And I note the ones still fighting “The Man” have actually become “The Man” and they can’t see it

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During COVID they were "The Man." They've become a bunch of baby boomer whinners that have never gotten that the hippie movement vanished. The Non Profit grifters have told us all that racism and homophobia were back and these people were taken immediately taken in by the grift.

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When the demand for racism outstrips the supply, it's no surprise that we see counterfeit racism coming to the fore.

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To be fair, they became “The Man” when they got actual jobs as lawyers and stockbrokers and politicians in the 70’s. They just liked to tell themselves that they weren’t like their parent’s generation of lawyers, stockbrokers and politicians. “We are all still the cool kids!”

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Covid and the jabs didn't take enough of them.

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Josh, I love your reflective thoughts and writing. I find them to be incredibly honest observations on your life journey. There’s a real poignancy to such observations when they reflect the inability of others to come to grips with the realities of life that you’ve confronted. Thank you for your writings!

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Thank you, Mark.

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Anyone else finding themselves fighting to not let the hate flow through them for this smug cohort? There's much to detest here, but maybe most of all I despise these post-menopausal crones who bought and then taught that "control over their bodies" somehow didn't = murder in the womb. The ugly bonus context is that men are mainly rapists, while the silent subtext is sluts need abortions.

The cherry on top is that these spoiled, neglectful, flowerchild f*ckwits' disposal of civilized norms of self control, self sacrifice, commitment, and sex within a responsible relationship made to raise functional people is unmaking the western world. NM that if these stupid parrots did an ounce of research into their girl Kaka's record in CA, they'd know she's as pure a political prostitute as ever took a knee. BARF.

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Slight correction: took two knees.....

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Hey, thought I replied but: yep! Ain't life grand? It's like a movie where the floozie makes good. Only not. And it's not a movie.

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I am in disbelief. Today, the mainstream media is now saying answering questions for a politician isn't important anyway. I saw the clip of Megan Thee Stallion campaigning and dancing for Kamala, and I thought: yup, this is the end. Most people just do not care.

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This whole season of America What Went Wrong is so cringe I almost pass out daily. That said, the plebes being astroturfed is not new - look at Hollywood's participation in the Kennedy campaign, Hollywood's participation in the McCarthy hearings for 2 easy examples - it's just so vulgar now. At least gramgram got Sinatra, for Pete's sake.

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Is it weird that what you just said makes me feel better? I promise not to preach overly, but yeah.. I literally believe we are in the Biblical Last Days. I cannot even fathom what it must be like not to see an end in sight.

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All I see when I look at people like this is rotting sacks of wasted flesh, who have never once contributed anything of merit to this collective experiment known as humanity. They've been blessed with every resource and opportunity, and yet failed to return on that investment. Any occasional utility offered by these skin suits - that one time they bagged groceries for customwrs at the store - is more than offset by how much drama and complaining they've done since.

Maybe I'm being too harsh. But I don't feel hate for these people; just a liquid nitrogen cooled indifference.

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I've viewed them with sympathy sometimes. Watch 2 men die on TV, watch your peers go to an unpopular and pointless war, get swamped by a drug culture elevated and promoted by main stream media (here ya go counter culture!), serial killers, cult leaders, etc etc. But man. Look what they squandered. And at the same time I write that, I look at my generation, and those that followed. Would we have done better? I don't know. But these sing song idiots really pissed me off.

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Cool, so I trust you are donating blood every eight weeks like clockwork? Because when you don’t do that, you’re murdering people.

Gen X here, peri not post, have supported legal abortion for more than thirty years. Because women are human, women are alive, and women don’t deserve to be relegated to involuntary life support machines. Especially when this stupid culture does nothing to actually respect motherhood and I do include right-wingers in that criticism. You think we’re just farm animals to grow sons for men.

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It's still murder. A tiny, abstract murder sanctioned by the state and forces far larger than ourselves. Our natural response to cutting up a tiny person innocent inside a mother's womb, with all the potential in the world, should be horror. Me you, and everyone we knew, are here now because our mothers, flawed as they may have been, gave us our lives. Yet the 'inconvenient clump of cells' brainwash has become cannon. For eons, women knowing their cycles and their actual fertile days was understood, but has been mostly forgotten. All of this assumes sex between consenting adults, which, If you look at even the data of "Planned Parenthood" (which I have) is vastly more often the case. Add to that, if you did a dive into "Planned Parenthood", you'd know exactly what they are. Soon to be VP Walz recently signed an abortion to the point of viability bill into law which allows a mother who reported assault or coercion up to 15 weeks to carry to term and then have the baby killed. Who does this serve? Planned Parenthood, of course. The more mature the 'material', shall we say, the more valuable. Which is exactly what they do. They sell the tissue. Likewise Red Cross sells the blood we donate for top dollar. I was an emergency blood delivery driver. My boss was fucking RICH. Know who was richer? Red Cross. And as to Planned Parenthood - they are untouchable. Sure there's been a hearing or two, to advertise the fact that they sell the tissue perhaps. Because nothing changed after their public slap on the wrist. Think of this: former CA gov Jerry Brown vetoed a bill which would have provided the 'morning after' retroactive birth control bill to CA college campus clinics. He vetoed it. Why do you think that is?

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They look like they would be so easily be fooled by pleasantries and good manners, assuming that they were talking to a comrade, not knowing the truth, not realizing that they were talking to one of the filth that they despise.

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I have an old lady friend who is Dem all the way. I always say she doesn’t remember JFK is dead.

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My late father said to me once “thank God you outgrew that simple stuff.”

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And these people are the reason why I have dropped out of a local social group who get together regularly for amateur singing of rounds. Wasn’t too bad until after Trump was elected—after that, I swear not five minutes of conversation would go by without someone tying the subject to Trump. If a comment was made about the nice weather, it would be followed by “But who knows how many years we have left before Trump ruins everything with global warming.” I call it Trump Tourette’s. They couldn’t seem to help themselves.

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I thought the Hillary hate was strong, but the TDS takes the cake.

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Omg. You had me at, “ they’re still trying to teach the world to sing in perfect, Communist harmony.”

Amazebalz. Ok, I’ll continue reading now. 🙏🏻

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these kinds of people advocate inclusiveness, but they don’t believe it. They are hysterically intolerant and hateful.

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Tell people who think they're still living in the 60's to compare the prices.

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When I see elderly democrats I’m just confused. How is it that a long existence in the real world didnt wake them up?

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You could ask the same question about elderly communists. Denial is easier than admitting serious error, especially if you desperately believe that the error can be remediated without discarding the underlying dogma.

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My mantra for years before I left was, "They mean well. They mean well." I still think most of them mean well. But they're so busy congratulating themselves and each other for being good that they don't see the bad they do.

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This is Kamala's entire voting demographic, represented on a single porch. Notice the solitary black woman. Does she seem excited to you?

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And the black guy in the back who looks like he is trying to hide (did his wife force him to sing?)

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How unbelievably patronizing these tie-dye boomers must be to their two blackies. Maybe the latter secretly get off on it.

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What you say matches much of my family as well.

I think a lot of it is Compassion unconstrained by caring about Results. Compassion is a wonderful thing between family and friends, but it does not get you very far in government policy. In fact, it often achieves the opposite. It takes a honest and courageous person to recognize that ones’s instincts can lead to great harm for others, and many people prefer not to confront the results of their own beliefs.

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Do old white SJW ladies not have access to good bras and hair stylists?

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