This is a coda to my piece reposted yesterday titled ‘Goblins.’ You may want to read it before you continue with this current post:
I hope you’ll read that essay linked above if you have not already. It tells the truth about what life is like in Democrat-controlled cities and cultures. The reality is as awful and unrelenting as I depict it. I am telling you the god’s honest truth. There’s no exaggeration.
A few readers have taken offense because they think I’m being “mean-spirited.” This happened when I originally published ‘Goblins’ in 2023, and it happened yesterday when I reposted it. One schoolmarm wrote that it was “mean-spirited” and that she needed to “get out of this stinky bathroom.” Tut, tut.
I understand why some people react this way, but it’s time for them to understand why I react this way. Understanding has to work both ways, and that includes scolding offended women.
They think I’m “mean” because I’m telling the truth about my natural and normal disgust reaction. Natural, normal, and necessary. The disgust reaction is a part of our social immune system. It is not “evil.” It is not “something only horrible non-human-meany-people have.” Ever single human has it.
Some research indicates that those who peg to the left have a higher disgust reaction threshold, and those who lean to the right have a lower one. In other words, lefties can take a lot of disgusting things in stride without being bothered, while righties are disgusted much more easily. I believe this is true based on observation.
But all humans have a disgust reaction. I’m willing to go out on a limb and say, without consulting any of “the science,” that nearly all mammals obviously have one, too. It’s easy to see animals displaying disgust and fleeing behavior around decay, sickness, and disease.
Leftist liberals have been trying to stamp it out. I used to try to stamp it out when I was a leftist. The cult programming tells you that a disgust reaction makes you inhuman, a narcissist, and a sadist. That’s a lie. It makes you a human.
It’s not going too far, I don’t think, to summarize contemporary liberal-leftism this way:
”The ostentatious public performance of not being bothered by pathology, wickedness, and abuse enacted by currently fetishized ‘victim’ groups. To keep his membership in the tribe, the leftist must act out ‘acceptance’ of behaviors that are self-injurious, abusive to others, exploitative, and uncivilized. He is praised as a ‘good man’ to the extent that he successfully displays this moral preening.”
My disgust reaction is on full unapologetic display in ‘Goblins’. I’m not ashamed of it, I didn’t think twice before posting it, I don’t regret it, and I won’t apologize for it. I’m normal, and my reaction is proportionate to the extreme provocation of the spiritual and somatic sickness all around me.
Our collective disgust reaction may be the only thing left that can possibly push these people out of their living-dead torpor. Their slow motion public suicide.
If you think you “care” more than I do, what good do you think you are doing? How are you “helping?” How has your expression of tender feelings (tender, that is, until you get bitchy and rude toward people with my point of view—are you disgusted with us?) been helping? Have you noticed a decline in this kind of living-dead behavior?
Or, have you noticed reality: That it’s out of control and pathology has been normalized? You know the truth, even if you’re seething at my essay right now. Well Head Girls and Prefects, it’s your social program for decades that brought us here .Your soft-n-cuddly “empathy” for all self-abuse and depravity has torn down Chesterton’s and every other fence.
You committed the unforgivable sin of noticing.
Due to changed personal circumstances, I now commute on our city's light rail system two days a week. The pitiful state of my cobalt blue city is on full display like nowhere else (not that it isn't displayed prominently everywhere else - except for the rich neighborhoods, naturally). Drug addicts with the shakes ranting and raving, narcissists listening to music and videos with no headphones, fat, smelly slobs taking up two seats, people who couldn't manage to change out of stained pajamas before going out in public, dogs taking up seats in place of humans during rush hour. The list could go on. If your reaction to such a state is NOT disgust then there's something wrong with you and you are part of the problem.
Keep it up, Josh.
Excellent point about the need to understand and respect, and not undermine, our natural 'disgust' reaction.
In her research on 'Child Torture' Dr. Barbara Knox discovered that in EVERY case they studied a female was involved. Not always as the primary torturer, but frequently. There were NO cases which involved only male perpetrators.
Similarly, in Munchausen's by Proxy the perpetrators are overwhelmingly female.
Then there is the whole hidden world of sexual abuse by females (sometimes but not necessarily involving proxy abuse by males), plus the whole feminist treatment of unwanted children as, basically, vermin (abortion, infanticide, organ harvesting). Also, for those in the know, many types of hoarding - both animal and 'objects' (meaning, including 'people').
What I haven't seen discussed or considered is just how large a role 'disgust' plays in all of the above 'syndromes' infliction on victims nor the degree of harm that results: in all of the above, the victims are made to feel degraded and subjugated and imbued with overwhelming self-disgust. Inescapable degradation: feces, urine, vomit, blood, infection, dirt, filth, putrefication, rot, decay, (and often cold) are frequently forced on the child to live with as a matter of routine. (The same with seniors and the disabled, and animals, btw).
Nor have I seen much discussion of this amongst 'trauma specialists', even though if you speak with trauma survivors the element of 'disgust' is MUCH more damaging than pretty much anything they go through - including pain and physical injury up to and including maiming. The feeling of pain eventually goes away with time; the feelings of self-disgust does not - at least not without compassionate help.
The worst male offenders (e.g. sex torturers) use disgust as a weapon, but female abusers use it routinely. I can't believe that the modern push in our 'cluster B world' to override our sense of disgust is an accident. Genuinely caring people help victims overcome their self-disgust by helping them clean themselves, their environments, and their relationships. Abusive people who want to perpetuate abuse teach people (victims, abusers and by-standers alike) to pretend that their sense of disgust isn't important and that living like that is a good thing (when abusers and sycophants know that isn't true). Victims also know, deep in their bones, that that isn't true but have no societal supports these days to help them admit the truth and thus escape it.