent. One replied. They had rather stick their ever loving heads in the sand(or up their you-know-what’s) than face TRUTH. May Almighty God help us.

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Feb 18, 2023Liked by Josh Slocum

Same about Matt Walsh's latest kerfuffle over what he said about Dylan Mulvaney. "People would listen if you weren't so MEAN." Bullshit. Truth needs to be said. Trying to be "nice" has gotten men into women's prisons, males on female teams, and children and young adults with their body parts removed. There is only time for truth.

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'You can catch more flies with honey than with vinegar'

And you can catch even more with shit, what's your point?

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Feb 18, 2023Liked by Josh Slocum

👏👏🤣🤣 oh my, that is priceless!

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First, I can't take credit for it, I saw it a long time ago in a meme.

Second, ironically, my wife and I dealt with a fruit fly issue in our kitchen, and wouldn't you know, the recommended bait to use to trap them is apple cider vinegar.

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I’m completely with you, Josh. I laughed when Matt Walsh read the comment about his being too mean about Mr. Mulvaney. His reply was perfect. I’m only a bit confused about the James Lindsay comments. I listen to him all the time. He is my intellectual guru. I learn so much from him. And I find his voice calm and soothing. Even if some of his pronunciations of “foreign” words like milieu ( miloo) crack me up. Who complained about James being nasty? This I totally do not get. They are just projecting onto him because they don’t like his constantly pointing out how the emperor is a naked liar.

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Feb 19, 2023Liked by Josh Slocum

BTW, I loved your conversation with Benjamin’s Boyce. So perceptive about what is going on.

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