The first episode is out. This is part 1 of a two-part episode.
Enjoy a conversation with evolutionary biologist Heather Heying, co-author (with Bret Weinstein) of A Hunter Gatherer’s Guide to the 21st Century.
We discuss being an evolved organism, which means—gasp—that we have evolved sex-specific psychology, not just sex-specific appendages.
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Really enjoyed the listen. I've been following Heather and Bret for several years. Their evolution from deep-seated liberals, near progressives to moderate classical liberal-conservatives has been a pleasure to observe. Their Darkhorse content is like what I imagine their university courses were like - they haven't given up teaching by any stretch, but perhaps their students are of an even better caliber than the average student at Evergreen.
I couldn’t help but notice you almost instantly asked Dr. Heying for confirmation on whether you were pronouncing Dr. Weinstein’s last name correctly. That’s some top-notch professionalism there!