There's a scene in The Exorcist that captures what it feels like to live in an unreal world where people refuse to see the truth even when they've actually seen it with their own eyes.
Ellen Burstyn's character Chris MacNeil portrays the frustration of the disbelieved, the lonely despair of being the one person who acknowledges the horrible reality that everyone can see, but that everyone else is pretending is something other than it is.
For those who aren’t familiar with the movie, yes, it’s that one “about the possessed girl.” But the film is much deeper than the glib idea that it’s a “scary movie about a demon.” The tone is nothing like modern sassy, self-conscious “horror films.” There is no Millennial insouciance, no Gen X “irony.” It’s told straight, and the reason the movie scares so badly is because it seems real. You believe this could be happening in the house next door to you, right here in the real world.
The film has obvious themes of good and evil, the Godly and the Satanic. Running underneath all of those are contemplations of what it means to be human, how humans create their own hell, the dissolution of the stable family, and the modern condition of being spiritually lost in an ever baser mundane society.
There’s a quieter scene with no special effects that, for me, is the heart of the story. Chris MacNeil is a Hollywood actress whose 12-year-old daughter, Regan, is possessed by the devil. Regan is confined to a bedroom in a Georgetown townhouse because “she” is destructive to herself and others, and no doctors can figure out what’s wrong with her.
Chris takes her to a hospital for every invasive test imaginable. She gets scanned, spinal-tapped, and more. The doctors keep pushing Chris to accept that it’s epilepsy that’s causing her daughter’s skin to rot, her voice to deepen and spew obscenities, that epilepsy compelled her to bloody her own vagina by violently masturbating with a crucifix.
Chris can’t take it anymore. She’s exhausted, scared out of her mind, and utterly alone. Nothing that’s going on with her daughter is normal, and the most educated doctors in the world don’t know what they’re talking about and won’t admit they’re up against something bigger than them.
It culminates in a scene between Chris and the doctors.
Dr Klein: We still think the temporal lobe...
Chris: What are you talking about for Christ sake! Did you see her or not? She's acting like she’s fucking out of her mind psychotic or a split personality or...
So many of us tried to tell everyone what was wrong with trans. On every level. People have been trying to wake the public up for years.
This is Angela Carini, an Italian boxer competing in the Olympics. She’s on the floor in despair after having been punched so hard she forfeited the match.
She was punched by a man. A man who calls himself a woman. Everyone knows it’s not true. The Olympics knows. The media knows. The sports teams know.
Did you see him or not?
Many of us have seen him all along. Those who have seen the truth for years have been told they're bigots, that they're lying, that they're overly emotional, that they're wicked, that they're causing "trans women" to be killed by pointing out that sex is real. For pointing out that sex matters, and that pretending it doesn’t is mental poison and an invitation to physical danger.
It wasn't enough. "Laurel" Hubbard taking women's weightlifting medals wasn't enough, even when everyone could see that fat obvious man and his genitals in his singlet. They acted like they couldn't see it.
Now, a woman has been beaten by a man in front of the world in the Olympics, and had to forfeit her life's work.
It still won't be enough. I think we're so far gone nothing real matters anymore.
But I see it. And I know you see it too.
I'm making this comment in many places today, that are talking about this deranged activism in the olympics and the larger sports world.
You will understand this Josh, because the mechanism applies across the boards (all ideological battles). You do not defeat the f'ing batshit crazy ideology/agenda by participating in it, even if your against it. Gays who are against the queer/trans/pedo pride evolution cannot fight and defeat it, by marching in the parades. You opt out and then protest. Marching with them, gives them credibility and legitimacy - while destroying your own position.
"The equation is simple. It will stop when the women refuse to compete along side these mentally deranged, opportunistic perverts.
Now I know the argument has been/will be “that’s not fair’. No it is not, however, fairness doesn’t play into stopping this. When women compete with and beside these men, they legitimize the men being there. Even more so when the women on the winning team - accept the victories of the man, that put their team on the podium.
College athletes are starting to understands this concept of delegitimizing this gender hustle/lie by opting out and it’s working.
Do this on a mass scale and this trans idiocy, in sports, will die on the vine. Otherwise, it’s just spinning of wheels and grousing about a situation women should not have to deal with, but one they continue to put themselves in. You don’t have to wait for a death or two, or regulators to stop this.
Walk away today and start the process and protests."
The "wokes" don't care, and I don't think there's anything that can make them care ... too many of them hate athletes.
When I was in a deeply "woke" MFA program, I was hired to TA a comics writing class by a queer female professor (because she liked my work). During one of the first classes, she pointed to a row of boys sitting near the back and told me not to give them that much time or attention. "They're on the rugby team", she said, "They don't care about this class."
I told her that I was on two dodgeball teams and two ice hockey teams and she hired me to be her TA, and I wasn't going to ignore students for being *athletes*. She looked at me with DIGUST.
This is a pattern I've noticed among many of the "creative" "woke" types at least. Complete contempt for athletes, especially those in team sports. A tendency to vilify them.
They might see Angela Carini (and others like her) but they'll never see her as someone worth caring about.