We’re going live, actually live, tonight between 9 and 10 pm Eastern. The ambiguity is because this is the first night from the newly built studio, which we’re going to show you instead of sticking me in front of the video screen like normal.
This show goes *hard* on what’s happening in Los Angeles, in California, and in America. Get ready for fire and brimstone.
Then we’ll cap it off with Potpourri du Moquerie and make fun of the ungodly retardation of everyone.
Pick your poison:
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I won’t be watching your live comments come in as I have to concentrate on the topics, but come join the live chat on both platforms!
Feel free to go hard on what’s going on in SoCal (although I’m in NorCal, we had our turn with raging fires a few years back). If YT acts up for you I’ll go on Rumble . No worry about not reading my comments on the livestream,I’m too upset for words anyway.
Nice studio. Great show.