
I so appreciate your dedication to speaking clearly and exactly on what is a very sensitive subject. You make an effort to tell it like it is, good or bad, on every subject you cover, often exposing your own personal experience with the subject and never parsing words.

Canada has gone so far over the cliff that they have the means in place for a child to choose death i.e assisted suicide, without the parent's knowledge, if they so desire. Young children, not a nearly 18 year old. The terms they couch it in is to euphemistically describe the child as a "mature child" who can make this decision solely on their own authority. Talk about a contradiction in terms! The death cult knows no bounds. Thank you for talking about this. It's a troubling and difficult subject and I grapple with it in regard to myself. No one wants a long, lingering painful end to their life, but whether to make the choice to end one's own life or not is a serious matter, and deserves much consideration before choosing.

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As a Canadian, I'm troubled by a number of things our current "woke" federal government has done and seems determined to do, but the extension of medically assisted death to children is the most appalling idea yet. The Trudeau Liberals are making "progressive" into a dirty word in my book, but it appears that few are bothering to read much.

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I'm sure many Canadians would oppose the extreme progressive direction your government (like ours) is imposing on its citizens, but you are right, too many people aren't even aware because they only attend to the biased media and won't pull themselves away from social media long enough to explore what is really going on. I'm a voracious reader on a wide variety of subjects, but many people aren't, consuming their information from the loudmouthed free-speech squelching activists in government and media. Talk about mis-mal-dis-information!!! So frustrating to see the self-imposed ignorance so many are content to live with.

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Dec 17, 2022·edited Dec 18, 2022Liked by Josh Slocum

I appreciate the way in which you approach complex subjects. Careful, curious, open to change your stance when the unknowns are revealed. What else could we possibly expect from each other in a sane society? I don't know how long I can be a paid supporter but, in view of your recent financial persecution (Holly Math Nerd shared your story), I wanted to encourage you to keep going in the now. May this thing that was meant for your harm be turned into an even greater good.

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Thank you:)

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Hey Josh- loving the podcast and finally just subscribed to your Substack.

It looks like the last discord invite you posted has expired.

Looking forward to joining the discussion.

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Dec 18, 2022·edited Dec 18, 2022Author

Hey there,


Question 1: Did you check your email to see the thank-you from us? That should have a fresh link.

Question 2: Did you remember to check your spam folder if you think you didn't get it?

If you find it never came, email me at us@disaffected.fm and I'll help.

Thank you for subscribing.

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