This is an email I sent to Twitter support this morning. Why? Because Twitter just denied reinstating Disaffected’s account for the third time.
Why did they do that? They won’t specify. But they will say, and they do, that our account incited violence and harm against marginalized communities.
I am so sick of this I could scream. It’s not true. It’s perverse to accuse decent people of this nonsense (and whether one personally likes me or not, I’m a decent person who doesn’t ‘incite violence’).
Readers? If you’re moved, feel free to quote this, post it on Twitter, tag anyone you can think of who might be influential.
Disaffected has had 90 percent of our money taken away by Patreon.
We can’t get the word out about our show on Twitter because of this.
We are trying so very hard to build a show that can make us a living, and we’re stopped at every turn.
I’m out of a job in a week and a half, and now the show has lost most of its monthly income.
Thank you to anyone moved to try to help. I hate to ask, but I’m asking. I don’t know what else to do.
There’s one other thing you can do. If you like what I do, will you move to a paid Substack subscription?
"Twitter-why? Why? I've been polite and waited patiently. Yet, even now with Elon's changes, you are still saying "Yes, your account incites violence against people, and you, Disaffected, are dangerous enough that you may not be on our platform."
Twitter, this isn't true. Truth matters. It really, really matters. This isn't right. I have never, ever threatened or incited violence against anyone.
And I think you know that that is true. Is that you don't personally approve of my views? I think it is. Because I don't believe you that you genuinely believe I, a gay man who is a public commentator, is actually inciting violence against "LGBTQ". I don't believe you believe that.
And it makes me angry that you won't talk to account holders like humans. You won't specify the "incitement." You refuse. Just like every other social media company, you ASSERT, by libeling me, that I have endangered people.
This email will get trashed, I know. But I have a small hope that whoever is the real human being reading this will pause, just for a second, and acknowledge to themselves that Twitter is not dealing fairly with me.
What you're doing isn't right. I'm not dangerous. I care deeply about the issues I comment on. I commend Twitter for finally taking down child abuse imagery.
I talk about these issues on my show. I'm a guy who was beaten and exploited as a child. I want to protect children, and no, I'm not going to be "nice" about it.But not being "nice" isn't "harm". It's not "incitement." It's not "violence." What a Christmas present it would be for someone, anyone, in your company to treat me fairly and like a regular human.
I wish you Merry Christmas.
Josh Slocum"
Cross-posted. Of all the vile slander possible, calling love for children "hate" and "incitement to violence" is pretty damn vile.
I tried