Feb 22, 2023Liked by Josh Slocum

I for one am VERY THANKFUL for your voice. And that you don't bend a knee to lies and manipulation. Thank you for calling it out as manipulation and lies. If you're not angry about what's happening you're not facing the truth.

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You know what?

I like nice things. I like nice, pleasant days.

I have friends I love, I'm blessed with two cats who love me the best way an animal can.

Do I like a good fight? Yes.

But I also like peace and contentment. If you all were my neighbors, I'd be cooking all day for you and making sure you had a comfortable spot to sit in.

Do you imagine I'm as actively angry every moment of the day in the real world the way I express in my posts about these issues?

I'm not. You might even be shocked how calm I am to talk to in the real world.

But I will back off and be "nice" in public when the job is done.

Not before.

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Feb 22, 2023Liked by Josh Slocum

We're all here for the cathartic disinhibition. :D

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Feb 22, 2023Liked by Josh Slocum

Love your courage Josh.

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Feb 22, 2023Liked by Josh Slocum

Thank you for being brave enough to consistently resist this domination crusade & call it out for what it actually is. I’m in Calif & feeling a bit of a shift going on in support of reality right now too. 🤞

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Feb 22, 2023·edited Feb 22, 2023Liked by Josh Slocum

Two things can be true at the same time.

1. Can be angry in public commentary.

2. Can drive some people away with that commentary.

BUT that can also be a good combination. Depends on the target audience and encouraging some to vote with their feet (or eyes and ears) and go away.

AND there is time for gentle encouragement and a time for firm encouragement. Challenging readers to take in hard truths is no easy task. Venting for the sake of venting is healthy when the pot is ready to boil over.

ESSENTIALLY, now is the time to shake people awake and to sound the alarms. There really is a fire in the theatre and the trappings of the political stage are not worth keeping neat and tidy -- or being nice about -- when lives are at stake. The harm and suffering that we have witnessed must draw our attention. If we are to prevent even worse, then, we must not go softly and quietly and skip over the bodies and the rubble already around us.

Thank you for boldly stating what you need to state.


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Feb 22, 2023Liked by Josh Slocum

I appreciate your work and the lens that you see things through. You bring a great deal of clarity to the current mess we are in as a society. Thank you for doing what you do.

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Feb 22, 2023Liked by Josh Slocum

The sexualization of our children combined with racial identity indoctrination and the deliberate fracturing of families horrifies me. I cry, I rant, I share information that should cause an uprising of all who care about the present and future of our youth. All too often all I get is crickets, even from those I would expect to be outraged. I am just so damn frustrated that they do not see. Believe me, I appreciate you and others who have a social media voice and are taking an angry, vehement, vocal stand calling out these sick perverted monsters. Just to be clear, the monsters are those, of any race, religion, sexual orientation or identity who are out to pervert our children-to destroy their innocence, to manipulate their minds. May they reap the rewards they deserve.

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Please continue to be angry! There's so much to be angry about. We should all be angry about what's happening. Kids are being experimented on and irreversibly damaged, rapists are being given free access to women victims in prison, and we're all being told we must lie about what sex people are. We're living in a time that feels like an amalgam of Monty Python's Flying Circus and A Clockwork Orange. Don't listen to those who seek to muzzle you. You're doing a great job. Please keep it up.

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Feb 23, 2023Liked by Josh Slocum

The thing about this, and why I believe you are right to support Matt Walsh, is the nature of the authoritarian movement driving what is effectively a wanna-be cultural revolution. You simply can't play nice with authoritarians. And I think the 'trans' thing is a bit of red herring, the root of the problem is Critical Theory which aims to tear apart western Liberalism, so that a utopia can be born. As for trans and related things, this is literally about the praxis of Queer Theory, which isn't about 'gay rights' so to speak, but about de-stabilizing society. Matt Walsh is dead right when he says its really the war on reality we need to be concerned about. It will all end in tears, and much worse, if we don't stand against it, in the most forceful way possible.

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I heard someone say that we have, as a society, sacrificed Truth for lies on the alter of “Nice.” Don’t rock the boat, don’t cause the trans community any stress, be nice, be nice, be nice. It is time to not be so nice. These little kids will suffer for our niceness.

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Seriously, I can't count the amount of times I've thought 'how does josh do it' as in stand up to this so bravely and unwaveringly.

I don't know a single person, man or woman fearless like this about this issue. I mean yeah at times it is a little tough to hear, the trans stuff with kids is especially hard obviously to listen to. There's people like Rogan and Peterson who don't even go nearly as bravely against it as you. Or they do, then back off a bit (give in a bit) and go back and forth.

The recent stuff with Matt Walsh proves that most people even in the anti woke or right side don't actually practice being fearless all the time, and he basically just said what youve said before.

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Feb 23, 2023Liked by Josh Slocum

I'm a paying subscriber and I love what you're doing. Look what being nice has wrought.

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I have no problem with your tone or delivery. I appreciate direct, honest communication as I've gotten tired of the usual passive aggressive, "weaponized empathy" style dialogue. The truth is independent from delivery. I'm also sick of people with personality disorders, especially borderlines and the like, intimidating reasonable people from having interesting dialogue on complex issues or calling out attention-seeking behavior. Thank you.

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Feb 26, 2023Liked by Josh Slocum

In my experience working with you over the years, you put up with a lot of shit from me and others, and were surprisingly tolerant and calm in return. That is why I appreciated it when you were frank and correcting. I knew to take it serious, because you only dished it out when it was needed.

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Just became a paid subscriber after hearing you for a while. You called out women who unthinkingly support surrogacy. That was courage! It's the same with this issue. You are willing to call out friends (Triggernometry), and I admire that. I agree with you on the stakes of this thing. And the way you've connected the mass pathology to dysfunctional family dynamics has great explanatory power.

The ones who complain that you are too angry simply want to walk through this world half asleep. They are making the same irritated noises that a layabout makes on contemplating leaving their bed. It is just noise.

And...I really love the "woke" voice...gets a laugh out of me every time :D.

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