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Oct 17
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If you're the person I commented toward on another blog (I think you are?) I am sorry for jumping the gun and responding to you as if you were hostile. I misread your tone, and I over reacted. Thank you for reading my work.

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Sep 21, 2023
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Mind your tone here. Do not issue orders. You forget yourself.

Start over in your proper place, remembering that you are in my living, not vice versa, or you're banned.

I wouldn't walk in to your space and start barking orders at you,.

This is an instruction, not a request. I make the rules here.

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Sep 21, 2023
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As I suspected. You're purposefully being a dick, and you take pleasure in narcissistic domineering. I don't associate with people of low character. You are banned.

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You heard the man!

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@Josh - I think it would be hilarious to do a role-play skit podcast on your platform. Written or videotaped. Disaffected vs. Affected. OMG I would love to just adlib a skit with you! I was in children’s theater as well and to this day, ANY speech, lecture or talk that I give is done purely from my unfiltered mind. I even spoke at the UN when I was an NGO (2012-2017) speaking out against trafficking of Women and Children. No teleprompter needed. EVER.

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Sep 21, 2023
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You have a great day too, Tim.

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Great analysis. I realize you are well aware, but the trauma, abuse and neglect that played a role in your life (whether that of your parent or your own) primed you to have keen insight into today's problems in society. I do not mean to suggest it is a silver lining, but it's hard to imagine someone who had a fully actualized healthy childhood having the same observations.

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Yep. This the lemonade I'm trying to make out of the lemons, for sure.

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Ooh ooh new reader here. You gotta check out In Sheep's Clothing by George Simon! Massively recommended.

(Also coming from a dys family where the father was a narcissist. Then I married a borderline. Oi.)

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Oct 17Edited
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Absolutely! Those books saved me. I love Lundy Bancroft's work, Verbally abusive relationship by Patricia Evans and lots of others. Maybe we could have a post about all the wonderful books and articles people here have found super helpful, Josh?

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Oct 17
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Oh? I am not apathetic! :-) Can you give a link?

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Thank you! I've read it and several of his others. He's one of my favorites on this topic.

I'm sorry this has been your lot, too.

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It ruined my life in some key aspects. But the enlightenment that came at the end of it -- priceless. :-)

One of my frustrations is that people who have not experienced it directly refuse to believe it. You know... the "I am ok, you are ok" meme. Pernicious.

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I’ve been saying this for about a decade - but then I’m a shrink, so it was easy to recognize. The saddest part is that my field is metastasized with it.

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I went to my HMO (Kaiser) after I took myself off on stress leave, because they were treating me like shit - as in 2 police reports against my thuggish boss that the boss never did anything about. The social worker that saw me charted that I had a "personality disorder". I complained to her boss. He said that was like telling someone they had a cold - it could be anything. Go figure.

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Disaffected is my dish washing show. Recently went on vacation so I'm catching up and only got a third of the way into this city council episode. It echoes the Evergreen College scandal that Benjamin Boyce so exhaustively covered. Maybe less "echoes" and more "shouts from the same voice."

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Interesting. For years I have been likening American culture to living in an alcoholic home. Your analogy is much worse because alcoholics can and do get better, though usually after hitting a hard bottom.

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This guy has stolen your work! Pretty good video to be fair albeit without your dark humorous edge

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Josh, you need to see this short film by Christopher Rufo. I'm thinking he is likely to have been influenced by you.


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Great analysis @Josh Slocum. Societal systems are replicas of cluster b family systems (or what I call the narcissistic family system). What you described is a feature of every industry and sector of society that the current burnout prevention strategies don’t even come close to remedying. American society continues to elevate & protect cluster b leaders and influencers because its blind to its own pathology.

Ready to chat further about narcissism when you are :)

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You are right. And I was reminded of your good work, and the saying "There's no limit to what you can accomplish if you don't care who get's credit for it" when I saw this piece by Chris Rufo: https://christopherrufo.com/p/the-cluster-b-society

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I spend my work days talking to people with Cluster B problems who come to me convinced they have Bipolar Affective Disorder. You describe it how it is.

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Tony, I'm so tickled you commented here. I've been listening to your Classic Ghost Stories for almost two years now, and am a huge fan. You are *really* good. My favorite narrating storyteller.

I seemed to remember that you were in mental health (nursing, maybe?) and have thought to myself, "I suspect Tony knows some of the kinds of people that I'm always going on about. I wonder what he thinks of it all."

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I think pretty much what you think. It’s sad how people think there isn’t a something ‘seriously wrong’ with them and seek a Bipolar, ADHD, ASD, PTSD diagnosis (sometimes they want all of them) thinking that diagnosis will solve their lives when the best (though not easy nor guaranteed) solution is to take responsibility for fixing the problem by understanding their Cluster B issues, attend to them, inhibit or modify as they arise. Not easy but many succeed

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Josh, Great video. Since it seems to end abruptly, I was wondering if there is a Part Two or another version that's accessible. P.S. Well moderated re: the moron you had to ban.

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Hey Josh; I think you’ll appreciate this. Academic feminism has a long history of ruining feminist efforts, apparently. Consider me team Pizzey:


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Christopher Ruffo also has written about this. I know you also respect his work Josh... the title is so similar you your own, i was hoping he’d reference you Josh! :)

Url: https://open.substack.com/pub/rufo/p/institutionalized-derangement?r=1rfwm9&utm_medium=ios&utm_campaign=post

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Great Job! Josh! on your appearance on the dark horse podcast with Brett Weinstein! See! Brett also noticed the similarities and felt your and Christopher Rufo’s paths should align!

Isn’t it a great compliment that he acknowledged the embarrassing failures of recent academics and elites and praised amateurs like yourself!

I appreciated you two challenging one another regarding terms, pathology and the heavy individuation of psychology and it being at present a lost and confused (“scientific”) disciple. Was a great 2hr 15 min podcast episode!

Pocketcasts URL TO EPISODE:


Looking forward to you having him on your show or you appearing on Darkhorse again, perhaps even with Heather as well!

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Thank you for listening. It was my favorite conversation so far; Bret is singular.

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