The more that feminists complain about “womanface,” the more I think they deserve Dylan Mulvaney.
If you don’t know Dylan, he’s the obnoxious narcissistic young gay man making a fortune pretending to be a “girl” and is currently ruining the brand prospects of products he’s repping such as Bud Light.
The complaint from feminists:
”He’s wearing WOMANface!”
We are supposed to feel the same emotional jolt at that phrase as the one we get when hearing “blackface.” I have two complaints with this. I wonder which one my readers will find more problematic?
1. Women are not born with thick black eyeliner, false lashes, overdrawn lips, “countouring” makeup, lace-front wigs, pre-installed high heels, or falsies.
These are not features of womanhood that are comparable to the actual, physical, black skin being aped by those who wear blackface.
Feminists have long complained about “the patriarchy” “imposing” these sartorial requirements on them. Now they want to claim that’s actually what women’s faces look like?
Also: It’s women who impose these standards on each other to compete with other females. Heterosexual men think the thick-paint look is trashy and ridiculous because it is.
Here’s the real motivation: brand competition. The feminists are angry that makeup men are displacing them on their high rung of the cultural totem pole. They, feminists, need to be seen as constant victims.
This has nothing to do with genuine outrage about genuinely awful aspects of transgender ideology (and those are legion). It’s petty competition and damsel-in-distressing.
2. Blackface has been emotionally super-saturated and inflated into something far worse that it actually is. For the same narcissistic/brand-competition, I’m-the-opressed-est reasons that feminists bellyache about drag.
No black American has lost a movie role at MGM to a white guy in lamp-black for more than 70 years. There haven’t been traveling minstrel shows for even longer.
”Blackface” is, at worst, rude or insensitive.
Stop jumping in emotionally sympathetic horror at these two fake “oppressions.”
Or, at least, stop expecting other people to perform outrage along with you.
There are serious, real-world consequences of actual bigotry, abuse, and boundary-breaking.
These are not it. But they are excellent revealers of the shallow narcissistic motivation behind what pass in 2023 as “liberation” movements.
As a woman... yes, I am starting my sentence this way... I am annoyed by Dylan. I find it infuriating that he is gaining so much attention and money with his stupid act of “girlhood”. I find the political and corporate set ups that allow for him to be successful this way appalling and dangerous for our kids. We need to be outraged where it is important: when kids are hurt and laws are changed for the worst.
This is where my outrage with this gay man ends: Dylan = annoying. He does not impact how I present and he does not speak for me as a woman. At best it is an stupid skid that went way outside the boundaries of SNL and will eventually end. A bubble yo burst when he or others will get bored with it.
Dylan is a symptom not the cause. He is not even the offense, but just a looking glass to where our society is at.
I have never thought that the term "Womanface" was literally about the ridiculous makeup that so many men who attempt to masquerade as women or worse, "gurls" like Dylan Mulvaney so often wear as a component of their minstrelsy. And make no mistake - it is a form of minstrelsy.
I've always been under the distinct impression that the term is in reference to the offensive array of condescending, regressive and outright mockery these men engage in as the bulk of their LARP.
Further, I believe that the term is also deployed in reference to the fact that these men apparently believe that our womanhood boils down to the experience of possessing a crude pharmaceutical derived simulacrum of the body parts possessed by women. That because they have grown some extra moob tissue and perhaps extra padding around the hips and buttocks they are suddenly and unequivocally a "laydee". They try to deny it, resorting to DARVO by accusing women who point out that we are women precisely because we were born female of "bioessentialism", yet are very quick to tell on themselves by asserting that the presence of gynecomastia from exogenous estrogen dosage is "proof" of some kind of "womanhood".
Lastly, it's not feminists who are gender critical going around revelling in some feeling of "oppression", at least not that I have observed. Again - that seems to be the province of trans-identifying males and is part and parcel of their BDSM related forced feminization kink. It's right at the core of what turns the vast majority of them on about their attempt at forcing the rest of us to perceive and treat them "as a woman".