We are in a full culture war. We are not in a “war-like scenario.”
We are actually in a war.
What are the contours of this war?
Progressives/leftists/Democrats own the national media. This partnership spews out lies every day about everything. January 6. Unemployment. Vaccine effectiveness. Whether conservatives should even be allowed to vote or exist.
States around the country, including Vermont and Minnesota, are mooting evil and un-Constitutional laws that will allow parents to legally abduct children and medically rape them. Oh, you haven’t heard?
That’s what chemical and physical castration of “transgender” children is.
Medical rape.
A permanent, life-long medical rape. At the hands of evil doctors, and, almost always, at the hands of their mothers.This insanity has become so normalized that I have to sit here at my keyboard, explaining to people that it’s insane.
Do you have any idea how bad that is?
Black Americans have declared open season on white people. Anti-white racism is now completely normalized. I am seeing actual job ads that say—-not imply, say—-that they will only consider black applicants. Or trans applicants. Or “queer” applicants. Or women applicants.
Do you know, and did you ever know, how long that has been illegal under federal law?
This is war.
That’s the first and most basic concept that milquetoast centrists and fed-up liberals won’t accept. It’s what’s making them fight against “their own side.”
Today, yet another prominent critic of transgender ideology has performed a public departure from a conservative organization. Christina Buttons has quit her job at the Daily Wire. They’re “mean”, she says, citing the feelings she has about the trans people she loves.
In other words, “Matt Walsh was mean to deranged trans influencer Dylan Mulvaney who is encouraging kids to trans and it hurts my feelings about my super great trans friends, so I’m out.”
Not content to announce this on Substack, Buttons took to Twitter, too. Using the “more in sorrow than anger” approach, Buttons seemed to be offering a helpful critique to conservative commentator Matt Walsh:
To treat this most charitably, I would say that Buttons is strongly misled. She believes, incorrectly, that:
Matt Walsh’s goals are to “persuade” people on the left.
He has explicitly stated that that is not his goal. His goal is to rally the troops.
You cannot reason with people who need an explanation of why it’s bad to medically rape children.
You can only control and corral them.Her soft approach—shading the truth or dialing it down to sound palatable—will win this fight.
It will not. Euphemism, misdirection, lies, and straight up psychopathy controls this conversation about trans, and it’s literally mutilating children.
Right now as you read this.
It’s time to fight. As hard as necessary to stop these sons of bitches.
To treat it less charitably, Buttons’ moves appear cynical to me. They look like they follow the standard pattern of a liberal woman performing “empathy” in public while trying to make straightforward and uncompromising men look unhinged or ineffective.
It has been difficult for me to communicate clearly to people why this exercises me so much. Let me try again.
No. I do not believe that the people who take Buttons’ approach are helpful in any way right now. Wait. There’s a qualifier.
If this were 7 years ago, one might have been able to argue that “persuasion” should be tried before mockery.
One cannot argue that now.
The softly, softly approach has landed us here.
As a reminder of where we are: permanent lifelong medical rape of children endorsed by the world’s leading medical and pediatric organizations, all the mainstream media, the White House, and the Democratic Party.This does not mean that I don’t recognize that different approaches are often necessary, separately, and in concert, to solve a societal problem.
I do so recognize.
It is the “Buttons” side of this who fails to recognize that bold, direct masculine cries of NOT ON MY WATCH are also necessary.
I will stop with this line of public critique the moment that side stops lobbing grenades at mine to make men like Matt Walsh (and yes, me) look like they’re out of their heads.
But they will not stop (they never do), so I will not either.
Milquetoasts, you have had your day.
If you could have given an ounce of respect and acknowledgement to those of us who risked our reputations, our jobs, and our safety to wake people up in a way you were not willing to, things would be different.
But you didn’t, and they’re not.
Bravo! Yes, we need those on the front lines who are willing to take the hits, to charge into battle with everything they have. I support you fully. Those troops in the back can mop up behind you but without you we have no chance of saving our children. Again I say “Bravo!”
Can someone link to these jobs ads? I’d be interested to see them.