The situation of the Olympic boxer who I believe is a man, who clobbered a woman on live television at the Olympics, is disturbing to me, but there’s something worse: the way we’re being lied to and told we’re crazy, no matter what our personal beliefs may be about Imane’ s sex.
It is important to note that Imane does indeed have XY chromosomes. This is an established fact that you may confirm for yourself. Even Google News will give you stories that admit this.
All of us are being abused, and I think this is a bellwether moment that is screaming danger. We need to heed it.
I have more to say on this because I wanted to clarify my prior post on this.
It doesn't matter what I think about Imane K, the Algerian boxer who clobbered a woman. It doesn't matter what you think.
Here's what matters: We are being gaslit, lied to at psychopathic scale, and it's scaring the hell out of me. It should scare the bejesus out of you.
Whether he's a man in every way, a man with a disorder of sexual development, or even a woman (so unlikely as to be comical), look at what's being done to us.
We can all see that, to the naked eye, Imane looks just like any man.
A young, strong man. Please, stay with me, even if you're angry.
He has a male brow ridge.
Male cheekbones.
Male deep-set eyes.
A man's jaw.
He has a man's skeleton.
The male shoulders are obvious.
The straight, male hips are obvious.
The lack of breasts is obvious.
Everyone can see this, even those who believe he's a woman. Even if you think he’s a woman, or even if you find my reaction distasteful and feel like you need to defend Imane, you at least know privately to yourself that it's reasonable to look at this person and say "man," because you know that you did yourself.
Because we're humans, we have senses, and sex detection is normal. You see what I see, though you be woke and I be not, for example. (Yes, I know that you don’t have to be woke to see it differently from me).
If we can agree on that, notice what we're being told by the media, the Olympics, and almost everyone:
"You're crazy. You don't see what you think you see. Women look like this.
The problem is you personally. There's something weird about you that sets you apart from others, and it's something that makes you immoral and suspect.
Stop saying what you see. You don't see it. Are you sure you took your medicine this morning? "
That's what "respectable" media and institutions are doing to us.
My brother and sister and I grew up in a household that was run this way. This is exactly the kind of psychological distortion and abuse our mother used to break us. It was a horror of a childhood and it left all of us damaged and scarred.
This is behavior that comes from Cluster B personality disorders. Excess narcissism, Machiavellianism, sadism. These are severe, dangerous mental pathologies. Cluster B is what animates the domestic abuser, the child abuser, the rapist. Psychopaths are Cluster Bs.
I sound so strident because I know what's happening, I can see it, I've lived the consequences of how dangerous it is, and I know I'm right.
Yeah, I know how that sounds, and I can't help it. But I do know what I know, and millions of others who grew up like me know it, too.
Please notice how you're being psychologically abused and manipulated. Please remember your self-respect, and develop that righteous anger that is appropriate when someone abuses you this way. Don't accept it. No matter where you are politically, even if you think Imane is a woman, you do know that no one is crazy for looking at Imane and seeing a man.
But our "betters" are willing to go this far, to act psychopathically, to convince us that we're the insane and unstable ones. This is the war that personality-disordered parents wage on their children. It is the war that cutthroat CEOs wage on their underlings. It's the war that the most virulent Cluster Bs in political history have waged against their own people at the cost of hundreds of millions of lives. We have to protect ourselves. We have to reverse this. Our lives might depend on it.