The IOC’s manipulation of free speech on your discussion, is one more nail in the coffin of reality.

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Reading contemporary diaries and biographies of how things were in Germany just as the Nazis came to power, what comes over strongly is how intelligent people could not at the time believe or understand the story that we read generations later in history books. Over and over they describe how they read and heard things that did not match the on-going normality of their previous lives. Over and over they said to themselves and their friends, not just "This can' t be happening", but "This surely is not happening". It seemed to many ordinary Germans, recording their day to day impressions of the world around them, to take an age before some specific and direct experience affecting them personally brought the horrific realisation that "this really is happening!"

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Have you read “Ordinary Men” by Christopher Browning yet?

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They are gaslighting and have a strong 30 percent who will accept whatever is told. This will enable them to commit more atrocities unless a majority speaks up.

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Great show tonight, as always. Love Pamela, and hope to perhaps hear more from her on your show.

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I bought the sample pack of Biltong to send to my former roommate as a surprise.

FYI, shipping on a $25 purchase was almost $17, so use the JOSH code for smaller orders, and if you can buy a bunch, shipping usually isn't such a hefty portion, so the 10% off JOSH10 might be in your favor.

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God bless you, Josh. Tonight's show was so helpful.

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At the end of the podcast I noticed you doing a very normal thing that we are all trying to do to maintain our sanity.

You mentioned an idea about us having rights.

But I believe we will all have to increasingly admit to ourselves that such an idea is becoming antiquated. At least according to effective reality. The rights that we thought we had are disappearing.

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Great episode, Josh.

One thing I kept thinking about as you and your guest were speaking is how therapeutic and grounding working in/with nature is.

Nature doesn't lie.

Related to that is the hard work of food production. It gives us an opportunity to use our bodies for something truly productive, truly creative. And that doesn't lie.

I recently got to help a farmer friend weed an entire (huge) bean field. I worked until my hands got blisters and my whole body was both sweaty and muddy and it was the best, happiest work I've done in ages.

Yes, there is something true and real about writing and the sharing of experiences, but it also cannot replace the hard an deeply reality-affirming hard work of true food production.

Being with animals and plants, outside, experiencing the realities of nature can truly be an antidote to some of the assaults of society right now.

Wishing you many blessings.

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I couldn't connect with the derealization stuff in last night's episode - I suppose it just doesn't affect my brain in that way. I'm truly compassionate for those of y'all who living this reality, though. :(

And I missed the commenting window on the popular "Did you see her or not?" contribution from last week but - regardless of this overarching issue of trans in women's sport - my question is this:

Who wants to watch a woman get beat up, no matter who's administering the beating?

Yes, we to continue the fight in protecting women's rights to compete, but we as a society should be primarily focused upon simply protecting women. I'm all about empowering women in (almost) every way, but watching and encouraging them to physically beat one another is the opposite of what we need to be doing. Raising a society of Lara Croft wannabes will not bode well.

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Josh.. two links I'd like to supply.

The organization We The Patriots (@wethepatriotsusa1) on Substack. They have put out a request to anyone that is fighting schools, et. al. for issues with taking over the parents ability to decide for their children.

Also not sure you are aware of this SCOTUS ruling from 2000.

Troxel v. Granville is a landmark United States Supreme Court case decided in 2000. The case involved a dispute between Tommie Granville, the mother of two daughters, and Jenifer and Gary Troxel, the paternal grandparents of the children.



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Josh; This is the best in addressing WTF; in relation to the psychobabble and out-and-out lunacy that has 'infected' far too many minds. Also, I so appreciate your courage and honesty in retelling your own challenges re: mental health. BTW: It wasn't just the flood '23 that drove me out of VT. It was the gaslighting/psychological abuse.

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I stumbled into the topic of Behavioural Insights Team (BIT) "nudge units" and how behavioral sciences principles are being used to leverage fear and threat perceptions to change behavior. And the subject of derealisation came to mind.

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