This is an excellent statement of moral purpose and clarity. Good for him.

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Feb 22, 2023Liked by Josh Slocum

Someone needs to say it. I actually feel sorry for these people that have been duped by the Transgender Industrial Complex.

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Yep, he speaks for me, too. I'm ashamed of Pool, Jeremy, the Trigernometry guys, & Amala for being among conservatives who are too squishy and cowardly to speak the unvarnished truth about this all-out war against our children. Trans activists, and those who support and promote them are the enemy - they deserve nothing but defeat in whatever manner necessary. Harsh truth is only the least of what they deserve.

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Feb 22, 2023Liked by Josh Slocum

I don't understand this "be nice, do better" mentality. We need people, like you and Matt, who are truthful and that don't fold under pressure. The truth isn't always pretty or kind.

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Feb 22, 2023Liked by Josh Slocum

I am 100% with Matt, as well. He is right. Playing “nice” when the lives of your children and future of your society are at stake is over. I confront this attitude on another issue I can as much about and see people who are supposedly smart thinking that if only we are nicer to them our enemies will stop hating us and won’t try to murder us any more. It’s no different really than those who are mutilating and sterilizing children in the name of ‘inclusivity”. Enough already. It was pretty amusing watching the clips of people who I generally admire and who all said that Matt was absolutely right. Was it you, Josh, who said that it serves not purpose to say “you will catch more flies with honey than with vinegar” and that it is not flies your are trying to catch! One point that the “be nicer” folks seem to miss: Matt is not trying to change minds. Matt’s audience is already in agreement. What Matt is trying to do is stiffen their spines and show them that it is okay to tell the unvarnished truth in order to defeat an implacable enemy.

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Sorry for the typos. I don’t see an edit function. 😢

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Feb 22, 2023·edited Feb 22, 2023Liked by Josh Slocum

A great big “BRAVO” to both you & MW. Finally!

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He's absolutely right on every point.

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Reflecting on this. My thoughts are not well-formed, so please forgive me some rambling, and Josh definitely doesn't need any #notalls but let me advise other readers/comments to supply their own, please--something stands out to me in what Walsh says about churches.

We learned in the last few years that all of the left (and much of the center and even a small portion of the right) wants, very badly, to be told what to do. Freedom was perfectly acceptable collateral damage in pursuit of a feeling/sense of safety. The churches/religions/sects that aren't bleeding followers are the conservative ones. The ones that have rules and standards and expectations and thus put some moral constraints on freedom. (Moral constraint, that tells people what NOT to do but lets them decide what TO do, on their own.) Those places attract political conservatives because political conservatives want only *moral* constraint on their freedom, from sources that enable them to provide those constraints individually and personally, typically from an internalized source. Conservatives like keeping a kosher home or adopting Islamic modesty standards or living by Christian sexual morality or what have you because it equips them to put moral constraints on themselves. And one of the battles the right will have to fight is over just what the proper role of governmental constraints on freedom is when everyone doesn't share the same (or at least a very, very similar) internalized moral source (like whether or not to ban porn outright or just try much harder to keep it out of the hands of kids and let adults ruin their own sex lives and sear their own consciences).

Theologically conservative churches, like the sort Walsh praises in this clip, gain followers and parishioners now because that sense of providing a proper and reliable and internalizable (is that a word? LOL) moral sense that will allow the believer to restrict his/her own freedom is so valuable.

I think the leftism infiltrating churches is causing those churches to bleed followers because the left wants **external** imposition on freedom, based on a moral standard that they impose on everyone through every institution--their Woke religion. They want it desperately. And churches that offer a mealy-mouthed, watered-down version of that correctly seem like a pathetic, silly waste of time. Because they are.

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100% accurate. I am Catholic. The religious orders that have young people joining are the ones where the nuns and monks wear habits and live outside of the culture. Mealy mouthed liberal ones post BLM signs and rainbows are dying for lack of vocations. Young people - and old 56 year women like me - want to be challenged to be better than we are. Rules are guardrails that prevent one from driving off a cliff. Ignore them at your peril.

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Thank you for this reply. And I'm not remotely surprised.

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Feb 22, 2023·edited Feb 22, 2023Liked by Josh Slocum

100%. Interesting how young the people are calling Matt meanypants. All under 40 ( 35-ish?).

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They are just as mean as old folks, actually meaner. They just prefer the illusion that their hands are always clean. They await the cancellation process to come and sweep away the ones they don't like. Their meanness is indirect, and therefore less honest, and therefore worse.

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Feb 22, 2023Liked by Josh Slocum


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Feb 22, 2023·edited Feb 22, 2023Liked by Josh Slocum

I support Matt. He has moral integrity. No wishy-washy for him. The Truth hurts.

I was not surprised he mentioned churches - but there is crap afoot there.

The progressive left has infiltrated and captured even the Catholic church - what I have always thought would be the bastion against the woke cultural abyss that we are now floundering in. And they have been playing the long game in the churches, especially the Catholic church. Matt's bit on conservative churches is playing out in the Catholic church right now. Pope Francis is a captured globalist who just yesterday imposed restrictions on Catholic parishes being able to offer the Traditional Latin Mass. In the pre-Vatican II, not mealy-mouthed Catholic Church, there most definitely were moral standards and expectations of behaviors and beliefs. I saw a statistic that 80+% of "Catholics" who attend the "New Order" Mass think abortion is a-okay, whereas over 90% who attend the TLM believe it is wrong. A basic precept of the Catholic Church is that abortion is wrong - in every instance except where the life of the mother is at stake. Tough to swallow, but there it is. But many "practicing Catholics" honestly believe it's okay to believe this and even advocate for it - and still remain Catholic. It boggles my mind.

I know religion/God/faith aren't on everyone's things-to-do list and while as a Christian I pray that might change, I also accept it likely won't. But we can have common cause. This transgender issue and children is just one instance. In my opinion, the churches, especially the Catholic Church, failed abysmally when they bought in to the pandemic deception. Failed. Utterly.

Many churches have no moral standing anymore because they don't preach objective Truth. They might not have butts in the seats donating to support their mission.

Here's a man of God with a spine. Let's hope it's contagious:



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I am not a believer, but I am your brother in this.

Catholic teaching and thinking is a lot closer to my own moral and intellectual priorities today than anything the secular left has to offer.

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I'm not sure folks. Being an asshole does not seem like a good strategy for changing the world. Disagreement in the absence of contempt is truly possible. I'm uncertain whether Josh nor Matt have any interest in those kinds of mental gymnastics. Loving one's enemies is too high a calling I guess.

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I thank you for giving me content to put on my front page, where you are now featured.

And where, frustratingly to you, you will not be able to talk back.


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How did the younger generations get so soft! That’s the common denominator: Matt Walsh’s gen and above speak plainly while all the following gens are like, “ooh that’s being mean”, while unwittingly using the weapons sown by their enemies against themselves: that speaking truth not congruent with “the narrative” is shouted down via the micro-violence BS. Way to go guys!

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