
Love this, Josh; your delivery is unparalleled!

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Yes. There's a darkness about everything right now.

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The evil is everywhere-so out in the open-so pervasive. I just watch an AwakinWithJP video where he shared his belief in God. I started watching his content for his comedy and since the plandemic he has been increasingly more outspoken about his political and now spiritual beliefs. I am trying very hard to believe that there is an ever increasing movement counteracting the evil doers. I sincerely hope it is not just the bubble I live in. Josh, thank you. Thank you for giving me hope in this world that, at almost every turn, seems to be without it.

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I watched JP's recent video about God, too. It resonated with me a lot.

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Ayep. You nailed it . I feel like Edvard Munch’s The Scream. 🙄

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We have to be anchored in what will persist after the pustule bursts. We have to keep a focus on our locus of control.

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Mar 24, 2023Liked by Josh Slocum

You don't have to come from a cluster B household to feel it, although I have no doubt those who do have more finely tuned antennae for impending implosions. Survival mode will do that to the senses. Several times a week I will share a link with my daughter prefaced by some form of "people have lost their damn minds" or "evil is running amok in the world".

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Mar 24, 2023·edited Mar 24, 2023

I was just saying something similar to my husband yesterday, that I sometimes question if I'm the crazy one. My NPD sister in law is trying to reconcile and apologize after being over 3 (very peaceful) years no contact. My brothers are trying to encourage me to reconcile. But I feel like there is a lot between the lines of her apology email that indicate that there is no genuine change of heart. But clearly my brothers don't see the manipulation at all. I've become a bit more introverted in the past few years. And I often feel like half of my family act like annoying NPCs that just repeat the same inane things over and over again. Sometimes I feel like turning this song on when they talk. https://youtu.be/XpJEg6MTPzc

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I would not respond at all to her. And if it were my brothers, I would say, "I do not have a relationship with my sister, and this is not a negotiation. You will cease trying to open a negotiation with me over this issue, or I will walk out of the room."

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I have been staunchly no contact all this time, and she has made some other weird attempts at reconciliation already, as you can imagine. Like last year in January she made an attempt, which I didn't respond to. And a few month later she sent out a group text, accusing me of sending porn to my brother, which was just confirmation that I made the right choice in not responding. She missed having me as a target. I was considering responding this time. In her recent email she said she wanted to end this "prolonged conflict" between us. (BTW, she emphasized that she wants to do this because she believes it's hurting my brother and her kids, which is such a huge red flag to me.) I thought I'd respond this time to let her know that I don't look at the last 3 1/2 years as a prolonged conflict at all. It was the 15+ years prior that felt like a prolonged conflict to me. The last 3 1/2 years I've felt at peace with her. I wish her well, I even pray for her sometimes. BTW, this is the video I sent to my brother that she referred to as porn. https://youtu.be/rV-Exeal17s

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Any responses only an encouragement. If you respond she will continue. If you make this choice know that you are willingly and consciously re-engaging with a narcissist. You will be responsible for what happens if you make this choice.

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Just stop. Just say no. Hang up the phone.

You don't have to listen to them talk about this. You really, truly, honestly, actually, don't.

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I recommend you watch the movie "Violet", in which a young woman goes along her life with an inner monologue that is nothing but critical. None of it is constructive, more like destructive. Her older brother often calls her to browbeat her for not being a better sister and daughter. He tries to shame her into coming home to be with their dying mother (who was crazy and emotionally abused Violet through childhood). Gradually, she realizes that she really does not have a relationship with her mother, and she doesn't want to pretend anymore that she does.

It's a great movie about what it is like to come to terms with the reality that sometimes abusive family members don't deserve devotion. And how you CAN refuse to take part in empty rituals (even funerals) to memorialize someone who is nothing more than a stranger you need to forget.

I hope you hang in there. I know how tough that pressure can be.

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There is an energy to everything, including emotion. More people are starting to push back - or at least refuse to play; or pretend nothing happened. That energy works at cross purposes with the agenda/narrative energy. There's a clash arising. The question is, have too many left it to too late?

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There's definitely something in the air. Thanks, Josh!

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There will be no Phil Collins references up in here, missy!

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Lots of perspectives on this situation, which is quite real. My take: like a boat that hasn't been secured at dockside, our society has become unmoored. You can take your pick about how this began. My favorite starting point is about 1960 when the US Supreme Court announced that any reference to God is prohibited in the public schools. You got a copy of the Bible on a shelf in the school library? Out it goes. There's an 8x10 picture of the 10 Commandments hanging up on a wall someplace? Out it goes. I remember those times. When parents asked how are kids going to learn about values, the answer was that their parents should teach them these things at home. The next shoe to drop was sex ed in schools. When people said that kids learn this info from their parents at home, the stock answer was that parents don't teach it so public schools have to. How was that documented? Once the trend was set, things got worse year after year. We reached critical mass a few years ago but it ain't over yet. So no, Josh, it's not your imagination.

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When I was young, sex ed was about basic biology (here's the uterus...here's the scrotum) and abstinence. Things sure have changed.

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I have been thinking a lot about how sex ed has taken such a swerve over the last few years into territory that only up until recently, would have been commonly considered wildly inappropriate. The absolute upending of the biological foundations of sex/sexuality/reproduction and familial/social bonds and traditions is a cataclysm. This all-encompassing cult clearly forces parents to choose "allyship", or face ostracism. The processes of adolescence used to be seen as understandably uncomfortable and awkward, but it was natural, and older people could guide them through it. Now, anything less than willingly sacrificing your child's flesh and fertility to this cult is grounds for suspicion. The way the mainstream news is framing recent legislation as an "anti-trand bill targeting youth" is horrifying in its confident way of demonizing anyone who questions the orthodoxy. Evil "Republicans trying to prevent trans youth from having access to life-saving medical care."

Said with a somber, accusatory expression on the regular evening news.

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I certainly felt it at the Let Women Speak event with Kellie Jay Keen, AKA Posey Parker, here in Hobart, Tasmania (part of Australia). Only about 40 people showed up on our side; we were surprised there were that many given the extreme intimidation used by trans activists to deter people and the obscene public shaming of anyone planning to come by politicians and "rights" organisations like Equality Tasmania (they want supremacy, not equality).

On the trans "rights" activist side there were probably 300 people, maybe more, mostly deranged, indoctrinated young people but also some matronly, middle aged women desperate to show the world how narcissistically "compassionate" they are. Then there were two devoutly smug female Greens Politicians, one of whom has enabled the medical abuse of her own daughter who she now calls a "son".

Within a short time our event was completely overrun by the TRAs, who abandoned their commitment to remain in the area their permit was issued for. They surrounded us, drowning out every speaker with their deafening bellowing of mantras and songs. They weren't far from baying for our blood.

The police facilitated this of course, acting on orders from our political leaders, no doubt.

The level of rage, hatred and sheer insanity emanating from the TRAs was overwhelming. It was like a Nuremberg rally. These young people have been conned into believing they're the most oppressed and persecuted generation in history. In fact they're the most privileged generation to ever live. They've been indoctrinated into believing that "trans" or "gender queer" people are special, sacrosanct, noble victims who've suffered more than Jews in the Holocaust. Sadly, I'm not exaggerating. They are beyond reason.

They've been groomed into becoming Transchurian candidates and sooner or later, they will seriously maim or kill someone. Of course, even that will be propagandised into being our fault for being so "hateful".

We live in an upside down world where free speech is evil and violence committed by members of the sacred "victim" class is love. Madness is the new sanity.

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Imagine believing oneself to be so marginalized while holding the culture hostage. Pity Vampires.

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Yes, 100%. It’s quite disconcerting. Thank you for the reality check.

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Absolutely. The tide is turning. The true horror of “gender identity” ideology is revealing itself as the misogynistic, homophobic, porn-fueled libertine rights movement it is.


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Cluster B household. Scapegoat. Remember that deflated feeling when the car rolled into the driveway? The visceral gut twinge when the keys rattled in the door? Dread. Resignation.

Yet, there is also a quickening. We are not alone. We are not crazy. Well, maybe a little. But this feeling is real. There is an understanding that this is a spiritual battle. Many of us are revisiting our relationship to spirituality. I certainly am. We're at the edge of something.

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I've felt this way for a while, now. This can't maintain itself for much longer. Truth be told, we have bug out kits ready.

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Yes, I feel it. When I walk the halls with men in woman face, daring anyone to misgender them.

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